World of Warships Admiral /wowsg/

Lewd Fletcher Edition

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1nd for

2st for qualityposting

3rd for ded botes

love this meme tier

Wee armored boobs
These japans are truly extraordinary

6st for ded weebshit and ded weebs


I dont get it, DDs werent involved in her demise at all.

>1: Sail Locker

Why does a steam turbine ship have a locker for sails?

8th for Admiral Hipper is a Gud Bote

>The Tennessee class was a class of battleships of the United States Navy. The class comprised two ships: Tennessee and California. They were modified versions of the New Mexico class featuring improved underwater armor for better torpedo protection and 30-degree elevation on their main batteries, as opposed to 15 degrees for the New Mexicos.

That must mean they have great range, right? WHEN

It's because baBBies can't deal with them

>wyoming is good

Compreme a Tirpitz por favor senor

>tfw sold her because 5.6 didnt fix her fucked up turret arcs and that was the only thing keeping me from liking her

>Then 5.6.1 rolls out days later

she looks the same

its okay can buy her back eventually

Isn't Chain that guy from ages ago who accidentally sold his Iowa?

no, that was someone else.

chain is a girl

>Play Shokaku
>Give up on doing anything for the first 10 minutes.

I don't believe you.

i, chain_chomp, can confirm this

buy me an indy and I will show tits

autismati are you a boy or a girl?

Gun or torp mods for Farragut?

It works perfectly and looks good now.
I got her all the upgrades and modules and i'll keep her despite having a Roon.

Is the Warspite really that bad? I mean I love my BB's but what could be so bad about it?

Or should I just get Indy?

>Buying premium ships
>Buying anything WG related
>Buying anything

how has this game come along, played in beta but didn't know if the population would stay


I'll buy you one too. Don't worry.

Jap DDs and American DDs switched places in usefulness.
CVs are kill.
Russian tech tree is a thing and both cruisers and destroyers are excellent, as predicted.

Kriegsmarine reporting in




that was Wave.

It was hilarious.

Too similar to NoCar ))

No, it's really not that bad.
It's just got dodgy armor, the range and speed are mediocre and the turret traverse is close to the worst in the game, outside of that the guns are really good, it turns well, and has decent enough AA.
I enjoy mine quite a bit, but if I could go back I probably wouldn't have bought it for the price I did.

>NA is getting 40% T10 repair cost reduction
>meanwhile SEA still doesn't even have the fucking 25% that everyone else gets

summoning chain_chomp

>He fell for the iSHITsushi meme

>Prior to this testing period, it could be tough to repair high-tier ships, which may have made them less enjoyable to play. But now we're reducing the repair costs by approximately 40% at tier X, and 25% at tiers VII-IX. Captain your favorite high-tier ships more frequently!

Stats-kun, are you there? Did you get enough useful information from the previous thread?

Whoever wants to answer is still welcome to. The current sample size is not particularly large but that's fine. Making gross overgeneralizations based off of an underpowered study is what makes statistics fun, after all.

That's the price you hafta pay for being gud.

>enemy cruiser 12km away
>the farragut and colorado next to me fire at him nonstop for like 3 minutes and only hit him 2 or 3 times

>only for June
>won't even have Izumo until at least a week from now, let alone have my Hotel this month


you'll probably get another similar event afterwards anyway

It better be permanent, if people were less afraid of repair bills maybe the high tier meta wouldn't be so cancerous.


buy me tachibana :^)

>maybe the high tier meta wouldn't be so cancerous.
I don't think the people who make the meta so cancerous would actually notice consciously.

When you're losing dosh on 120k+ damage victories with all the credit bonuses possible just because you lost only half of your health, it's sure as hell going to be putting some people off being too aggressive.
Even if it's not all, just getting some people more willing to risk scratching their paint would be a start. Not to mention the fact that top tier MM in general is pretty shitty because there's just not that many people there, which is why games keep ending up with something like an Iowa v Yamato as their team's top tier BBs.

Is a Gun Shimakaze/Ghetto Khabarovsk setup viable? I'm tempted. It's not like the ship isn't at the bottom of the dog pile as is, and with the range extension mod it should definitely be enough to stealth fire.

