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/srg/ - serg
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reminder that pie is now and always has been our boi
That must've taken a lot of toilet paper.
----------------------======================IMPORTANT NEWS======================----------------------
A very special surprise is planned to be announced at NASA - DreamHack Montreal. Thanks to the support of the community, this HUGE announcement will revolutionize speedrunning just like how NASA has revolutionized live speedrun marathons. You will not be disappointed.
It's time to make speedrunning great again!
is it a bomb?
Prove you speedrun.
Post your splits.
It's new timing and category rules that will foamy bring every game to one catchall standard instead of the rules crafted by those with intimate knowledge of the game.
Prove you /srg/
Post your narcissa memes
What is "The Fear"?
close, but this isn't a bad idea either
is that caleb
post lewd croni
bomb would be better
Where's Sheepguy?
>good trannies
>bad trannies
There are no 'good' trannies you enablist faggot, fuck off.
+1 Noir to bad trannies
>best trannies
is being a blogging attention whore the criteria to get on the good trannies list?
unpassable madfag detected
If I wanted to titty skittles and be a tranny, I'd be the most fuckable tranny to ever exist
prove it
the dead ones
for fucks sake
give me 6 months
yo what the fuck???
*continues waiting patiently for a Bene spyro stream*
just post cute boy pictures. thats fine too
get in here, 47 pace, might see some waterworks if shit goes south
and it's gone
lol you posted a pace and then it died again funny how that always happens haha
i detect sarcasm
Why are there so many Trannies in Speedrunning even though they are less than 1% of the population of the US?
why did you spoiler?
they're probably less than 1% of the speedrunning population too, you're just hyper focused on them because you're weird.
why did you reply sarcastically?
get me off the list
Attention all neo nazis, anti semites, white nationalists and trump supporters.
what about headcrab and beneziaa
>good trannies
>good trannies
>bad trannies
>tfw didnt make the list
Isn't it just supposed to emulate ringing a bell?
Libcucks are absolutely retarded.
naming the jew is the worst insult you could make goyim.
to find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize...
the elderly when they're being obliviously racist?
no... i'd love to tell you but it would be considered hate speech
>Other Jewish writers have faced more serious attacks: death threats, anti-Semitic cartoons, images of concentration camp ovens and executed Jews, threatening emails, even home phone calls.
>anti-Semitic cartoons
I presume he is talking about Ben Garrison edits, which were started by a jew:
Imagine the scenes when grav finally pbs. Mad ting. It's gon be levels, it's gon be on a seperate ting. One time for all my jewish girls out in hackney
The veterans? The founding fathers?
don't push me i'm not saying it!
anyone want to be my bf?
>good trannies
looool, they're mentally ill freaks who can't even accept the most basic and evident truths about nature
tfw made the list
all real
fniure is on the run
stream monsters don't have a clue
looks like chibi's going to sgdq after all
current peeves
>kmac and cara both online at anytime means zelda rando
>dragondarch online now means zelda rando
>PJ is full time so stream sucks
>TMR 'i like it' sound for followers still louder than sub and donation alerts
>TheFinalSplit still literal who's
>no TSSB
>Chibi allowed to run a game he cheated and denied cheating in
>NASA was allowed to get frontpage while not giving a SHIT about production even though it represents US as a WHOLE (chibi reference)
I could probably go on but i'm exhausted by the amount of bullshit already allowed.
*Us as a collective
Get the quote right.
I was quoting chibi if you would bother to read my context brackets.
Exactly. You're forgiven. Why isn't anyone else posting?
I posted some bullshit meme magnet shit the other day, ran a bath, took a SHIT, had dinner, came back legit 2 hours 10 minutes later. And you know what? There i was, like a fuckin idiot, the last poster.
Nearly shot up the site.
if ima b real wit u niggas doe
Cran done change da muhphuqqin game, yo
1 2 4 5 0
sweden yes
but how's running your speedgame going?
lmao u guys are missing out on some gold
shut up you greasy mexican
>sergians baiting other, more retarded sergians
using glitches to save time is literally cheating. also you suck at video games lol. are you mad yet???
keep remaking this serg offshoot i can try some new shitpost ideas there
Allowing Chibi, a confirmed cheater, to submit times after being exposed as a cheater is pathetic.
Reminder to sit up straight
Is this a thread about sergals?
Reminder that posture is a jewish meme
Based fucking dime
Hey Slayer have you done some speedstuff for MHF2 since 2013?
i thought dime would be more handsome
Get back in the clocktower Grant, no route uses you
Allowing Squid, a confirmed grind monkey, to submit times after being exposed as a grind monkey is pathetic.
this is a dedicated bullying community. what makes it worse is it is against the socially disadvantaged, the people who are already down. shame on all of you
who /savingtheanimals/ here
if you can't take the heat get out of the earth
These are the final days for White people
Screencap this post
What would Trumps favourite speedrun be?