League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rek'Sai is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

cock sizes?

xth for me

Zyra is not


a support

neither is morg


Megaist melons

xth for Blitzcrank, the most based champion in the game

Reposting because late night discussion.

Dynamic queue isn't a part of that though, that's more of a general thing.

I think Tear removes your mid game power, but that's just me. RoA into Morello if you can because every mage loves CDR, Mana, and AP.

Any 0 view bronze 5 streams like last time?

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

Draven best guy

hehe xd

Tomorrow like 10 pm Central



you can still report people for saying izi right


Post em

(I also have 1/2 tokens for Nidalee and Kalista)

So how'd I do /lolgen/?

I'm seriously considering getting Snowday Malz and maybe Highnoon Jhin? Academy Ekko is mad cheap but I'm not sure if I want to get into playing Ekko again. They're probably gonna ruin him mid in an attempt to fuck him elsewhere kek.

Just bought 2 champion shards and got Aurelion Sol and Heimerdinger, then rerolled heimer+nidalee+udyr into Pantheon which means I got my IP money back. Pretty good.

What's your experience with the champ shards?

>caring about what you get from them

They're meant to be used as fodder for blue essence

The only mildly good skin there is Highnoon Jhin. Marzipan Ekko is bad, Sandstorm is much better. It's easier to track your clone with it.

Not all people have all the champs, I played for 3 years and got only 30.


>losing to a Zed as lulu

They're meant as a way to get essence for people to reach mastery 6+. Makes no sense to buy them for rolling champs when you can just use IP to buy champs in the first place. Rerolling shards for champions is fine if you find them naturally in chests, but if you're going to spend IP for champions why not just buy the fucking champion?



>Lulu counters Zed

He just splitpushes 5ever and has 2 people follow him all game

>solo lane lulu


Yeah, you're right.

I had already 2 champ shards I wasn't planning on using so rerolling them into a permanent champ for 1.7k IP was a great idea.

Also, I can't believe people care about champion mastery at all. It's so lame and worthless.

>Zed ults ADC

>ult ADC

Boom zed useless

The people who care about it are the same kind of people who spam their mastery emote in lane.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


>Zed instead kills with his usual 50% hp execute QWE execute or gets away because Lulu does fuck all other than R

>solo lane lulu has the same game impact as support lulu but after soaking metric fuckton of gold and xp

Literally game losing.

What's good?

>Check My Shop
>first 3 are my top 3 played champs in order
>last 2 are champs I've been playing recently
>50 rp short for skin my 2nd most played

Not gonna get jewed into buying more rp, got popstar ahri for 292rp


It was gragas feeding zed + rengar over and over to be honest

He did not even do anything to fight rengar when I came to help in jungle and then zed came and cleaned up


my team was literally bronze while their team was gold

this is Turkey ratings
butt still the relative rankings still apply even if gold in Turkey is like silver or bronze in NA

stahhp lulu is great at solo lane

Definitely that Vi skin. The rest is up to your personal taste. I'd grab Panda Annie though.

But I already have every other skin of hers.

does anyone actually think that all of this complaining and protesting of dynamic q is going to get riot to go back to old soloq? i want soloq to come back personally and i won't be playing until it does so i'm hoping for the best but i know how big companies can get especially when they have a Status Quo to maintain and fucktard CEOs that put their personal pride before the company. i've seen empires collapse in the blink of an eye and i'm fully expecting Riot to implode before next year if nothing changes for the better.

Thery're both Mid/Supports. Very good ones too.

>tfw I got Poopstar Ahri in my first premium chest that you get

it's pretty good tbqh famalam

please tell me to go to sleep

I want to see Demacian Sion now.

Riot has literally trained the playerbase to defend their stupid and/or jewish decisions.

This kekold playerbase will have a "change of heart" soon.

go to bed

no. saty awake you nigger.

>want soloq to come back personally and i won't be playing until it does

It's... Never coming back

so you have the one with the good splash art that you only see for 30 sec before every game and the red one with the voice muffler.

But Neon Strike is the best ingame where you spend most of your time in.

>getting lag spikes thanks based ISP
>forced to spam featured game mode or risk jeopardizing my lane in ranked

Complete the set. I got 3 legacy skins in my shop that all completed skin sets for champions I play a lot. I got lucky for once.

