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xth for Mercy


>blacks dont even have a true black character

top 10 for THE THIRD REICH

what about winston?

i feel so gay for playing mcree but i dont trust my idiot teammates to do it right

honorary human

the moon is not africa

I hope next week's brawl is a McCree shootout with nothing but mccree and 1-hit ult charges


there's already something like that in the game

route 66 only
mcree only
headshots are the only way to deal damage

>roll now covers twice the distance
>roll doesn't reload

d-did i just fix mccree?

>people still die to this ult
are you below 50% winrate or what?

Everyone post your win/loss

Kill this meme or confirm it.

62% actually



Level 50.
I hate everyone who plays this game.
What do I spam to take it out.
Hanzo feels pretty good.

widow mccree winston/reinhardt.

On mobile so can't find my battletag on masteroverwatch but I was 339 rank D.va yesterday globally

What is a good direct hit % as pharah?

at least 50
>missing more than you hit

It really depends, some games you just want to barrage a narrow position and that kills your %.

If you're just playing to hit dem rocketz 40-50% is alright.

does anyone have that flowchart image of what character to pick based on team comps?

>339 rank
>339 with a useless hero nobody plays
>phone poster
wew come here if you are rank 20.

>Level 35
>Get matched against multiple people who are 100+
Yo what the fuck. They still sucked, but damn son. A few of them had almost a week of playtime already.

i've never gotten as mad at videogames as i have at overwatch

holy fucking shit this game burns me up fucking fierce when i have a fucking shitty team

what is it? what the fuck makes this game so frustrating? fucking tell me

Whats your favourite character to play? Doesn't have to be the one you're best at or the one that brings the most to whatever team you play on, just whatever one is the most fun for you.

For me its Junkrat, I've got pretty terrible aim so he's a bit more forgiving (but still pays off when I do hit the mark) and traps are fun. I'd be better if I picked my targets better with Riptire though, I've got a bad habit of firing it off too soon.

First for D.VA fetishists = hebephiles.

dunno man just let your inner rage flow

This is the active general, you fucking faggots

Is this F2P yet?

I do competitive and casual archery in real life so I just like bows and I'm pretty good at Hanzo too.
Getting kills with Scatter arrows feels so good and using Sonar arrows to help your team is also fun.

But you can easily game the win rate statistic making this whole meme in-disprovable you fuckwit.

have you played heroes of the storm? i don't think blizzard knows what matchmaking is.

>Just had a game as Zen on Hollywood
>Kept entire team going to the point where the moment I died is when they all collapsed like a bunch of complete shitters
>Actually got POTG at the end besides for a multikill

I just wish they'd let me know they were all going to be so useless so I could've just left ahead of time.

No, but battleborn is

its because no matter what you can't carry a shitty team by yourself. So even though you're doing fine, Genji and Hanzo are both running away from the objective thats being taken and you can't fathom whats wrong with people.

And everyone is 100% pure salt all the time. Enemy team mocking or bitching, and if you try and do anything productive or say it to your team, they lose their minds and call you a shitter.

Plus the forced .50 meme is real. 8 games in a row I was put up with 5 or 6 mans, when I was just duo queuing with a friend and the other four were solo queuing. The matchmaking is insanely frustrating, and you get sick of being forced to lose through no real fault on your own.

Just play mercy dude or lucio. Zen is just bad mercy/lucio.

Is it? No, hey, no it's not. You tricked me!

For direct hits? My accuracy overall last game was 48%...

"With my last breath, I give you another."

>when you get a quadkill reaper ult on a crowd waiting for a medkit to respawn

>>Plus the forced .50 meme is real.

it has never been real in the history of video games and has been used as an excuse by retards

i also get mad at this game but mostly because blizz insisted on adding a bunch of easymode instakill abilities that just tax your kda and time randomly and you can't do much about them most of the time

>hanzos scatter arrow
>roadhogs hook
>junkrats trap bullshit that is barely visible
>widowmaker shooting you from some hole that isn't even visible on your screen

>And everyone is 100% pure salt all the time. Enemy team mocking or bitching, and if you try and do anything productive or say it to your team, they lose their minds and call you a shitter.

