Humiliating noSM41-kun edition
>Is it p2w?
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:
/dbg/ Dirty Bomb
Fave gen 2 loadout?
dont have one
sm83 nader
hello where is the dirty bum
Kawaii~ :3
The good Bonez loadout.
>Humiliating noSM41-kun edition
>page 10 already
More like page 10 about 6 times in a 15 post thread.
I didn't really spot any in particular that warranted trading up again, but I like Nader's crotzni drilled+double time one.
I'd prefer spares to double time to be honest though.
Last thread died before bump limit.
>tfw this was the first thread I saw clicking on Veeky Forums
Kira a cute, a cute! :3
>Shuffle teams by skill
Dont you like shuffles? :3
Stoker - m55, T91
Arty - D43
Sawbonez - CR83
Red Eye - G41
Fragger - K63, B93
Rest of the ones I favor are from Gen 1.
I love them!
How much oxazepam can I take for tripping purposes?
She looks like she'd have pretty nice pussy hair.
Are you average yet /dbg/?
No, I'm still in shitter territory.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
shard CR43
because getting C72 would be ridiculous
Not what I wanted but the weapons are solid and perks aren't useless. Except maybe healing reach.
Nope, I'm still bad. However, I am training montaging my way up to 30%. I'm around 29.4 with most of my automatics. I've got the K121, MK46 and Blishlock at around 31, but the rest are struggling.
Turn off mouse acceleration and lower your sensitivity. You should be able to do a 180 turn and still be able to aim with one mouse swipe
>all those people having a good cobalt
>Here i am having my two CR73 in a row, losing 34k points and a cobalt for NOTHING in return
>get my face mashed in in a min 20
>feel like i'm becoming a shitter
This game fucking hates me.
RNG fucks me over and over with NO FUCKING RESPITE
It's off and I have my sens pretty low with that idea in mind. I'm not really sure how else to practice though. Even when I'm finally relaxed and on my best game, I can't really get past the 31-32% mark.
>complaining that your hat isn't as fancy
>not just rocking the best load out in bronze and playing for the gameplay instead of ebin drops
We ain't grinding Molten Core here, we're playing a middlepiece of a shooter in between Quake and CoD. Get twitch, son.
>get Twitch
>Rock the best bronze
Not good enough of a internet and i'm done with bronzes. I played enough with them, i now want my hat to be fancier
>in bronze
>not iron
looks way better, and only turboshitters need a third perk
>in iron
>not default
looks way better, and only turboshitters need perks
This card is pure sex.
>pure sex with a heavy burn victim pedophile
Since when is Stoker a pedo I missed this meme
That's the last Stoker card I want. S95 I think is better, but this card is good too. I love all the augments and I love the Beckhill.
>obsessed with giving little girls candy
"Ammo station! Like a candy store for hungry young guns." :^)
KAWAII ~~ !!
>implying he's just not an old posh kind grandfather.
I'm sure many pedophiles could be described that way if you ignore the whole truth.
Dan Schneider isn't kind, old, or posh.
You aren't either, yet here we are.
I think i have like 23% average.
How do you turn on your computer? Does it take 5 attempts?
I had a teacher.
Nah 30% overall but around 50% with semi automatic weapons aside from pistols. I could probably go up like 7% easy if I stopped spamming at corners or going for lucky long range headshots with my beloved smgs but where's the fun in that?
Just played with this nice fella.
Can we all agree that this kind of mentality will eventually kill this game?
Nah players not pressing E is worse.
How do those idiots expect to complete objectives if nobody is getting the triplekills for them?
>implying we can't do it by ourselves
just give the damn ammo and watch me
The idiot on the picture is clearly a retard who goes 0/31 to repair the EV.
I won't argue this point without knowing, so as far as i know you're right
>Can we all agree that this kind of mentality will eventually kill this game?
I been playing the 5 same maps since I started playing, the game is fun but isn't going to stay forever if devs do not improve it.
I'm finishing my Nader!
add fletcher
Post link when finished
Fuck off niggerlover
How many do I pop?
Don't risk it, just take them all.
I don't want to die yet, just gonna try how they work and if they cause a decent trip
I popped one for starters though
fucking nigger
Hello Sweden
I feel nothing, popping another
Ok I'm definitely feeling something now
Time seems to have slowed down and my movements are careful. My body feels heavier
Sparks never smiles
L-Lewd. Can't wait to see more. :^3
Third pill yes/no?
I'm staggering a little bit already
fuck it
im doing it
Dixu dont D:
lol xD
More like add Nader's wife, Proxy or Sparks.
I hope he's really doing it. Not because I genuinely want some autist to die, but because he probably won't go all the way and will end up in a psych ward for a few weeks, as he so obviously needs.
Are those your oestrogen pills you fucking tranny faggot?
After the third doze I'm still just feeling a little staggeredbut nothing major
Well, don't mix it with alcohol, you might die if you do that.
Fucking degenerates, they never take the redpill.
>shaved anorexic porn whore
Fuck that shit.
I'm feling tired now tae fourth? xD
Holy fuck my body feels heavy
I might pass out lol xd
Better take one more to keep you awake.
so last stream they said the next update is gonna be "major"
the fuck is it this time?
Ok boss you convinced me xd