WoW is always going to be a thing in some form. We're going to have World of Warcraft 20 years into the future.
It's literally too fucking big to fail unless blizzard just chooses to shut down the servers. It's like RuneScape.
Leo Reyes
Incoming samefagging and namedropping in hopes to become relevant.
Tyler Adams
Has anyone seen my dad
Thomas Martinez
Xth for cute male Pandaren pvpers
We need moar of us btw
Male pandas Pvp Lore Self inserting Big universe Big world etc
Jordan Ross
Luke Morgan
>not at least putting a mustache to look like me I am a gay mustache panda you know!
Elijah Murphy
i miss that dad so much
William Thompson
Ralph how do I learn to be more like you? I'm depressed all the time and wow doesn't interest me as much anymore. You're always so cheerful and full of life. I wish I was friends with you or could at least play with you in game, or maybe even out of game if you came to the US
Landon Rogers
>gay handholding panda males
Camden Kelly
Currently, I am having an inch to play again. I doubt now is a good time to come back, but is the game even fun still or is everyone ERPing until Legion? I hope your day is going well, /wowg/.
Blake Perez
it's kind of bland atm, best that you wait for the pre-expansion event before resubbing hope your day's going well too
John Baker
Threadly reminder. This is a furry.
Adam Flores
Which missions are the "lucrative" tavern missions?
Benjamin Harris
And this is a werewolf
Liam Wilson
>i care about wow music
Jose Barnes
8 names my new femtroll
Dominic Richardson
>I shitpost on a chinese anime image board
Matthew Lewis
Levi Allen
Play male pandas and chat with fellow male panda players with common interests? Honestly all male panda players I met are rly nice and talkative
And yeah, wow can be boring if you aren't new and don't have ppl to play with, that is why I like big Banda pvp groups and playing with bear :3
And being cheerful and full of life is a fun thing to do, because it triggers dumb haters here and makes them mad which makes you technically be in control of their behaviour, which is kinda sad for humanity but fun for you.
And I am always up for playing with nice ppl.
Aka non banter fags who try to excuse being a terrible person by saying it is just banter bro xDDD
Levi Thompson
AYYYOOOOOO HOL THE FUK UP yells out zug-zug U BE SAYIN rapes draenei female THAT drinks demon blood WE worships guldan WUZ nukes theramore WARLORDS pours out a 40 for his homies broxigar and durotan AND SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET
Wyatt Phillips
Colton Peterson
Grayson Bell
I miss cataposting
Liam Robinson
Asher Perry
Thanks for the response, bud, and thanks for the happy wishes. You're great.
Nicholas Scott
>fat greek autistic screamer samefagging for attention
Aaron Lee
this pear so delicious
Dominic Martinez
>you will never give the dragon soul to him
Dominic Mitchell
>implying I would ever samefag expect for thinking a rly good comeback attack for me :P And never, I ve been here for 5 months ;^) More if you count muh Eu time
Blake Barnes
Would you guys still play if you kept all your achievements and items, but it was just a big button you pressed that said "YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD. KILL YOURSELF." with highscores for the most presses, and no other gameplay?
Bentley Lopez
TY for the filter pastebins. that fat degenerate is gone now.
Hunter Jenkins
yes, as long as it's still called world of warcraft
Bentley Reyes
How many man hours do you think were spent making orc nipples for the movie?
Brody Long
So cookie clicker? Yes
Carter Murphy
>guild is nothing but normies who talk about overshit and hearthstone during every moment of downtime during raids
Jonathan Baker
Don't forget a separate team for 3D conversion to make sure they really pop
Easton Johnson
20 gorillion at least, those are some pretty good looking nips.
Jaxson Hughes
That's basically the discord except replace dice roll sim with ASSFAGGOTS
Easton Cook
>people that actually play hearthstone It's the shittiest fucking game ever, unbelievable.
Xavier Jackson
Still here deary, you just made a fake safe sp ace
Dylan King
Rolling for what race to make my cute girl DK 1-2 Orc 3-4 Troll 5-6 Blood Elf 7-8 Goblin 9-0 Try again tomorrow
Gabriel Cook
Next One is on me!
Leo Rivera
David Evans
Brayden Rodriguez
Next one is on me
James Jenkins
John Fisher
Gonna create an alliance character to play with one of my friends that just came back, already decided to create a warrior since that's my favorite class, can't decide on a race however. Is human the best choice because of the racial?
