Final Fantasy General CCI - /ffg/

Four Job Fiesta Soon Edition

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/ffg/'s RK FAQ:

>FF X/X-2 HD Remaster released on Steam May 12, 2016

>FF Explorers
Discord room:

>FFIX released on PC & smartphones

/ffg/ has a linkshell on Asura: "FearTheVoid"!
FFXI May Update:

>FFXIV (3.3) on June 7th

>FF Brave Exvius

>Other game information

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1st for Rydia

Enough for tonight.
I will beat disc one before the weekend ends.

Also I am probably going to switch Yuffie with Cid now. Mainly because he is using the Dragoon Lance, and I gave Fang that lance in XIII.

Also subtract like 5 or more hours from the time played. I afk a lot.

I am really glad I decided to try and get into Final Fantasy.

If anybody needs Mitigation + Hastega for Lapis Lazerli(As opposed to Shout), I have Divine Protection set up with FF7 Synergy.


Glad you like it

>ditching yuffie
rude desu

Hey man, I have to have at least 1 male on my team.

>Get Yuffie's instant attack in one dungeon
>Still haven't gotten fucking Tyro's free SB charge and I've had him broken through for weeks now
I just want to finally boot this shithead from my party.

Why is Buttz such a pimp?

>1 month to buy accessories

Neat, is there any priority list on what's best? I imagine elemental resist stuff is probably the biggest deal

Luckiest protag in the series. 3 Princesses that all wanted to try out his job crystal.



Too bad this game suuuucks.


And all of them wound up marrying someone else.

That's not true, their actual futures are left ambiguous. All we know is Bartz has a daughter.

Oh shit! Which of the princesses did he knock up?

I bet it was Krile

Actually, we meet the descendants of all of the heroes in the lame-ass sequel cartoon. They all went their separate ways.,

I actually meant great great great great great great granddaughter. It's hard to tell since it's been 200 years.

I'm pretty sure you only meet Lenna's descendant. And Linaly, of course.


>never could get into V
>eventually discover 4 job fiesta
>use random number generator to get my job for each crystal
>decide to try it
>legitimately enjoying it
>get further than I ever have in V, probably near the end of the game
>post about it on /ffg/ with screenshots
>some anons here criticize my run
>suggesting that I picked OP jobs to make it easy
>don't even know enough about the game to do that
>too autistic to keep playing, feel like I was playing some easy ass shitter mode because of the jobs I rolled
>this OP reminds me of that
tfw I will never beat V because I care too much what other people think/say


Sometimes the twitterbot blesses you with blue mage. Just roll with it.

>not ditching Tifa


>ditching tifa

>not dicking Tifa

Hassam & Linaly are Bartz's descendants
Queen Lenna is a descendant of or may actually be the same Lenna
Mid, Cid's Grandkid, comes back as a ghost

A Blue Mage, the Kingdom of Tycoon, Drakenvale, & the Solitary Island Temple all make an appearance.

There are also other references like Dragons, Exdeath, and the such. Chocobos also look distinctly like the featherless Amano Chocobos.

>queen lenna is a descendant of or may actually be the same Lenna
please no. That thing is an abomination and is hopefully in no way associated with the Lenna I know and love.

>Lenna inherited the DDD gene
>Faris inherited the B gene
Who's the real blood princess here and who's the orphan?

I remember this user. Please finish you're run. I was disappointed when you didn't.

>3 rounds with 5 mobs each in FFXI

Should've been 15 rounds with 1 single mob each, not just for accuracy but because that would've been too good for grinding record materia.

Lenna grew up on fatty royal food. Faris scraped by as a pirate since before puberty.

I'm confused. Doesn't FFXIV have its own music? Yet it doesn't get one in RK while the other realms use their respective world map themes or something similar.

For real? Do you remember what jobs were used in the run you're remembering?

I'm curious to know if it was actually me

>afking the new XI dungeons
>Hear a loud fwoosh ching noise
>Think nothing of it
>End of the battle
>Finally, after weeks of trying, Dr jewgle's teachings is unlocked

Wait, what version of ffv do we play for the fiesta?

>add an IX random drop Record Materia
>at the exact same time an IX event ends, so you have to use the core IX dungeons

or wait for the next event?

>Dr.Jewgle'a teaching
>sounds like you should have learned something from him about fighting
>you're actually just starting the fight with a full sb bar

Basically, his teaching is to cheat.


that's a long ways away

the idea is that Quina's RM boosts Support ability damage in time for the CPU Nightmare battle

I'm sure the 4 people who had quina level broken are really upset

tfw i did it because i saw a f2p mage party on the official strategy page because my own party couldn't beat steiner

It's been a while. I believe it was Blue Mage, Summoner, Ninja. And Chemist? It's been a while. I'm confident on the Blue Mage and Chemist

I'm playing the GBA version on my trusty old blue DS

Damn that might have been another user then.

My run had blue mage, summoner, ranger, and samurai

Found on /v/ a while back

How accurate is this?

I think I remember your run. Weren't people calling bullshit on the Samurai draw for the last pick? Is that what got you down?

Not very

Swap IV and XI and you're set

as far as /v/ goes, not bad tbqh

Samurai was probably the straw that broke the camel's back, but it was an ongoing thing for a lot of the run here and there.

Right from the start people were commenting on blue mage breaking the run and being "auto win" which to be honest I never even got to understand because blue mage seemed like a pretty weak job (and I learned my fair share of blue magic too). I simply didn't have the game knowledge to make it shine.

People made similar comments about ranger and summoner, and similarly they seemed pretty standard to me (albeit more impactful than blue mage)

Samurai I'd say is when people seemed to think I was "cheating" with my job 'choices' though and that did get to me more than it probably should have (as I was honest about it). And even samurai from what I experienced of it didn't seem overly powerful to the extent people were suggesting.

