313 AD

>313 AD
>being a pagan


Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off with these threads already

>363 AD
>Instauring a form of Paganism back again

Julian... you stupid fool.

>posts a pagan

roman catholicism is pagan and not true christians

>destroying the roman empire

Constantine the Not so Great.

The Great Persecution will begin again.

The only think stupid or foolish Julian did was die too early.

>Year 2016 of the Common Era
>still being a Christcuck

>christians couldn't refute him so they destroyed his works and besmirch his name even today

What is there to refute? That he wanted the gods of his ancestors?

>being an Abrahamist

His work, 'Against the Galilaeians', which contained many refutations and counter-arguments against the Christians.

The Church Father Cyril of Alexandria himself confessed that he had not copied several of the weightiest arguments from the book in his 'Contra Julianum'. Go figure: Christcucks are stumped, so theirsolution is to simply burn all copies of the book and make sure none of the arguments are ever transmitted down.

>One of the most important of his lost works is his Against the Galileans, intended to refute the Christian religion. The only parts of this work which survive are those excerpted by Cyril of Alexandria, who gives extracts from the three first books in his refutation of Julian, Contra Julianum. These extracts do not give an adequate idea of the work: Cyril confesses that he had not ventured to copy several of the weightiest arguments.

>...Cyril's refutation so bitter, as it speaks of Julian as a satanically inspired man who desired to drag as many others as he could away from the Christian faith, and the Greek tradition that Julian came from as folly...

If the Christian Theologians from the 3rd/4th Century were having to resort to slander, and Christians today are still doing so, do you really think they were remotely close to winning the argument?

i am no christian (agnostic actually) but killing people is wrong no matter what their religious belief

Well, Christcuckolds are proto-Mudslimes after all. It's no surprise that they would go on a chimpout when completely BTFO by an obviously superior way of life

>The Church Father Cyril of Alexandria himself confessed that he had not copied several of the weightiest arguments from the book in his 'Contra Julianum'
I wonder what he could have said that scared them so badly

The pagans were the real chimps, always mass slaughtering innocent Christians and burning down Jewish temples in the name of their heathen god emperor Fuhrer-like cults

What was done to the pagans and their false earthly empire was retribution


wtf i hate christians now

>always mass slaughtering innocent Christians

Please, it's already been established the "Christians were heavily persecuted!" narrative mostly invented, a story to create a cohesive group identity based on "us vs. them". 'Persecution' was only formalized on a few occasions, and even then, was not systematic or even enforced: for example, Diocletian's persecution, which only affected his part of the Empire (Greece and Asia Minor) but not the rest of it (Aegyptus, the Levant, North Africa, Europe, the British isles).

For the most part, Christians actively sought to ensure their own martyrdom by deliberately planning out their own deaths in what would most accurately be termed suicide by proxy: attacking pagan temples and/or killing pagan priests in order to be caught and killed, turning themselves in and demanding to be killed for their 'treason', being in contempt of court, etc.

[citation needed]

>always mass slaughtering innocent Christians and burning down Jewish temples in the name of their heathen god emperor Fuhrer-like cults

Yeah i know, that was pretty funny

Jews and Christians were constantly committing acts of civil disobedience and being disruptive to society. Their belief system was also a problem in that they valued the afterlife more than the here-and-now. There was no way you could make productive members of society out of a bunch of doomsday cult fanatics and nihilists.

You do know Constantine was a pagan up until he dying? Guy had a deathbed baptism.

Why were all people who spread Christianity such utter narcissistic shits? Literally the religion of the narcissists, "muh god speaks with me".

I think most people know that, but he was still a christcuck apologist.

>muh edict of tolerance

The New Catholic Encyclopedia states that >"Ancient, medieval and early modern hagiographers were inclined to exaggerate the number of martyrs. Since the title of martyr is the highest title to which a Christian can aspire, this tendency is natural".

>"early Christians sought out and welcomed martyrdom. Roman authorities tried hard to avoid Christians because they "goaded, chided, belittled and insulted the crowds until they demanded their death."[17] According to Droge and Tabor, "in 185 the proconsul of Asia, Arrius Antoninus, was approached by a group of Christians demanding to be executed. The proconsul obliged some of them and then sent the rest away, saying that if they wanted to kill themselves there was plenty of rope available or cliffs they could jump off."

Droge, Arthur J.; Tabor, James D. (November 1992). A Noble Death: Suicide and Martyrdom Among Christians and Jews in Antiquity. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. p. 136.

>"Such seeking after death is found in Tertullian's Scorpiace or in the letters of Saint Ignatius of Antioch..."