>playing with teamspeak on with anything but IRL friends

You brought it upon yourself user

>Enemy team zergs me every time they so much as see me while my team makes zero effort to protect me

And I'm honestly just tired of playing Lucio because he's just so fucking boring.

Check every single person you play against/with. It is never above .50. Its a crock of shit if you think otherwise, since you can check 3 pages of teammates through Social. Plus fucking 5-6 man premades 8 times in a row? Are you fucking kidding me?

Unless you literally play the game only with 5 of your friends in a 6 man premade you will play with shitters who are 100% pure salt, even if its not over voice chat.

>IRL friends

>try to play tank to support my team
>die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die
>try to play support to heal my team
>die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die
>snap and just go offense
>die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die
>rage in chat, leave instantly, stop playing
>back in like 10-30 minutes for more abuse

and it won't end either
fuck this gay earth

I wish they'd change this so you suffer some consequence to just dying and rezzing. Its so irritating you can do absolutely nothing to stop her except zerg for her as soon as she spawns.

They should have it so that if she dies before the charge is finished, the team starts with health dependent on how long it was channeled.

hide more?

>Really like bastion
>All his skins are utter shit



>I can only travel forward through time at a rate of 60 minutes per hour
>this is obviously a conspiracy because I think I'm really really good, I should have a higher rate
>it can't possibly be basic math or anything

mercy labcoat skin when

>spectating friend playing McCree
>does nothing but press M2
>gets play of the game by killing two people with dead eye and then killing a half health roadhog at mid range with fan roll fan


Mercy halloween skin when.

>Unless you literally play the game only with 5 of your friends in a 6 man premade you will play with shitters who are 100% pure salt, even if its not over voice chat.

I just play Quickplay with voice chat/team speak/whatever turned off. No salt or at least none I have to deal with, probably a lot of people raging on their mic that I can't hear

let's stop for a second here and let's consider these facts

1) my winrate is 55% in general and 62% on my fav hero, the cyborg ninja dude. did i evade forced 50 somehow? i don't even ever leave games

2) sometimes i get mongoloids on my team, but it's okay because i know mongoloids exist in this world and i know the enemy team most likely has mongoloids as well. if the enemy team is competent and mine sucks then it's just bad luck. stomps happen sometimes!!!

3) what are the chances of blizzard creating a perfect matchmaking algorithm, designed to force your winrate to 50% using a vast reserve of both mongoloids and good players? what are the chances of you just being mad and wanting to find a reason for your average winrate?

>Teleporter on the payload
>It almost worked
Well that was an experience.

>Attacking on Temple of Anubis
>We have a Hanzo and Widow, who never set foot near the point
>We lost, no able to take first objective
>post game chat see widow type "Useless team wouldn't get on the fucking point"

Why is there so much stupidity in this game?

First thing I did when I booted up tye game was turn off the voice chat

I dont get paid to listen to people raging and whining

if you're at 55% you're in the forced 50 bracket, i have no idea what that guy is talking about

forced 50 doesn't literally mean exactly 50, it means roughly 50%-64%

t. someone who has 54.3% winrate

>tfw play McCree
>all my kills are E and M2
>people rage in all chat


Brewmaster doesn't know shit about anything.

Sorry can't do that when every team stretches itself out all the way between the point/payload and spawn because they're all trickle-dying like totally incompetent cumstains.

what website is this?

Okay then, take the statistical average of the three pages of players your played with and give out their W/L ratio.

Same for you. I don't really care about my W/L ratio, but when everybody you check is roughly 50%

I want hammer and flashbang nerfed so people will stop relying on such a crutch mechanic.




Its a 6 man shootan
Kids are used with 20+ people carrying their useless ass by sheer brute force

>forced 50 doesn't literally mean exactly 50, it means roughly 50%-64%
what the fuck, you expected to break 64% winrate in a game that has matchmaking?

you do know this game has matchmaking, right? when it finds you winning 4 matches in a row against morons, it puts you up against slightly less stupid morons. that's how matchmaking works. it's not forced 50-50

unless you are literally one of the best players in the world, the game will be able to find players to match your skill

Thats great then, since I said it was 50%

>You are close to receiving a Leaver Penalty




heres a hint: stop being bad

I cannot even imagine what gibbering morons are in the Leaver Bracket

God have mercy on those souls.

