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brb smoke, pee, food, dog walk and my favorite tv show is on.
Dominic Phillips
>tfw fell for the Kinomeme
Henry Edwards
>muh kepa slapping kek
David Howard
originally wanted to do elememe warlock with this build but I changed my mind. Can I salvage this into something else?
Jason Hernandez
Fuckers dueling in cities should just kill themselves.
Adrian Murphy
No, they should just get rid of the multipliers. Leave everything else as is.
Wyatt Kelly
>10 energy bolt No, reroll.
Ayden Campbell
Nolan Price
No talking about cute boys in this thread.
No saying which boy you think is the cutest, no greentexting of what you did with any boys, no screenshots of you with any boy characters.
Chase Ramirez
>And what do you consider too fast? MMOs where you hit level cap in a week or 2. I get you don't want to take 5 years to reach max level but 5 days is too quick.
People blitz to level cap in EVERY mmo. Hell, the only games it doesn't happen in are games like BDO where they make a "soft" level cap that you can then grind endlessly to hit the hard cap.
Even still, most people won't hit cap in 2 weeks, let alone 5 days. And the ones who do aren't really the ones you base the leveling curve on because they have a ton of time to play.
Sebastian Cruz
I kissed a cute chronomancer!
Zachary Scott
If you Swell Body a jackpot mob does that make it drop double as well?
Jeremiah Hall
What do you mean salvage? Guess what you piece of shit, wiz 3 is a requirement for any damage dealing wiz. You don't know any other builds? You suck.
Jaxon Garcia
Why are you not asleep yet?
Eli Robinson
Yes. I've done it on multiple silver mobs. I might have some recorded.
Joshua Moore
Can anyone help me out? I'm considering if i should take Priest3, Ive heard stone skin is quite bad.
Camden Murphy
I dunno. I don't really have any reason to be up or to go to sleep.
Austin Gomez
Go sleep level 15. That's it.
It's better to go level 5 EB and have maxed sure spell and level 3 lethargy, but that's up to preference.
Jaxson Ward
I'm convinced, you're a discord UNU.
Ryder Walker
I don't know what an UNU is. I also don't use Discord, sorry.
Adrian Kelly
Someone was farming and a Cata just Trot+Rush everything on the map
Daniel Nelson
Quickly now! Open the world map!
Has it stopped lagging for you?
Evan Flores
Thanks for forever ruining my mobile page with this post.
Evan Barnes
I am legitimately sorry.
I am also not a faggot (I don't play cata) so I have deleted the post.
Luke Scott
Post your skill build so you can be told to go pardoner or not.
Samuel Williams
How do I subscribe to your blog again? I forgot my password on my Reddit account.
Jaxon Cook
Post update map please
Dylan Barnes
Do i need to take and/or max Firewall?
Kevin Hall
You just gotta browse these threads and ask me how my day was!
Nathaniel Phillips
Only if you went Pyro3
Charles Rodriguez
What stat is important for Monks. The outfit is to cute I can't resist rolling one.
Isaac Ward
No, it has a slight delay before it comes up
Christopher Williams
How was your day, Kusari?
How many men did you jack off in return for them agreeing to listen to you talk about Wugushi fixes?
Nathan Ward
i went Pyro 2, but i had put a point in it to see how the skill worked, does that 1 point matter or can i press on as is?
Oliver Scott
I do not know a Kusari, sorry!
Tyler Nguyen
How slight? I can spam it open and closed without freezing for 15 seconds.
Brandon Ward
Yeah right.
Julian Lopez
Any alt-oholics wanna post their lodge? I think I've begun to go down this rabbit-hole and just wanna take a look at what I'm in for.
Mason Davis
I went Pyro C2 and 10 firewall is not bad at all
Henry Gomez
Is that the empty reagent bottle? I got that a whole ago while questing and I do not recall having picked it up before. I do not really know what it is for.
Ryan Barnes
>tfw never progress pass C2 because scared people won't invite me to later content because my build choice might end up suboptimal
Chase Green
>mistake this person for Kusari >they're somehow even more annoying Nevermind, you can stop responding.
Benjamin Ramirez
whats with the weird interaction with firewall? It seems like every tile hits the full amount on small or something but it fizzles against M and L? Something about AOE ratio?
Levi Smith
Oh, you're right, it was just the first time opening it since logging in. It's fine any time after that. I assume because it loads the minimaps the first time.