The Church Father Iraeneaus even wrote that "a martyr's death-day is his birth-day." Early Christianity was very much a suicidal death cult seeking to emulate the death of their redeemer-figure: this only changed due to the growing power of the Christian Church, in which the clergy - having accumulated power - found themselves unwilling to be killed during the one semblance of persecution that ever occurred under Diocletian, and as such, began to play down the role of martyrs in Christianity.

That he was right.

And he was right.

This. He died way too fucking young.


The Europeans were the real chimps, always mass slaughtering innocent Muslims and bombing Islamic State Mosques in the name of their heathen godless emperor Fuhrer-like cults

What was done to the Europeans and their false earthly empire was retribution.


If anybody needs to provide a citation it's those trying to push the rampant Christian persecution narrative as there's no historical record to back it up. There are three recorded cases in all of Roman history of Christian persecution:

1. A very brief stint under Nero, mainly as a scapegoat for his own unpopular reign after the fire of Rome.

2. Decius' persecutions which wasn't intended to target Christians, rather it was meant to prove loyalty of the citizens in a time of constant civil war. Christians were just affected by it because many didn't want to make sacrifices. And even then, many still did. So many that after Decius' rule Christian leadership had to pardon their practitioners.

3. The most extensive of persecutions, those that took place under Diocletian's rule, mainly pushed for by his co emperor Galerius (and continued by Galerius even after Diocletian retired) which lasted about 5 or 6 years and only affected Christians in Nicomedia and Asia minor.

Every other mentioning of Christians by Roman officials says the same thing, "as long as they pay their taxes, they're fine."

That's factually incorrect about Judaism. Judaism there is no real promise of an afterlife, the idea of a heaven in Jewish faith began after Christianity. Before then, Jews believed everyone would ho to Sheol, no matter how good or evil everyone shared the same fate. Judaism at the time was very much about the real life, not the afterlife

>They wuz good boys, went to church every day.
>Dindu Nothin

I would assume it's partially a Roman imperialist twinge that merged with it once it became dominant in Rome.
>offer sacrifices to gods in order to conquer people for glorious Rome
>new God
>now HE says its okay to conquer people for glorious Rome
>continue into europe and byzantines ad infinitum because god obviously sides with whoever is more powerful militarily

He's talking about after Christianity. Jews were tolerated by Rome as long as they didn't disrespect their pagan peers.

Once Christianity got its hold the empire tended to shrink and fracture, not grow. The Byzantines had another go at conquering but it was short lived.

That's all the more reason for imperialist tendencies of the empire to merge with Christianity, as they have less ownership and more room to grow conversely.
"Christendom" becomes a term later, but it essentially becomes the standard by which people justified expansion attempts other than simply being material clay/stuff grabs (because they're bringing "salvation" to violent barbarians).
The empire was on the downturn due to its size anyways; I posit from the get-go that Paul and Rome is responsible for its expansionist tendency.

The ruse is up


Go home Gibbon. Your "Christianity ruined Rome" meme is old.

This is some Alex Jones-tier shit website

You mean killed right? Its pretty known that after the big fail of sieging Baghdad or Babylonia dont remember... He was killed by a christian soldier.
He was a good emperor, but that idiotic NeoPaganism and MuhAlexander were biiiig big mistakes.

Why does Constantine look so smug?

He did just tell a bunch of people that a magic deity decided to help him win a big battle which gave him the Empire. If that doesn't make you smug, I don't know what does.

They were absolutely brilliant. If he could have pulled it off he would have had all the boons of Christianity (Centralized authority, social welfare system making the lower classes reliant on you/you organization, and a coherent and unified doctrine) along with all of the boons of Roman Paganism (Inclusive, militant, traditional, has people literally worshiping you) PLUS he could make the doctrine literally whatever he wanted without having to go through "but the Jews do this!" or "But this sect does this!" bullshit because "lol the guy above Zeus told me we're gonna do this :^)". All the while having an empire that has half it's military absolutely adoring you and a fresh bureaucratic class that worships the ground you walk on because you A) kicked the Christian bureaucrats out and instated your loving followers and B) the whole "literally divine" thing.

Had he not gotten himself killed by Persians like an idiot he would have been arguably more powerful than Augustus at his peak.

>Posting facts is now 'Christianity ruined rome' meming.

Huh, you must be butthurt. Maybe you'd have a nicer time in on another board user.

Don't worry it wouldn't last.

>Common Era
Found the Jew

>He was a good emperor, but that idiotic NeoPaganism

stop posting, dude