/lolg/ - League of Legends General

404 - boosted shitters not found edition.

Current patch notes (read these before you go into ranked):

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>No Eyoson link
>No Counterplay link

way to fuck up the OP asshat

ok so im playing against malz. what champions do i have to counter him?

>it's a you have to go full tank to stop the inevitable rapetrain from the fed bot episode

>play garen
>try to zone enemy ezreal and orianna in teamfights
>team asks to report me because i am "chasing for kills"

also this champion is suffering to play


Here you go. :)


You have 10 minutes to justify Lee R+Flashing behind you working as it does now

You have 15 minutes to justify minion collision still being in the game

You have 20 minutes to justify ADC mains "Lucian is fine, buff other adcs"

Taliyah is p busted

What do we think of AD J4 top lane?

It is cheesy but I've been trying it out for the last week or so and I've just been smashing faces in left right and centre. People don't expect the burst.

Anything that outranges him. Hit him with a little poke to turn off his passive and then unload.

Lux, Ziggs, Xerath, shit like that.

>Be MF
>Garen is chasing me across hells half acre
>team just jacks off in the jungle while I spam for assistance


No, I like Tahm as a character but I hate his kit. I play stuff like Sion, Zyra actually fetish relevant, Brand, Jinx, etc.

No, I don't play Kayle. You're thinking of someone else.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark here, try Cassiopeia

Garen is boring as shit and I don't see his appeal.

this tbqh
everyone complains about Garen but in the end you only have to kite him and he can't do shit

>roaming alone as an adc
you deserved to die

I had fun trying to lane vs her as a melee the other day.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

1. Input buffering.
2. The new collision system is bullshit--I agree.
3. They're right in a way, though. Shit like Urgot and Vayne isn't viable because Riot just nerfs everything instead of making everything equally balanced/broken.

Which one should I get?

Post yours

>When your tanks go ham and leave you alone to fight maokai


>also this champion is suffering to play
not really. unless you're playing against meme picks like teemo or for some reason lucian decides to top then he can shit on every AD/AP caster

>tfw since I started to play Tanks like an ADC royal guard I have won more games

rip aozakii!!

except you know when you're playing against something like maokai or gnar

literally who

what champ is that?

>>roaming alone as an adc
No, we were teamfighting

>play tank like an ADC royal guard
>my king plays like an actual king from chess and does nothing but run and be useless

Every time I play garen I get stuck facing stupid shit like Taliyah with rylais. He's just not fun to play and I dont see how he has such a high win rate in low elo, because if you don't pick almost last you're fucked.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

What's with the fixation of over-committing to monsters in low elo? I understand that Baron comes to mind if an enemy team is aced but why should that be prioritized if our team hasn't taken the turrets and an inhib?

>we aced them guys, lets go get the ocean drake now instead of their inhib!!

The Jinx skin.
The ribbon skin is nice.

Project Fiora is the only Good Project skin.

I don't like it personally though.

Worst bayne skin.

Flash Q+E and then ult then for Justice.
Most of the time you will kill a squishy if they try to run away.

If they fight you in a minion wave, just go back and try again later because you have OP sustain.



i'll give you gnar because he can be poked but against maokai it should be about an even match up. Garen is tanky as fuck and is resourceless. as long as Garens opponent is a melee he'll be fine unless it's Darius


Oh, I like Rek'sai and Cho'gath too.


Riven and Fiora if you play them

did that vs ezreal last game
he lost about 2/3 hp to q and e and then got orianna shield heal relic shield and whatnot and i swear to god my ult didn't move his healthbar at all

>I dont see how he has such a high win rate in low elo
They don't understand the concept of kiting or peeling.

Not to mention Garen just shits fucking damage and is REALLY difficult to peel.

Especially when he's using his spin he becomes ghosted.

He requires a lot of mechanics to beat that they simply don't possess.

WHY THE FUCK DO YOU GET ALL OVER 50% WHEN I ONLY GET # 30% and 1 60% reeeeeeeee

>and I don't see his appeal.
The same appeal of Darius, basically. Except Darius has it times 5.

That appeal is the execute.

i want to fug the shauna

Don't ult if you can't kill him immediately, you will get kites so hard as Garen.

>forgiven on another team that's holding him back


>how to bully children

how the hell do you play league or anything in summer

its fuken 30 degrees in my tiny ass room and I got the god damn sun against my window the entire day
>tfw no AC

Yare yare daze

opinions on baron vs inhib vary slightly. I think baron is better than one inhib in solo queue because it takes it off the table as a comeback mechanic and allows you to take the enemy team's towers if you use it even slightly effectively.

Ocean Drake over inhib is just a horrible call. You have to be really emphatic with your pings when you get a good team fight in solo queue

You buy a thing called a curtain that blocks the sunlight from entering. Its a wonderful invention

>Be camped all game
>Don't even see my jungler
>Response from team is "Just stay under tower"

Gold is fucking suffering.