Levi Sanders
Okay, sorry user!
Jack Mitchell
Toppest kek. Goddafugdammit user, how do you confuse a silly cat from someone else?
Leo Morris
Just make a cookie-cutter as main, and have fun with your alts!
Hunter Rogers
I don't know. One I'd actually hatefuck after she's cleaned herself up, the other just sounds like a whiny beta bitch boy.
Christopher Garcia
Aww, please be nice to me user. That is not very kind at all.
Christian Jones
Jose Long
>People rushing building Fletchers to world bossing only >kToS world boss changes come in You are going to waste time if you are making characters only good at one thing, the changes could be next patch too.
Joshua Foster
i wish it were that simple. Anytime anyone discusses a cookie-cutter build, it devolves into people screaming misinfo at each other and leaves me feeling confused and unsure.....
Liam Morris
>all of the rogue-playing tosg people quit except evergarden >nobody is around to warn anybody about rogues any more
David Young
For sorc/necro, about how much spr should I have? Don't I need a lot of spr to keep my summon up?
Henry Howard
Guys, is there really a zemyna statue in forest of prayer? I have the map on 100% and didn't see anything beside the teleport one.
Mason Thompson
Sorc SP drain is percent based so you dont get SP at all. Necro summons are a flat cost I believe.
Dylan Richardson
It's just white noise, just do your own thing. It's a cookie-cutter for a reason, and it'd be hard to fuck it up unless you're intent on doing so. Guess what, I fucked up mine but I'm not telling everyone. It still manages to do well despite it.
Sebastian Adams
>Cringey namefags
Kys or get a trip
Cameron Mitchell
>people actually play something else other than Wiz3Ele3Lock1 Why you gimp yourself?
Carter Rodriguez
i'm going hunter3 out of pure frustration that archerfags are moving en masse to fletcher
Jace Ward
>wiz3ele3lock1 can afk farm like necro/sorc fucking newfag
Eli Hall
They're good source of entertainment though in an otherwise fairly dead thread.
James Nelson
>any day now!
Connor Morales
Hunter C2 is fine as it is, get Scout and invisible rape people with your Velnigger
>waste They earn 1-2 mil every time they sleep user or 3-4 mil if they leave it for a bit longer. That's more than 2-3 hours of elememe grinding.
Connor Carter
Like neutrality right? Kim confirmed in his damage control post on forum kToS world boss changes are about to get implemented.
Alexander Roberts
Spoilers: They are the cause of dead threads because they treat this place like their discord inner circlejerk by killing discussion and putting off everyone else.
James Garcia
>sorc >afk/sleep farming ???
Leo Morales
>everyone must play exactly like I play because fun is objective and not subjective at all >this is the only way to enjoy pixels ebic
Elijah Robinson
Please do not lump me in with people who want to ruin the threads! I'll talk to anyone about anything, even you!
Levi Miller
>afk farm >"""""""playing""""""" uhmmm
Samuel Smith
it literally takes 2 seconds to make an autokey for the SP button
Kevin Wright
>he doesn't stop the afk farmers
Ryan Powell
I hear you. I ignore them from time to time, but this thread can be dead at times, I wanna engage them giving the attention they crave.
Adam James
>hello macro sp pot why do you think theres a sorc in every channel?
Jonathan Ross
Dylan Murphy
>literally botting Why not just make an auto attack cleric then? You're literally wasting time to be either a sub-optimal bot or a sub-optimal real character. Sad.
Luke Johnson
That's reportable. A Necro can't be reported, a Sorc that sets up an autohotkey to chug potions can and would be if IMC actually bothered to do anything about any reports in this game at all
Chase Flores
>that ping
Isaac Evans
Back to discord or filtered trip.
This place used to call people faggots at the first whiff of blogposting because it ends up to degenerate attention whoring. No wonder it is dead now.
Camden Bailey
Alexander Campbell
Put on a trip you big baby tired of hearing your crying.
Joseph Brooks
Even if you do not like me, there is no need to be mean, you know? We can get along!
Ayden Smith
The people who call them faggots have already moved on to other games, probably. This game just attracts "those crowds" if you catch my drift.
Hudson Butler
>my playstyle is the only playstyle :^)
Wyatt Cruz
>stockholders and investors are shittalking IMC lamo
Mason Flores
>no link yeah and nexon likes fucking babys and whilst riot likes sucking horse cock :^)