/edg/ Elite: Dangerous General

After our Thousand Year Old Slumber, WE ARE FINALLY ALIVE AGAIN.

Holy shit /edg/ is back, now its more jaded then before. Come, join the fun

>whats new?
Frontier added 2.1, now trying patch it and contain the shitstorm

new huge, large weapons are added
a lot of utility updates like bookmarks
docking radio chatter
AI bitch lost her shit

AI is broken, overpowered, BUT frontier removed the engineer stuff on AI
half of the missions are bugged
Bulk trade taxes
Frontier broke the PP, removed funzones. no more turreting
Brabo pulling the plug on ARCHON DELAINE

RNGINEERS adds a new layer of grind to the game
AI is back to its old self
heatsinks are still fucking nerfed

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

coriolis.io/outfit/type_9_heavy/04A7A6A5D6A4D6C---------07f7f604020301242f.Iw18eQ==.Aw18eQ==?bn=type 9 sothis hauler
coriolis.io/outfit/python/04A6A5A4D7A6D5C---------f6050504f50343242f.Iw18eQ==.Aw18eQ==?bn=Python hauler


When the skellingtrons are going back to their tomb?

Reading all kind of discussions, pleas, demands, threads about Engineers it feels like people still don't try to understand it, maybe even just because they are going trough emotions, trying to force it to become what it's not. It happens all the time, but it is very visible with Engineers.

So my opinion seeing how it all works is this - Engineers is side activity (not main one, it is clearly not an mandatory upgrade path) which rewards having varied play style or "life" in ED universe.

It is system designed as anti-thesis of "consuming content". It is not really a content per se, it is mechanism which together with assets adds new gameplay, and thus content. It trades clear min/max paths with variations of outcomes. You get bonus...but you don't know what kind of bonus you get, and grinding for it is quite taunting task. Probability gates are there to avoid players get specific upgrade (as I said, not a mandatory upgrade path), but get upgrade nevertheless.

Why I like it? It doesn't force me into mandatory upgrade mill, yet it can give me boost in interesting ways. I also love collecting materials (I love looting, FD has done it right) and it gives some context and ideas how and why to do it.

Why some people might not like it? Well, min/maxers will definitely not like it, as it is clear anti-thesis of calculated paths towards upgrades, they most likely will struggle to understand concept of this. Pure PvP fans will most likely avoid Engineer mods in combative dogfights as they want equal standing. "Griefers" will loath it and love it in same time, but with buffed NPCs I think they will have more issues on their hands. People locking themselves in specific roles will try to understand why they should bother.

I think main point is - you don't. None of ED systems added are mandatory (same as roles - they arent, so why Engineer mods should be). However, if you hit it right with one of them, you are in treat.

>Frontier broke the PP, removed funzones. no more turreting
they didnt remove funzones, they just bugged PP so there arent any
>the bugs do a better QA than FD

Huh, what's that? A valid and well constructed post? Here? Unbeliveable!

Well said CMDR, have some rep o7

You got it spot on cmdr o7

i wish i could rep you twice :^)


>AI is back to its old self

I don't believe this. I was mining in an Anaconda and making my way back to a station, and I continuously got interdicted by a FAS. My large and medium pulse lasers barely even scratched its fucking shields. It was able to knock out my shields in 3 seconds and took me down to 75% hull in the blink of an eye before I barely was able to bug out. Then I had to spend 10 minutes constantly submitting and jumping to SC to make it back to the station.

Fuck this game.

Had a similar experience earlier.

Lies, goddamn lies.

ultra memetic

>It is system designed as anti-thesis of "consuming content"
>a game that releases content that you're not supposed to experience

The necrons are BAWLD and FEWLISH if the think they can stand up to the EMPRAH'S SPESS MEHREENS

You're adorable, user.

off yourself

Do yourself a favor and just highwake out if you don't want to blow up the NPC chasing you.

They rolling shit back or naw

No shit, it's wonderful how this is the only option left. I didn't play for long but I'm guessing that the Anaconda got a nerf since I'm not seeing others having this issue in Vultures.

Maia is going to be rip in pepperoni

>tfw you will never get 80 class 3 multicanon bullets through your apartment window as a wake up call

I'm in a vulture and I can USUALLY destroy whatever attacks me, unless its better than dangerous and is in dropship or better.

Who the hell smuggles in open, anyway?

me my good mate

i smuggled for half a billion in open

open or bust

I do, I never fucking see anyone anyway.

>We're still alive

Holy shit I can't believe it. Keep it going, my dudes.

