Why did USA never evade Pakistan?
They could've easily ended both the Taliban and al Qaeda Years ago.
Why did USA never evade Pakistan?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they're the US' ally.
Pakistan has nukes
Pakistan is a Saudi puppet state
Pakistan was a mistake
How does Pakistan of all countries have nukes, when many others do not?
Why would a country have nukes?
The desire to exist with a target on their backs?
Coming from a Pakistani, I agree.
Because we're smart.
Tell that to the retarded Anglos who divided Indians in the first place.
Far from it. We hate the US.
Because they'd be destroyed.
>Far from it. We hate the US.
You literally are, though. The fact that you don't even know that does show how much of a joke the alliance is, though.
Given under the alliance/support from China/US to balance out India. It was part of the strategy at the time. Obviously a failed strategy decades later as the country is now the number 1 exporter of terrorist, unstable government, and likely hood to wage war with India.
25 year rule, BITCH
The most likely nuclear war in the next couple decades will be one between P*kistan and India.
they have nukes because india needs a dance partner and that means america extends support in order to keep them from being a failed state like their neighbor afghanistan
>invading a country with nukes
are you retarded?
America sucks monkey balls at occupying a country.
We're going to invade them and Sudan. They're next. Screencap this.
Funny story actually with a special part for my country. In the 70's there was this Paki and my country went all #refugeeswelcome on him. Basically he learned and stole the technology of making atomic weaponry, and give it to Pakistan.
North Korea, Iran and Libya have also dealt with him. The CIA is also involved to some degree.
Seems to me like they have evaded Pakistan
I would agree with you
So did the Soviet Union. So did the third Reich. If the 20th century teaches us anything it's that old school style annexation of a country is impossible thanks to the ease of long distance communication and the prevalence and simplicity of rifles.
Was meant for
because they have nukes