/emugen/ - Emulation General


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Quick question. Does PCSX2 have the ability to load custom textures. Curious if hd kingdom hearts is possilbe.


OP, your image is beautiful.

Video games are created only to die. Emulation will never be able to fully stem the rising tide.

In a few years you won't even be able to preserve software in a way that it can be used. We're entering an era of lockdown.

What the fuck are you niggers on about?

It's common knowledge that the Mega Drive version is a piss-poor platformer with its only true strengths being the sword and marginally better animation.


The fact that people are stupid enough (including you, probably) to rent their software in perpetuity instead of buying it, all in the name of convenience.

You dumb cunts threw your consumer rights straight out the 5th story window, screaming, head-first.

Oh, it looks like an ass blasted collector-fag from /vr/ managed to find his way here.

Shoo. Go back to your CRT circle jerk thread.

None of that was relevant to my post. Absolutely none.

uh. so will the new mednafen hardware mode gonna fix the perspective-texture related issues and/or jiggly 3d polygons?
or is it simply "lmao hd polygons but it's still shit"

And somehow your posts are relevant to this general? Emulation usually doesn't involve purchasing anything, you fucking moron. Not to mention most emulators are open-source and can be used on platforms other than Windows.

Eventually. We need to fix the remaining issues first.


The Genesis won. Get over it.

thanks whoever you are
medievil 2 without said issues would be perfect

What are the issues with Medievil 2? I've played some Medievil 1 yesterday and it looked mostly finie.

Anyone else think it's weird that SMW, the game shipped with the SNES has jaggies in the title screen and some of the graphics, even on native resolution? Other games manage to avoid this. Were they just new to the system?

SMW is thus TERRIBLE to judge crt shaders for, since jaggies are everywhere regardless of what you do.

There were relevant to a pre-existing post. Suck my cock.

Did the Genesis really have so few good games that you guys need to keep defending a sloppy multiplatform license title online nearly 23 years later just because it wasn't on the SNES? Sad fucking show, bud.

Why is Windows 10 currently the best system for emulation?

zsnes and Fusion have problems working on it.

Says the user who feels the need to shit on a game just because it was on of the few example of a genesis version being better than a SNES version.

Why would you need either of those?

I'm talking overall performance, including PCSX2 and Dolphin.

>"overclocking is bad" - Emugen, 2016


You could have brought up actual valid examples like Earthworm Jim or Mickey Mania where there's no question the Genesis did better, instead of pointing at Virgin's Aladdin which isn't even a good game.

Virgin were always a shovelware shit studio, and the closest they came to making something competent was with Lion King rather than Aladdin. You gotta be pretty fucking delusional to convince yourself otherwise, no disrespect intended.

Because MS is pushing it as hard as it can by making some performance enhancing features Windows 10-only.

Because it means idiot plebs need to move on from those emulators. Unless we get them emulating DOS to run zsnes. zsnes will die for Win11 at this rate. And we know damn well no one's ever going to make zsnes 2.0.

Like one guy said that, I don't think the majority of /emugen/ is against overclocking as a rule.

Who the fuck cares if shitty, inaccurate emulators aren't preserved?

I really enjoyed Aladdin on Mega Drive back then. Never played the SNES version though.

Overall the SNES has the best library, that's pretty obvious but I don't see why you're so adamant to shit on Aladdin. Is there such a thing as a retro console fanboy? The battle is over, there's nothing to shill anymore.

>Is there such a thing as a retro console fanboy?

You should browse /vr/ more often.

Should I though?

>Overall the SNES has the best library,

3/4 J-rpgs that no one over 10 can seriously play since the gameplay is so simple. The few space shooters it got were plagued with slowdowns. Lots of over rated ninty games that had better versions on the famicom.

Switching entirely to digital distribution is going to hurt preservation. You never own the game if you buy it like that (except when it's DRM-free but yeah), titles can get taken down anytime and there's nothing you can do about it. When "Trusted" Computing is going to hit you won't even be able to get rid of DRM so the game you bought will be useless outside your machine.

Oh so it's retarded SNES fanboy vs. retarded Mega Drive fanboy.