Nobody ever interdicts you in open anyway because unless you're carrying over twenty million on your head, nobody bothers.

bounty caps at 1 million so not even that is a reason.

Have they updated the faction system?
Can I be pledged to Hudson and still get in good terms with anarchists and piratefags?

*my dads


/edg/ is eternal

to who ever was asking about home system, did you end up finding my suggestion?

Every update for which Fdevs askin to buy Horizons should be free. It's not content, it's fucking features that should be in full game. The only thing that makes sence for DLC is engeniers. Shit like land on planets, walk around your ship, creat a commander(I hope we can create qt grill) should be in the main game.
Just look at GTA Online R* is adding features ad content for Free because it should be free

delkar is nice

They shoul also start selling Shark cards.

>followed all the dads at the other side of the galaxy
>making my way back to bubble
>still ~60000 ly from sol
>not wanting to suicide because of all that sweet exploration data
>then i read about the batshit AI

i guess i'll take my time then...

Game already has microtransactions. And what do you care let the dads buy credits if that gives us free stuff then I have no problems with it

indeed cmdr


do you know what this means?

i hate their market model as much as the next guy but a cosmetics shop is not a microtransaction system.



Everything is broken.
I was having bounties and shit disappear.
One time everything disappeared and I had a 5 million credit bounty put on me for no reason.
After getting interdicted around 45 times I eventually died. My bounties and fines went back to normal, then I visited a station and I ended up with a 3 million credit dormant bounty.

I can never visit Quince again.
Mostly because I uninstalled this shitheap game. It isnt going to get better, posting in this thread is the only fun thing left to do.

Posted this in the old thread like a moron.

I've never experienced this, but I do have several dozen 'expired' mission offer messages that I can't seem to delete.

holy shit how broken is this game?

>do imperial rank mission, become serf
>(btw why does my rank in the empire depend on me doing illegal shit? that's weird
>get a message about being promoted to squire
>still 66% serf


People will interdict you at CGs but that's about it.
I got interdicted by some fag in a Vulture at the last CG. I dont even know what he wanted. I asked him and he responded with "HEY WHATS UP". So I shot him.

I still can't get my Sirius permit.

Before 2.1 the reputation progress with sirius corp was bugged never rising above friendly.
>2.1 comes out
>finally reach allied with them
>grab the permit mission
>details will follow via your inbox cmdr ;)
>still no details
>still no permit

Whatever you want to call it. You can still buy cosmetics stuff in full priced game

So now all of Sothis missions are like this, is it worth getting a type 9 and just loading up on these? Asp seems so shit now the cargo requirement is so high. Or would it be better getting a Python? I only have 150ish million at the moment.

Wait, is that the same type of missions that robigo had? The ones that fail upon scanning?

Nah these are just some delivery missions that pay as much as smuggling but with much higher cargo requirements it seems. Only ones I'm getting though.

Shit, my man, grabbing my Python and heading out.

Should mention that some missions spawn AI that interdict you, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was with smuggling. Only had 1 NPC try to interdict me out of 30ish missions.

Do you mind sharing your Python loadout?

I haven't specced it for hauling yet.
Tinking of grabbing a t9 but don't want to loose money on hull tax.

>8M for 88 units
not bad

lets just hope they fixed the exploration data bug

coriolis.io/outfit/type_9_heavy/04A7A6A5D6A4D6C---------07f7f604020301242f.Iw18eQ==.Aw18eQ==?bn=type 9 sothis hauler

coriolis.io/outfit/python/04A6A5A4D7A6D5C---------f6050504f50343242f.Iw18eQ==.Aw18eQ==?bn=Python hauler

ya, I'm struggling to decide what to take. Can afford both. The builds aren't fantastic but they let you take as much cargo as possible + enough fuel to make a non stop trip to and from the bubble.

What does the bug do? Give you less money?

>grinding for RNGineer materials
>get bored, decide to try a threat 2 USS since ive not done any yet
>3 condas
>message telling me to leave or else
>they open fire before i can finish reading it
>dead before my boost kicks in

dont know if it tops out at 4 or 5 but if threat 0 means theres nothing and 2 is 3 hostile anacondas whats at the top?

after 2.1 people have been having their exploration data get wiped when they landed at a station. FD were working on a fix, dont know if its out yet but i havent heard any reports of it recently. but most people it would affect are probably still hiding from 2.1 outside the bubble

do you have any links whatsoever to prove this is an actual thing?

a capital ship

jumping into threat 5 never ends well.