Everything but the Voliburr skin

I can get goalkeeper blitz from shop sale

Is this skin rare?

that's fine. i'll just stop playing. i mean, is this what riot wants? people to stop playing?

fuck you

Should've flashed through the wall

I don't think I've ever seen it in like a thousand games of soloq
so probably?
All the pros seem to love using the footy skins every time they play those champions

Fair enough. What do I do with the 960 left over?
I never buy full price or sale skins, all this rp has been sitting around since the last personalized shop.

Yes it's legacy. You can check the wiki to see if a champ's skin is legacy or not.


part of me wants to be placed in bronze on this account when I reach 30

would I have reached it if I saved flash or would I have died even sooner

wait for the halloween skins

>i want to be like the pros
>i'll use the same skins they use because they're totally not walking advertisements for riot
>even though i'm bronze2

who are you quoting?
I was simply commenting they often use them

En. :-DDDD

i was pointing out your retarded logic

do you lack reading comprehension?
which bit exactly has retarded logic?
the first part was answering his question of its its rare/uncommon, the second part was simply commenting the skins are seen a lot during competitive games.

Why would riot want the football skins to be advertised, they're low cost and half of them are unavailable

>stop playing after almost a year
>decide to get back into it with friends
>want to start up a Fizz only main with the new queue system
>tfw now addicted to overwatch

What is bad about Jarvan?I remember him being very good in S1-S3.Did they nerf him or what?

Does Tank Chrono-nigga still work top? or should i just play him mid AP?

you better be addicted you paid for it

Nice. I got it for 192 rp

does doto have dynamic queue?

Yes. Many times.

Surprisingly, you can flash through really thick walls so you wouldn't have died if you flashed towards your turret..

>no one bans maokai
>people still banning shit like Swain
>my ranked games have literally become "Play Maokai/Poppy or Die"
>uninstall game
Never stopped playing a game even though I was winning before. This is boring as sin

but if I saved flash for flashing the wall rengar/zed would have a second or so more to use their skills earlier would I have survived that

yes and yes

5 man ekko comp will stomp 75% of comps

Iam like 90% sure I would have died either way

rengar would have jumped from the bush while I walked to get up to wall and probably hit the bola

>the are retarded goymin are falling for the shop discount jewry

pick trundle you asshat

why did riot nerf swifties?

Think of it this way. Even if you would've died before you could flash over the wall, you'd still have flash instead of dying and not having flash like you did.

Seeing how you unfortunately wasted your shield with gragas, your plan was to at least take zed with you and the turret would've finished him off because he would flash with you.

So? The moment you walked away from the bush enabled him to get the jump on you. I would've taken the risk to see if Rengar wouldn't bola me before I flash through the wall. I mean, he didn't even bother bola-ing you the last time he jumped you.

>even coming close to Poppy/maokais utility
Trundle is just another 1v1 me faggot champ that happens to be good 1v1ing tanks.

go reflect on how stupid your posts are and if you can't come up with the answer then yeah, stop playing.


what time will the weekend game mode be added?

Total Spent: 1700IP (For the final shard to DE into 670 essence needed)

I'm gonna make me some ART.

am i in the clear?

he was so good he got nothing but nerfs.
now hes yorick tier.

What are some skins Jhin and Illaoi could get? Obviously they're newer champs but it shouldn't be too long.

>Infested Illaoi, tentacles are more fleshy and Illaoi looks like something out of Zerg concept art
>Deep Prophet Illaoi, more ceremonial outfit with black tentacles
>Stalker Jhin, wears a balaclava with goggles and /k/ommando gear
>Hextech Jhin

Also mad there hasn't been another Pentakill set. I think it'd be pretty awesome with Talon, Darius, Malphite, Kalista, and Brand.

well I guess you do not need to farm creeps when you are farming derps

LIKE is this assassins
ignore objectives ignore farm kill champions
and still win

The meta used to revolve around Jarvan. Now it revolves around people who are really good at dodging J4's shit.

He's still fine, his shield is trash now but he's mostly just lacking a defined role. I think he's an alright jungler if they have immobile champs like Jhin or Gangplank.

is tear standard on lulu? i feel as though it's a weak item on her.

>reddit crying about how hard it is to play ADCs
>all they need to do is position

Since they removed all other mana regen items pretty much

I build either tear or morello or rod
usually tear since a lot of mana and the active is great in League of Burst

>want to play annie support
>team bans it because they dont want me playing her
>enemy gets soraka and wins
>get blamed for them getting soraka since i forced them to ban annie
>i was first pick

Isn't it used to make Archangel's? You'd want it for the constant mana/spellspam, I would think.

>all they need to do is position
more like download scripts