>He's just not fun to play
I love playing as Garen because once you win lane and start roaming you'll begin to shit on squishies with little to no effort. His ult is also extremely satisfying to land.

give source

window AC, blinds and two sheets and a curtain above it, ceiling fan, three desk fans, and a big pedestal fan.

I could play vidya on the fuckin sun and still be cool.

How am I still finding people in diamond elo that dont know if you go botlane after 30 minutes the enemy team will do baron? I just dont understand how can you still not know the basics of the game and be in the top like 5% of players

Tfw i finally get the sweet ass Jhin.
Tfw I finally can play hyper speed jhin all I want.
Tfw I can finally chill and jack off to jhin

turn on the ac
close the curtains
and embrace the darkness that's call league of legends

Garen is literally freelo atm.

normal draft +1

n-no ragers?

>Not just getting a double kill under tower

Embrace being a distraction for the enemy team unless your team can't capitalize on it

OG are shit lel.

>going 0/4 against literal whos on the team you left

How do I build super sonic Jhin?

hit me up I feel like trying today

>TFW Riot Nasus in my store for 230 RP
>TFW Riot Graves shard in my inventory
>TFW not paying another shekel until they announce solo queue is coming back.

Alright guys even though it's the first week
How do we fix Origen?

you wanna replace statik with phantom dancer and you are good to go.
What makes hyper speed jhin work is ghost + stormraiders though.

pls respond

good call user

Is youmuu's worth getting somewhere in there for some damage?

you don't, you literally won't do any damage

Do you take ghost instead of heal or flash

I understand that dynamic queue is favored by a vast majority of casuals but does Riot not realize what happened to the competitive scene of other games that started to cater to the casuals? When your pros (AKA some of the biggest free advertising for the game when they stream on Twitch) start to hate something you push so hard you're in for a rough time.

I remember during Cata when there was a mass exodus of arena players (lolarena) and most of the PvP community just straight up quit with them. You satisfy the people casuals watch the most and you keep a large portion of your playerbase happy.

>implying solo queue will solve anything
Only if you're Diamond+, and even then only slightly.
Champion select and queue times will still be fucked.

Not wanting to have fun in a normal game

hell yeah I'm now a sorcerer at the spider
time to farm more champ shards till I get more dust to become the grand wizard

>that feel when just reached diamond

Except people were complaining that the game was being balanced around the pros.

So you can't please everyone.

I don't understand the outcry for soloq

I have had 0 problems with dynamicq plus it feels so good solo carrying and beating a 3 man especially if its bot and jung trio as I main adc.

I think dynamicQ isn't a problem, but has been made a problem that doesn't exist.

Congrats you tripfaggot.
Now fucking get out.

Good job though.

Give source Ill suck yo dick

>how to take a screenshot
>gay sex with hats on
wow dude you're so hilarious

ranked is dead

both nigger characters are broken still, when did you realize riot doesnt give a fuck about you

>Except people were complaining that the game was being balanced around the pros.
Yeah but I would argue the game was much more enjoyable and popular at that point. When Riot started going full nazi on toxicity and trying to please the casuals is when it started going downhill.

>He thinks a big chinese company cares about (you)

>got 3 mountain drags early
>go to "bait" baron, was going to start it to make them come and turn when they come
>the baron literally
>kill 4, lose 2, take 2 inhibs with piles of minions before walking away because they're respawning

Thinking of getting the Draven skin, but not really sure.

I have things in my store what I want too, but i won't pay even if they bring back soloQ :^)







Vanilla draven is the best draven t b h

>most boring mage

Pretty dumb champ design desu

that's why casters are drooling over him so hard

ill give you the source if you give me vayne buffs


>enemy jungler babysits top entire game basically
>any time I move anywhere halfway across the first bush the jungler is there ready to gank
>ask team for help
>they say same thing
>end up staying just in exp range and cs under tower
>tower is very low
>retreat to second tower
>they take tower
>top starts ganking mid with jungler
>mid blames me for losing the lane
I was fine with everything else, I didn't even fucking feed, had less deaths than our adc, but nope, all my fault that I lost the lane essentially 1v2.

Just sat there and farmed. No helping with dragons, no helping with barons, no helping with ganks. Top lane was the only thing that existed from then on.

>win top again
>we win not because of me but because the rest of my team is buttfucking the enemy team, even 4v5

how do you solo carry as top

>playing top
top lel

Here's a good guide
>Play Tryndamere
>Split top until one team loses

Play Irelia.

>fed first blood to riven
>teleport back to lane, instantly dying again
>stay under my tower for 5 minutes
>teleport into a botlane dragon fight and get a triple kill
>riven flaming her team and then dies 1v1 against our vi

>Split top until one team loses