Stuck on the same shit as is everyone else
Damn, but remember that these missions often require medium ships as the target's dont have large pads.

a couple /edg/elords mentioned it in the first post 2.1 thread

top link on google was this

I posted the outpost, because it was where I went and found them first. Went to the station, newholm station it's called iirc, in sothis and they had similar missions.

seems it was fixed

Oh and I should also add the missions I've been getting have only sent me to stations so far. No outposts in 40+ missions.

>jumped by two wings of three cheating PP eagle AI
this shit is so broken

I thought im a total scrub for only able to deal with threat 1 sources. I tried threat 2 but they'll always end up with me having to run

Where does one go to grind for Fed rank?

I am starting to believe Pecisk actually posts these

17 draconis during starvation

>jumped in and out four times
>happens every time
ok, what the fuck. why is braben cheesing so hard? it's literally not possible to deal with this many cheating AI

>tfw no anaconda or corvette to pretend to be a starship captain in

anyone know of a hudson exploited or controlled system with resource sites?

preferably close to mehet since i was over there to do the community goal

How hard is it to make completely randomized ship loadouts for NPC's? And have like the higher ranking the more chances of having A graded modules. Every time I engage any ship it feels like they all are A graded PLUS it feels like they use fixed hardpoints and they barely ever miss with lasers, mini-guns. NPC are OP as fuck, they should be difficult buy having competent piloting skills not OP modules and rediculous maneuverability.

Is the slave trade alive in Fehu?

I was there earlier and I was getting nothing. Might just be me, but I was there for over 45 minutes swapping between open and solo.

If slave trade is kill then what's probably the best way to earn credits fast at this point? Trading?

So is the AI broken or did the Anaconda get nerfed into oblivion?

I know that HIP 93377 has a station near a ring with both hi and haz res. The same system where the turreting took place

You'd be right. I was also curious about this, and by examining the relative speed differences between my A ranked vulture and vairous NPCs, DPS on shields, ect, I've learned that every single NPC spawned has at the very least A ranked thrusters, shields, power distributors, and power plants. Some NPCs have exhibited even higher statistics than are normally possible for players.

I've also discovered that harmless-competent tends to have C ranked weapons, competent-master tend to have B ranked weapons, and master-elite tend to have A ranked weapons. Some elite NPCs have exhibited MUCH higher dps on their weapons than what should be possible.

Note that this is merely a tendancy. You CAN get a harmless NPC with a hypothetical 'S' ranked weapon (meaning doing more than should be possible), with a bad RNG roll.

NPCs also will almost ALWAYS use fixed weapons with a pseudo-aimbot. They will essentially never miss you unless you can turn out of their firing arc faster than their ship can correct it.

They also ignore heat accumulated from your weapon damage and any SCBs they use.

In short: NPCs cheat like bastards, more than is readily apparent.

Fuck knows dude, I've been grinding whatever cargo delivery missions I can fit into my Asp at Sothis. They pay the same as smuggling, but it seems like you have to have a much bigger cargo hold for a lot of them, see But, like I said, it might just be me in regards to Fehu, maybe RNG just fucked me over with mission generation.

>used to do long range smuggling in my asp
>an npc eagle would somehow be able to make the same jumps as my asp, and would follow me from system to system

the npc's have always cheated, this is not new. 2.1 just made it all the more obvious.

Anyone wanna coop just started a new profile

once multi-crew comes in you can be my first mate, user

you can even sleep in the captains quarters with me if you want

Fuck that m8 I I could transfer you 100m I would just to save you your time

>commander creator and multicrew comes out
>thread gets shitposted into oblivion by waifufaggots

But I want to play the game 4 fun :DDDDD

>Aisling copilot
>all the lewdposting and pastebins to come
can't wait

whats the best ERP location?

hutton orbital



to any /edg/elords looking to group up

how does rotanev system sound? high tech refinery, surrounded by delanie territory, not too close to autismland but not too far

we could even make a minor faction

everywhere, FD fucks everyone

I've already watched /ss13g/ descend into a waifu trainwreck of a general that barely discusses the game. I'm not doing it again.

All the bitches love Sag A, as it reminds them of their own cooters, black sucking holes of despair.

Just had a Python spamming SCBs for a minute while shooting double PACs.

Also, fuckers are hellbent on ramming you.

>all females in the game look like geriatric meth addicts
yeah nah

we will be sharing sliders soon enough

Just started playing this again after a few months. Have SCBs been nerfed into oblivion or something? Mine don't seem to do anything (not even exaggerating).