Honestly for a run that had the general opinion of "easy mode" I had my fair share of challenges with it, granted it was my first legitimate playthrough. Part of what got me down I'd say was people suggesting I wasn't be faithful to the 4-job-fiesta rules. The other part was people commenting on how much of a joke/easy playthrough it should have been and me not even wanting to beat the game with such an overpowered combination because to me it would be like beating FFVI by vanish/dooming every boss.


Made me laugh.
>FF2 in "Patrician"-tier.
>FF7 in "Normal people" tier rather than "Plebs" tier.

FFV needs to be in Patrician-Tier at the very least.

>Threadly reminder that Tifa a pure and Aerith a slut.

Four Job Fiesta doesn't really have an "Easy Mode". Every run has it's set of challenges. Blue Mage is best at the end because of White Wind spam. Vampire is strong too in a lot of cases. O found Ranger to be pretty underwhelming on my only run with one, though it did give my Monk Barrage/Rapid Fire which is fun.

Fuck what others think and finish out your run. Or play during the upcoming Fiesta. Either way, it's worth finishing and enjoying the adventure. That's the best thing about V. It never takes itself too seriously and is a fun adventure overall. V is my favorite FF aside from XI so I'm a bit biased

You sure you haven't got that backwards user-kun?

Ambuscade is pretty decent

This game had so much potential and the skill mutation system was great, but it's so damn easy and repetitive. I wish they made a sequel that didn't suck.

Pretty sure. Between the girl who followed one guy all the way to Midgar despite having a body that could get any man she wanted and the girl who started macking on Cloud the instant she found a private place to do so, I think I can tell which is which.

I wish I had that kind of mental fortitude. I'm not actually sure how close I was to finishing the run but I remember I had just finished the pyramid area with all the omega weapon type fuckers running around in that floor.

I might try again during the official four job fiesta. The enjoyment from discussing the run with other anons and being on equal footing could get me back on the horse. I definitely want to beat V at some point, its the only mainline game I haven't beaten.

Still haven't gotten a direct or decent answer out of /ffg/ so I wanted to know if it's a good idea to craft or hone Bahamut.

With Summon Magic Nightmare next month and for other things I wanted to know if it's worth honing this up.

>black 5
>monk 4
>no MC
>no relics
what in the name of fuck am I supposed to do with this thing?

if i tell you to go fuck yourself, would you do it?
if i tell you to hone bahamut, would you do it?

I give up.

look at it and write cute fanfic

Its a really strong AoE ability.

>strongest aoe ability in the game
>uses summon orbs that conflict with literally nothing (lol odin)
>really damn good at what it does (aoe magic damage)

>requires a summon 5 character
>inherently weaker on non-aoe encounters
>uses dark orbs that are quite useful for other abilities
>low uses, anything below R3 is not particularly useful for ultimate level content

If you have someone with access to summon 5 you can see holding a spot on your team in the future (decent SB, favorite character, etc.) its not a bad investment at all. If its just one of those things you want to craft because you can and use it from time to time, there are more practical options. If you're just looking at crafting it for summon nightmare for it, its not really needed (you can do it without, but it would help if you already had it).

I just beat it yesterday and I registered for this year's fiesta. I won't bitch about how you got easy mode or whatever because I just enjoy the experience of playing a game along with other people.

I hope you consider playing

I feel the same way. Seeing what others are getting for their teams and seeing struggles and overcoming some of the harder fights is fun.

Wait so its random for everyone? I thought the whole point was the overlords came up with something dubious to "stump" the competition and everyone had to use that team?

Why do people hate on FF8? I liked it a lot.

Naw, because at that point, they'd just say "3 Berserkers and a Geomancer. Good luck!"

When you tweet the bot, you get a random job depending on the ruleset you selected when registering. You can read more at

>want to sign up
>know I'll get berserker so what's the point

seriously fuck that fun ruining class

Honestly I get the feeling you'd be better off making 4* summons instead with those orbs. One Bahamut would make and hone a couple maduins

I honestly hope I get a Berserker this year. Mainly because I haven't had one before in the past 4 years I've done runs

JP Noel has:
White Magic 4, Combat 5, Celerity 4, Thief 4

>you will never take a berserker Lenna home with you and have wild sex with her
why even live?

>mfw I clear the stealth puzzle on Floor 60 in a single try.

Damn, that was tense. I usually screw up until they run out of dudes.

Pretty interesting skillset, but not having 5 in either Celerity or Thief kind of sucks.

Because you can rejoice in knowing you dodged an STD-laced bullet?

>implying the princess of Tycoon would sleep about like that

>tfw can't decide whether to pull for Noel and Serah or try for Lightning's BSB on banner 2


fuck off Jewgle

Is FF7 fun? That and FF9 were the only 2 I haven't played yet.
Everything after 10 is shit.

If you've been watching the raw playthrough someone's doing on here, it is. Don't spoil anything; even the "It was his sled" moment doesn't spoil much.

>XIV is still in Record Keeper
>XI is coming to it
It's not fucking fair bros.

>Everything after 10 is shit.

>mmos arent ff meme

Alright kid, what makes a final fantasy game final fantasy then?

no cuck fees

12 is shit, m8.

dumb frogposter

3 princesses and a childhood friend.

>Between the girl who followed one guy all the way to Midgar
Tifa went to Midgar before Cloud though, and it wasn't entirely by choice.

X is shit. XII, XIII and XIV are all better. Presumably XI too but I've never played that.

>X is shit
You're shit.

What's the big deal with this time of the year, anyway? Why don't people just do the runs themselves?
I'm just curious why people go through the trouble of "signing up" for something like this.