Landon Murphy
>friend introduces me to hearthstone >play it for a week >tell him I don't like it >he asks why >"game is way too random, you literally have to pay to get good cards and get on higher ranks since you can't do shit with the basic card decks, game is just not fun for me and the strategic thought you have to put in it is nonexistent" >"that's just because you're bad at it"
Robert Adams
>implying orcs can be cute
Zachary Johnson
XTH for brown human girls in WoW!!!
Jaxson Miller
>hunter >love mobile ranged >love dots >hate melee >Legion
John Kelly
>chosing race because of racial abilities and not based on looks >probably min-maxing in every other rpg Fuck off.
Ryder Campbell
It looks so pretty :D
Btw, can i track stun/silence/fear/incap status as one thing or do i need to make a weakaura for everyone stun D:
James Perry
Looks is my primary concern, never played much alliance before so I don't know how good that racial really is. My main is a goblin warrior tank for fuck sake.
Dylan Phillips
You got something against cute orc girls user?
Anthony Jones
mm are getting explosive shots (and black arrow if you spec into it)
Jaxon Rivera
It's a must have on every high rank pvp player. Literally all people with high pvp ranking are playing humans. That's why you see so few horde players on the list.
Besides that racials aren't useful at all. Just pick what race looks the best for you. Female gnome with pink hair warrior is best imo.
Jaxon Ortiz
>finally finish my elemental runes legendary quest >get to the tomes, heard bad things about them >queue up and kill LFRchimonde >1 tome >tfw need 33 So then what are we looking at, 3 weeks if I do every boss?
Jordan Johnson
3 weeks is possible, but unlikely. It'll be 4 probably.
Ayden Edwards
>Playing Legion Beta >Warlocks
Are they serious with how underpowered they made this class? what the fuck
Eli Wood
t. LFR shitter
Dominic Jones
dat ass is making me think if you know what i mean lol
Jose Bennett
>001 Post the rest, also how do we know that's Lynris? Has no face.
David Morales
are we counting 22 days as 3 or 4 weeks because that's how long it took me on one character
Benjamin Jenkins
how many times are you guys going to see warcraft??
Noah Scott
1 time alone 1 time with my family 2 times with my friends and another 300 times when I buy the dvd
I love blizzard and am glad I'm allowed to support them!
Hudson Barnes
Landon Reed
>$0.25 blizzbucks have been added to your account!
Juan Lee
WOAH cute goat
Jordan Gutierrez
is there a tier list for best and shittiest artifact quest storyline?
Brayden Hughes
By weeks I actually meant resets. If you just started then you could be done in 3 weeks. Which would be 4 resets including the one we just had.
Jaxson Jenkins
oeki guys, i play in spain, only 1 realm and being alliance is good to play, but i like horde too, i like horde races more, cant decide, what do u guys think?
Christopher Ross
I want to rub that goat's horns and nibble the tip of her ears.
Jeremiah Bailey
Twice every weekend until it leaves theaters.
Ryan Rivera
I've seen things, man.
Have you ever started a human character, had someone named "TrannyGranny" come up to you and ask if you wanted to "Have a bit of fun" then start dancing?
Have you ever had someone then turn that person into a turkey?
Have you ever then made it through your starter quests and make it to Goldshire, only to then see the TrannyGranny turky start a march to Stormwind calling it "The Trump Train" using /yell to tell people that we need to build a wall to keep the Gnomes out of Stormwind?
I have, man. I have.
Don't start on Moonguard.
Aaron Lee
>I like horde more than alliance >should I pick horde or alliance?
David Collins
The original does.
Gavin Anderson
whats that? moonguard has degenerates? you dont say
Michael Anderson
Lucas Gray
What does your post have to do with the computer game World of Warcraft in its general /wowg/?
Eli Richardson
>when you're travelling in Outland and Chopin starts playing
still such a great feeling almost a decade later
Grayson Moore
sup yall
Angel Johnson
>nizbun will never fuck your wife as she cucks you and then becomes a better father figure to your wife's son more than you ever were
why even live?
Jordan Russell
>Goblins are STILL completely irrelevant in the lore
Easton Clark
it's ya boy
Charles Morris
the lazy peon
Ryder Jones
here comes dat femgob!!!
Thomas Powell
Christopher Gray
t. reddit
Alexander Richardson
didn't they forge deathwings armor or something
Tyler Wood
Mage or priest? For a male dwarf
Dylan Gutierrez
>tfw Nizbun will never cuck you and make your wife pregnant >your wife's son will never be younger than the relationship itself >nizbun will never be the true father of your wife's son
Cooper Perez
Anthony Stewart
and today i wanted to talk to you guys about
Cooper Perez
Do you think goblin skin feels like human skin or it's scaly