Nevermind then, sorry to have interrupted you.

There's no fanboyism to be found here, I just don't understand why MD/Genny owners gotta keep shilling that shit game online all the fucking time, but I guess it being the third most sold software on the console could have something to do with it. Lots of nostalgia to cloud judgement. FWIW I've played both games, maybe if some of you did the same we wouldn't be having these arguments all the time.

Not really. But as someone who browses the board nearly 24/7, I can assure you retro console fanboys are indeed a thing.

This so much.

It isn't shitposting any less this time around, faggot.

Played the games on multiple consoles. SNES, Genesis, Amiga, GBA.

The Capcom Aladdin game is shit. End of story.

Not really though, videogame streaming could hurt preservation massively but we're not there yet.

Old games often had DRM that forced you to use the physical CD in order to play the game, that didn't really stop preservation. I don't see how steam/whatever DRM is any different. You'll just have to emulate the steam calls. Most games have steam cracks already, the way we used to have no-CD cracks back then.

There's really nothing new under the sun as far as PC DRM is concerned, it's been the same shit for decades. I remember when I was in highschool in the early 2000's there was a new anti-piracy tool that was hailed as "unbreakable" like Denuvo today. I don't remember its name, I remember htat it caused issues with certain CD drives even for people who owned legit copies. It was eventually broken.


He thinks owning the shit you pay for is something only luddites do. Don't you know getting corporate dick shoved up your ass is THE FUTURE?

You people really are ridiculous.

Go spout your propaganda elsewhere.

>titles can get taken down anytime and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's why you back things up. You assume they will go down, and you make copies. There will always be some HDD somewhere with the game, which you can track down.

Let's say every time you launch the game, the server sends you some decryption key. If the game gets taken down, the server won't do this and you end up with useless encrypted files.

No, the DRM will be successful because your own computer won't even obey you where that shit is concerned; on account of the fact it is now a glorified home appliance. How many people do you know who can opt out of the NSA's automated vehicle tracking? Fucking no one, that's who; doing that would require a user-serviceable car with user-serviceable computer chips. How many do you know that have either (new, mind; none of that "why-my-grandad's-old-clunker-spent-a-year-in-pieces-on-his-lawn" routine)?

Spouting memes and calling it propaganda is not an intelligent response.

Oh it's that FUD again.

>games can never be decrypted ever for any reason

There's not a title that has been taken down that you can't redownload if you bought it prior to that, except nintendo ambassador shit unsurprisingly.

What memes were spouted?

>is not an intelligent response.
Neither was that tinfoil hat gibberish he posted.

My dad prolly put more effort into sucking his parish priest's flaccid old cock than you did your limp-dick post. Go drink on the couch and ponder where it all went wrong.

Until this point, every DRM scheme was only enforced by software, so you could always break it because you had access to the code. The future is in hardware DRM - read up on Intel's SGX, trusted computing, remote attestation, TPM and such.


>posts a picture of an ex-Friends star laughing
>t-that's not a meme!

Either you're blind, or your shitposting needs work, baka.

People were using "reaction images" way before 12-year-olds started calling everything on the internet a meme.

>thinking DRM has to be unbreakable
>thinking it can't just be extremely inconvenient

All they have to do is get the pool of people who'd go after the protection no matter how good it was small enough to conveniently arrest and prosecute without causing a scene; your draconian law enforcement will do the rest.

Yeah, your shitposting definitely needs work. You've resorted to weak one-line technicalities.

If I were wanting to emulate or easily play PlayStation 1 games, and had everything available which would be the most ideal choice?

I presently own a BVM, enabling me to use psp with PS1 eboots, if this is a good simple option for 240p, since I can use component 240p out, and games are simply plug and play (On the hardware side).
As I don't believe there are any ps1 flashcarts available, using the original console would be a less than ideal choice so the only remaining option is to simply emulate them on my oled, however if I were going to do this retroarch would be the most ideal correct?

Keeping in mind that I have never owned a playstation 1 before, so this would be my first foray into the world of ps1 emulation.

>Imagery from google

Nice meme

The best option for PS1 games on CRT without any improvements and pretty much PnPis a PS2 (slim has problems on a few more games but you're not missing much) with component / RGB out.