It's really not about the costs in the end. What ruins T10 is the increased range of everything. You have to stay longer through enemy fire to make a push. Even with the increased health pools, it's not enough.

Reduced repair costs help, but it's only treating a symptom, not the illness. If you pasted T8 stats on all the T10 ships, the tier would suddenly be playable, maybe even fun.

If you pasted the T8 stats on the T10 ships it would remove half of the reason that people play it. People like the bigger numbers.
Only some of the bigger numbers are worse for the game than others, like ranges on guns and previously torpedoes, and fire chances in some cases.

It's just an example. Of course it'd have to be done more throughly.

There'd have to be an increase in damage output and health, but less extreme than it is now.

Range needs to stay at T8 levels. Anything more than 21km is pointless and just justifies terrible practices and stale gameplay. And while at it, reduce the speed on Yamato's shells. I don't know the muzzle values, but they do travel very fast, even faster than what the numbers suggest. This makes cruiser dodging much more difficult than in previous tiers, and it wouldn't be necessary if she didn't have 26km range..

For Iowa Upgrades: Accurancy,Reload or AA?

you can already buff the AA in a bunch of other ways

Your fault for not waiting you impatient fuck.


But not too similar that it can't become a T8 prem BB))))))

You're of genius Boris!

>it's a "DD chases enemy carrier around the whole map, watches teammates die and contributes nothing" episode

Ive come to a realization

I will have to use the Izumo for the bulk of my hotel grinding

I thought i could just use the PP flags i bought and play fun ships to get the Yamato

But after so many games and only amassing 30k free xp, i see that i need to bite the bullet and play the Izumo

I can only hope that there are people on NA that are grinding T9s or willing to help me in this endeavor

I am also grinding the Izumo. Do you want to suffer with me for the next few weeks?

So do we have any ideas regarding stars needed per rank this go around or what the safe levels are?

Want an even better episode?
>DD closes in on the carrier
>Uses only torpedos and fails miserably with each try
>Refuses to use guns

oh, that mighty dd, she could save those dying teammates all


Sure. Although i might be spending a lot of my time in ranked for the next couple of weeks


>DD chases carrier because "I can't hunt DDs and BB/CA will kill me"
>DD accomplishes nothing while teammates die to enemy destroyers lurking around corners
>said DD chasing the carrier dies because he's blue lining near enemy's spawn point because of no map awareness

Want something even worse?
>He proceeds to have a better score doing almost nothing
>DDs get such a high exp/credit multiplier that they can do barely anything and beat most people in score.

You know whats worse? A CV that can only shoot down 4 planes and only beats a dd that died first.

guess the server

Well it's not Arabic so EU is out.

The Eastern Oriental


Offering rank 10>1 services. Low price of 12500 dubloons or 10k if you have a hiryu.

t. Not Wave :^)

Is there a reason to play US CV's?

Fighter bullying japs. That's about it.


waiting for fucking what

>see who's on my team
Fucking lost game )))

There's a guy called ADM_mongoose on NA and he's pree shit too ;_;


Stop it you'll trigger Lunatic :-(


Just use your armor.

Holy fucking shit this game sucks shit especially at weekends.


Prove me wrong

You're wrong.

I'm giving it all she's got, captain!

In that case try WASD, that's a good trick.

For snsd

21 stars kek

CAsuals, to work at their maximum potential need very good map/situational awareness and good use of covering and angling.
While an average baBBie who ignores most of that can still do better than an equally skilled CAsual and just needs to click at distant targets who can barely react if they're slighty competent and not involved in other fights.
A "good" click from a baBBie still deals more damage than a couple of salvos, even if you're angled, not to mention all the times you get citpenned through the stern.

Since the new AA buffs, CVnts need to work a lot to kill non-retarded players who cover each others, baDDies instead are the easiest class to play as they mostly just have to cap with their invisibility cloak and rarely fight other DDs which are the only real counter to them.
The rest of the time is spent clicking a white sector from 10 kilometers, safe and unseen and occasionally shooting their flamethrowers from white clouds.

Anyone else not able to load port or battles with a crash after a while?