>Great news! -Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs to release July 15. -English Patch for Monster Hunter Online is out now kogath.com/TeamHD/
>I have a question! pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
kiranico.com/en/mh4u Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
>Where does Veeky Forums play? Create or find a Gathering Hall Passcode: 7243 / Search In 4U, Target: Fishing (it's 4 to the left) In X, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Is reload down+1 needed for absolute bowgun in mh4u?
Jackson Barnes
>reload down
Jaxson Bennett
Ok is reload speed+1 needed or worth it?
Adrian Evans
David Wood
PREORDER WHEN RELEASE DATE WHEN >inb4 this shit sells out in seconds and gets scalped at 300% markup while I'm asleep
David Robinson
>hunting savage jho with DBs
Anthony Foster
try hunting him with a bow ;_;
Jason Ward
I want to hunt something but I don't know what
Luke Diaz
What's the problem? Get tremor res. Savage is fine with DBs.
John Wood
I can't fucking hit those chicken legs
Joseph Torres
Any help? Been trying to log in for 30 minutes and all I get is this.
Jonathan Campbell
Ryder Ward
Time to baguette stick.
Justin Rivera
Am I a shitter for playing MHO with Longsword, it's my 2nd MH game. Still not very good
Camden Cox
Ryan Flores
Just use a GS or CB. IG isn't that comfortable on monsters too high to grab the extracts without aiming.
Samuel Walker
fuck man, i can't figure old what to do on this quest.
Adam Jenkins
If you shoot his torso you can get both red and orange easily
Alexander Bailey
There should be a quest called 沼泽特产 when you go to select quests. Complete that.
Juan Miller
Keep DCing REEEE
Jack Peterson
Parker Rodriguez
that was it, thanks a lot
Tyler Phillips
oh dj you so cute
Cameron Foster
You reminded me that i should masturbate to some MH hentai.
Juan Cox
The most accessible part to get orange is usually his neck area, since it counts as part of the torso rather than head or chest, which are both red. I tend to grab orange when he trips, because it can be a massive pain otherwise.
Hunter Bell
Anyone else here experienced Kushy having his Dragon-windpressure up for ten minutes at a time?
While barely staying on the ground? Even when flash-bombed, he always jumps to the air whenever he stops being disoriented.
Anyway, any tips for cutting Kushy's tail? Weapons, armor skills, items?
Blake Perry
It's pretty okay using DB against him. Use Poison or Para DB's and you're going to be fine.
Jaxson Walker
One of the best weapon at killing it, grab Kirin, Tremor Res and HGE and Demon Dance on its left leg, it never moves.
Alexander Russell
poison him
Evan King
That's the thing, I have poison weapons but Wind-pressure always kicks me down before I hit him.
Jaxson Wright
are you using a lance or something? super armor ignores wind pressure unless he's in black wind mode you could always get wind pressure resistance
Wyatt Morgan
Super armor helps deal with the normal wind barrier. Elemental staggers from Thunder or Dragon weapons also work to dispel the black wind barrier.
Ryder Barnes
Yup, he's in black wind mode for about ten minutes, then changes area. then when I get to the area he has the black wind again plus he's flying all over the place
Ethan Johnson
I don't use lance, can you shield poke him through the wind barrier? Otherwise you'll have to poke him from outside his range but that's going to be a pain. If he starts flying just chuck flash bombs and bring materials to combine more
Parker Carter
Using DB's, is that bad?
Carter Allen
nah, I'm pretty sure DBs have armor they definitely do in demon and archdemon mode
they only problem is that you can't slap him out of the sky like you would with a GS or something
Aaron Nguyen
Xavier Diaz
You should poison him before he gets enraged. Once it's done, you just have to keep attacking, as it keeps building up even when he's already poisoned. It only procs when he's out of poison tho, so don't let up.
Joseph Jones
Flash him, poison him whiel hes down.
Ethan Kelly
>Poison >With DB >When Kirin DB exist Nah, flash him once and he's staggerlocked.
Aaron Reed
nargacua armour is pretty fly
Christian Wood
He said he had poison.
Lucas Wright
I'm not at that far in the game yet
Levi Campbell
Monarch is rare 4.
Noah Green
I meant I haven't fought kirin yet
Liam Hernandez
When you break the head or cut the tail it can no longer create black wind. With lance the easiest way to do that would either be chargemounting then attacking it while it's down or countering the head.
Ayden Johnson
Do Nyanta boomerangs have a critical distance modifier, or is it just flat damage the entire time?
Jaxson Morales
TA It's something (ㆁᴗㆁ)
Lucas Lewis
Flat damage
Jack Lewis
>purple elastic toxic chicken stole my gourmet bbq spit YOU FUCKING BITCH.