Other than that if you want improvements or can't output to a CRT TV, RA becomes a very good choice unless you absolutely want perspective correction right now.

How am I shitposting? What technicality? Surely you aren't stupid enough to believe every reaction image is a meme.

Memes for memes to make yet moar memes. ;)

Kill yourself. ;^)

I swear several days ago I saw something about PSOne emulation which apparently fixes distorted textures when observed from different angles. I want to google it, but I don't even know what keyword should I use.

But to use a PS2, I would either need to own the original disc, or use popstarter which has ??? compatibility and its own fair share of issues, according to the compatibility sheet here:

I'm assuming your not telling me to go and acquire the actual discs, so what makes popstarter a more viable choice over using the PSP, which seems better documented at least


You first. :^)

You should enter "elephent wangz" into le goggle. This will definitely get you what you want. :)

/g/ doesn't have a clue about that shit. Besides this concerns consoles as well.

Leck mich im Arsch.

As I said,

You better get to licking, bitch.

W2C iso?

No, fagola. My tongue isn't going anywhere near your ass unless you're a qt grill.

This isn't your faggy little fashion board, fuckboy.

An ISO of what?

ps2 games family.


A chipped PS2 + what you need for burnt CDs is easy to grab for less than a hundred bucks and it's by far the best option outside of emulation, a PSP is slightly more all-in-one and convenient but the compatibility isn't as good as otehr options , a small mini-ITX box that can run mednafen/beetle is the the overall best solution in my opinion if you don't care about CRT TVs


Pgxp texture perspective correction

I've never gotten past Elfland for fucks sake

Is there a single thread/topic on Veeky Forums that's not cancerous shitposting primarily? Like holy fuck it's one after another meme-ridden le culture garbage over here.

It wasn't this shitty on /v/ even. Is it just a truth of having a constant thread? That when it slows or goes off hours the only way to keep it on the board is slamming your hairy shit leaking ass on the keyboard and posting the result.

I know this is out of place, but every time I see a JRPG, I feel like players are doing nothing but chore to reach to the next part of story.
The random encounters are imho the worst thing about any rpg's, and they don't add fun. You're always on the edge of RNG, it's not sense of danger, but rather "please dont waste my time anymore" thing. Meanwhile you can play a Chrono game and you have the ability to skip minor enemies. Which makes you want to fight them because they're sparse and you can move around the area without worrying about another battle.
I just had to puke this somewhere after trying to play FF6, FF1 and FF7. the stories are really neat and exciting, but when i get that "fucking shit if i take another step im gonna battle some giant enemy crab" feel, i just give up.

>Is there a single thread/topic on Veeky Forums that's not cancerous shitposting primarily?
No, some are better than others but not by much.

That's why most jRPG give you a very reduced encounter rate ability/item/equip early on or a way to skip them like WA2.

As I have upgraded from my BVM CRT to an OLED monitor, for all consoles 6th generation and beyond, I was considering the possibility of perhaps completely retiring the bvm, and emulating the remaining generations.
But I believe you can get an even more accurate image with a 4k monitor for all 16bit consoles.

Playing MegaMan Zero on visualboyadvance and I'm really struggling with the default keyboard controls. What buttons do you guys use?

>emulating with keyboard
>emulating platformers with keyboard
Why would you inflict that on yourself?
Get yourself a cheap controller or something.



It's Squarepusha


So what's the best emulator for gameboy and gba?
I got the itch to replay SaGa 3 (Final Fantasy Legend 3) but there's a bunch of different emulators and I don't know which one to use.





No one emulator for both?

mGBA also runs GB games, but support is kinda wonky right now.

Alternatively, try higan and enjoy using multi-system emulators.

Interesting. Thanks for the help user. Much obliged.

I live to serve

i can be whatever you want to imagine bby ;D

Even a turtle?

If I can ask one more thing. I downloaded Higan but I'd like to play SaGa 3 in color or using Super Game Boy. Whenever I try to load the rom its black and white.

So, shall I update to windows 10 to play some gamecube games well, or instead just clean all that dust my modded Wii has?