Bioshock General #Beaches

Battleship Bay edition.

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Why did the Battleship Bay sequence have to be so short..... :(

Hy чтo жe вы, Бyкepы?

page 10

7th for Rosalind






Why are you guys still here? The dream is over. New game never.

you are wrong

How so?

You know what to do.

E3 is coming user. Don't lose hope, it's like you don't even love Liz.

Don't even pretend this isn't what we tell ourselves before every E3. All hope is lost. Even if there's a new Bioshock game Liz won't be in it.

She will be, as a reference/easter egg or as Anna.

I'm leaving /bsg/, and I won't come back if the threads keep looking like they do. They die before they start off. and we're only scaring new potentials away in the shape we're in. Way I see it, we've got two options. Either redesign the OP and start making OC, or just let it go. It'll resurface when - or if - a new game is ever released. Until then, so long space cowboy. Thanks for a good run. We really had a great thing going. I'll miss you guys.