Can you answer this? 95% of /owg/ gets this simple math question wrong! You won't believe it!

If matchmaking is working properly, each player will have:
1) around a 50% winrate
2) the good players will have over 50% and the bad ones will have less than 50%

I want scarlett to sit on my face while she plays overwatch!

I think what is more, at least in my experience is there are hardly even games. What I mean by that is that you are actually competing and not in a stomp or be stomped loop. I've noticed it as well it just seems like you win a game that's close then get utterly stomped a couple times, do a stomp or two then back and forth with once every now and then having an actually good game. I can see why it feels like the match making is skewed against you getting higher.

Hey guys I recently inherited 1000 Overwatch coins from a wealthy relative and I'm torn on what legendary I should buy. On the one hand I wanted to get a Widow skin - Huntress as she's my most played hero but I've not played her as much recently and I feel like I need to re familiarize her before I can play her well again.

On the other hand I've started playing Genji recently and I have the biggest hard on for this style of play, I'm already pretty good at him, and improving everyday, but the his best skin is Nomad. It's alright, I like the colour scheme.

But there's also the fact that Pharah Mechaqueen is the best skin in the game Imo, what should I purchase?

Whats the math question.


I lost 3 of my last 5 forced 50 games because my team ADJACENT to the point against a SINGLE enemy would not contest it.

neither necessarily

very good players will start out with 60-80% winrate, but it will slowly sink down to like 50% once matchmaking catches up and finds more balanced matches

bad players will similarly start out with 30-40% but will go up to 50% eventually

>all these people talking about forced 50%
like, are you guys new or something
this has been in many multiplayer games (CoD is notorious for it) you either perform, or you dont. its nothing to do with 'forced' its to do with :

If you playing better than your opponants?

Then match make with players > your opponants

Else match make with players < you

Do you play Pharah enough to warrant Mechaqueen?

If not go Huntress, as it'll give you something nice to look at on the loading screens while you play games to get back into the feel for her.

Do you unlock things outside of loot boxes?

I swear I am getting things that I don't remember unboxing

>get ressed right on front of mcree at midrange
>instantly die to fan the hammer

You get sprays from challanges/achievements

>Sit at character select screen
>Team has already picked 4 offense characters
>Last guy to choose picks some off-class character that only really works well if there's another character of the same class in the comp (D.Va, Symmetra, etc)

My favorite part is the regularity with which I'll get dumped in these shithole matches where the payload is either already 90% of the way to the end, or the last point is 2/3rds captured with the enemy team on their way in, or some other degree of total shittery where I can only assume Blizzard dumped me in here to knock another loss on my record.

And while I've never thought myself particularly good at FPSs, it still seems quite odd how often my team falls apart the moment I die as either the tank or support.

this. in concept, its supposed to make balanced matches. in practice, it just puts you with morons while you play against an Olympic team. and then when its in your favor, its always a hard fought victory followed be a curbstomp.

>>Kids are used with 20+ people carrying their useless ass by sheer brute force

jesus christ i get so many people who pick snipers and do nothing in koth and then they leave after the first lost round. do these people expect to be carried or do they genuinely think they're the "good ones" on their team?

Trick question
People that play in full parties are more likely to have higher winrates on average
No matter how good you are, there are just times when you can't make up for the rest of your team being worse than the enemy team
for each player that has 60% winrate, about as many have 40% winrate
And there are plenty well above 55%

Stay away from McCree when his flashbang is up to avoid his powerful close range combo :^)

>1) good players are forced to carry bad players and lose winrate because you cannot carry games are unbalanced
>2) good players will play against similar skilled players their winrate remains constant or rises games are balanced

I was attacking on Dorado as Winston with Mercy supporting me and we were fucking brute forcing through some super shit talking players. Come overtime, me and the support are dead and I'm desperately trying to respawn and contest the cart.

What do I find? That we're a 5 man now with a Hanzo and Widowmaker sniping on the side of the map.

I have never been more upset.

You are assuming you're good. You're not. You're exactly as good as your MMR, you can't "blame teammates" for that.