Luke Edwards
why you carryin that around
Andrew Carter
I want to make kittens with Miss Cat!
Jonathan Johnson
I want to get pregnant
Charles Kelly
It's like pickaxes and shit, I always have it just in case.
Blake Morales
Personally, I like to carry around energy drinks.
Parker Turner
Dylan Morris
Is it possible to sell equipment/items in MHO or am I just stuck with tossing the stuff I don't have any use for?
Cooper Scott
that's what smart people do
he's not smart
Austin James
level 3 here
take an item you want to sell from your inventory and drop it in his inventory
it'll ask how many you'd like to sell
in monster hunter online
do gunners have a 3rd person reticule mode like in most other monster hunter games or am I stuck either firing blind orin 1st person scope?
Xavier Cook
anyone want to do Hear no evil, see no evil?
Dominic Walker
Austin Ward
Ryan Price
The usual, fishing and password
Dylan Carter
No way, I'm saving my 950 honey for mega pots.
Asher Miller
David Scott
Hey guys I finished installing Monster hunter online and applied the latest update. However whenever I try to put on the english patch I get this error
"The setup files are corrupted please obtain a new copy of the program"
Does this really mean I have to install the game again?
Xavier Brown
>fighting apex Jho >get Moxie'd >manage to kill myself with a reflected shot I honestly didn't know this was even possible.
David Peterson
>>manage to kill myself with a reflected shot Why were you shooting with 1 hp in the first place?
Austin Stewart
>do gunners have a 3rd person reticule mode Doesn't seem to, but there's some setting that might help, pic related. I tried it and it doesn't seem to do anything though.
Jason Bailey
Did you try installing it to the right folder? You wouldn't be the first in this thread to be that stupid.
Josiah Diaz
It was the 2nd re-apex, so it was basically on its last legs. Pickle is predictable enough that I can avoid getting hit by almost all its attacks. That bizarre rear back, walk, dragonbreath still has the weirdest hitbox though.
Adam Fisher
The game itself runs fine. I downloaded both the english patch and the updater, the english patch when run instantly gives me the error, the updater takes a few minutes, then gives me the error. I even put the file in the monster hunter online folder.
Kevin Gray
>almost died in the first place >I can avoid anything I swear
Brandon Harris
Okay nevermind. After constantly retrying, it randomly decided to work again.
Anthony Gray
>Trying to kill Dora in the guild quest >Keep getting my ass fucked because of the wind >Nothing has wind Res on it and I don't have enough decoration space to get the points needed
I had no trouble on the Caravan quest, but the guild one is just fucking me over.
Am I doing something wrong?
John Peterson
Speaking of monster hunter online, which servers do you guys play on?
Gabriel Parker
What weapon? GS is probably the best matchup against it
Gabriel Nguyen
Just get a few more flashes.
Adrian Hill
is it the regular dora or the crazy ass one for that wycoon quest?
Ayden Thomas
2-4 (second button from the left, 4th from the left) is generally where all the english players huddle in, most of the people here playing use it as well.
James Hernandez
Akantor Switch Axe with +1 Sharpness.
Yeah the sharpness kinda sucks on it but I've done fine with it for a bit now.
Tried the upgraded Rath SA as I read poison screws it over. But once the wind got to me in the end.
Sebastian Howard
Use Zinogre or Stygian Zinogre. Poison is a scam.
Landon Price
Poison on kushala is a meme. Your main goal against kushala should be head flinches which remove the wind anyway and give you free hits. This can be done easily with GS since he turns pretty predictably for a focus lvl 3 or with elemental weapons
Chase Russell
Mason Lee
did you link your account to a passport id?
Jaxson Cook
>GX hunter arms can be completely recolored, instead of just coloring some bullshit strap
Oh baby this gets better and better
Brayden Gonzalez
>Stop wanting to fuck cats, please edition Did catfucker infest this general too?
Jason Stewart
which artists draw good huntress porn?
Joshua Cruz
Alright, I'll give it a shot. I'll have to farm for a Zinogre plate to upgrade the Ziggy SA, then whatever materials to further upgrade it kiranico hasn't been working for me the past few days so I'm just going to have to wing it now
Luis Watson
what other generals are nekophilia bait?
Jacob Cooper
Dude, read the fucking pastebin.
Connor Murphy
Thanks guys, just finished the tutorial. finally ready to play this. KBM doesn't feel too bad honestly and it kinda reminds me of Tera in some ways.
Brandon Torres
>MHO - Let's form a guild Region: 华南新区 Server: 沙原暴君
Wow. Great pastebin you fucking mongoloids. Put it in Region: 1-5 Server 1-6 format and put it in the god damned sticky already.
Jackson Ward
Anyone here is up for HR4-5 hunting in X? Or is the general dead until MHGen is out?