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Got a 3rd Bellestarmon from the gacha, if I get another I'll likely be able to use her.
Getting decent tickets from the new event.
>Digimon General is still fucking ded
Save us Appmon, you are our main hope.
We have six days to go before we get info. Hopefully that should keep us busy until e3 and they announce N0 localization.
Nah, they are going to announce Tamagotchi Universe. Featuring more Mametchi and Oyajitchi variations than you can m!x a stick at.
What color is the new event?
Red(you) vs Blue
Dragons vs Knights.
I'm just waiting to see that new anime and game that comes out of it. Honestly though that makes me wonder if were getting digivices for this series or their gonna just use their phones.
Whats in 6 days?
Tokyo Toy Show 2016.
Tokyo Toy Show. They're going to announced full details about how Appmon is as a multimedia project.
And is that event covered by jap media? Open to the public even?
My red team has an attack of over 2000 combined. I won't be able to make it past easy.
Yep.It's basically a big event. Just gotta buy tickets and stuff.
Neat, imagine all the weird next gen japanese toys that must be shown there
I manage to win Medium difficulty every time but I have to pat attention. My team is being carried by my two OP limit breaked fucks.
Damn that is a pretty impressive team
I got an examon around that level too
Is there an AR code to activate the Legendary Tamer quest, or at least the "has used WiFi" flag, in Digimon World Dusk/Dawn? I've made a huge fucking mistake and I can't find one for the life of me and I'm starting to believe one doesn't actually exist. I've even found force-encounter codes for both versions so I don't really care if the code is Dawn or Dusk exclusive, if that's the case I'll just emulate the one I don't own.
>feel like starting a new game from scratch
>can't shake the feeling it's a terrible idea
>"fuck it, i'm doing it"
>mfw a realization hits me as soon as the first fight starts:
>using WiFi is a requirement to 100% the game
>WFC was shut down
>don't know anyone who has either game to do it locally
Ive seen that question asked before, pretty sire the answer was no.
Yikes. That seems like something which a code would have been made for.
Darn. Guess i'm going to have to live with being a retard who doesn't think about shit before doing shit then.
Maybe someday you will go to a Digimon convention and link with a person there.
>Do ticket Gacha x5
>get the following
>Susanoomon SP+
>Granlocomon SP
This is amazing,
Very cool, I love seeing that kinda stuff
But man there are so many mexicans in the fandom
>tfw 6/6 1* on my last 4 FP multi
Hopefully my next ticket pulls do something or i'm going hit a fucking wall.
Honestly that's an amazing pull.
Those are Mexicans?
brown skin and bad english
Its likely, even if those arent my statement still stands, digimon fandom is huge in south america
If you got Dorumons you can get Alphamon SP by evolving them.
I want more Dorumon and lucemons honestly.
I'd have swapped Susanoomon for another dorumon or lucemon honestly, the odds of me getting more to limit break it are slim.
Sadly no no Dorumon, moslty Alaruamon and V-Mon
I've spend a lot of tickets hoping for a bellestarmon and one Dorumon and nothing
I've got 3 of both and spent probably 100ish tickets total
You are in the club when this guy dies on the person you came with. What do?
Considering he vaporizes into data I ask that person if they are okay and move along
Well since I don't own a forklift to fist up the body, I guess i'll just have to leave it there and go home
Working on Gokumon and doing the math
It takes me 72 digimon, two Gold disks, and a silver disk to get a level 50 Vajramon.
I need 5 so 360 digimon, 10 gold disks, and 5 silver.
Then I need to level up some blues to evolve them, then i need some fodder to level up.
This is gonna take over 1000 materials I think(I'm lazy)
I could do this with less digimon if I had a surplus of drives but I don't.
>All those materials
That is kind of ridiculous
I'm tempted to say fuck it k center I got my 100 Capacitors and just wait a month til I have 30 gild drives and go crazy. Shakkoumon was much cheaper than this.
Have my partner load his data.
When did Nyaromon get a recolor.
>fist up the body
That's Lewd user
Leomon tends to cause that
Praise be to Daemon.
One of the comfiest Demon Lords.
Seriously. I wish I had pjs as comfy as his.
What's the best part of adventure?
Vamdemon arc.
The most brutal arc.
The best arc
It was so cool.
Ken deserved so much better.
Etemon arc onwards.
On a personal note, it's anything involving Mimi.
Slight bump.
weekend dead time sucks
The episode where tai gets home by himself
Everyone jokes about the Pokémon Sun & Moon box legendaries being Apollomon and Dianamon while the more fitting Moon counterpart is forgotten.
>more fitting
>Apollomon and Dianamon were both mascots for Digimon World Dawn/Dusk which is close enough to Sun/Moon
Yo what, when did this form become a thing?
Later appeared on Xros.
Lunaala is a Ghost-type bat.
Wait, shit no
That was NeoDevimon
Vamde started on Xros
So following this logic, NeoLadyDevimon should be anorexic looking Ultimate with huge breasts and hips, skeletal everywhere else and even more busted up wings?
That's kind of hot
Digimon Adventure Tri episode 3 preview: zippcast.com
Old and why are you linking that terrible site instead of YT
Because Toei has it blocked outside of japan:
>The latest PV for Digimon Adventure tri.'s third chapter, Confession, was uploaded to YouTube by Toei Animation, but is blocked in regions outside Japan. A copy of the video can be viewed via ZippCast.
Classic Toei incompetence.
Tons of people have mirrored it on YT you know
Mind posting them.
Make sense why we didn't see Seraphimon isn't on the poster, Maikoomon already infected him.
Yep, patamon will likely die or go away and return maybe in a later movie
Yeah, but Dianamon and the rest of its evolution line is moon themed and the Pokemon Sun/Moon = Digimon World Dawn/Dusk jokes were happening way before the box legendaries were revealed.
I am doubting that Meikuumon is infectious.
>Jimiken's second boss fight on hard mode
Do you at least understand why you lost?
Cannot improve without it.
My digimon's HP reached zero.
Don't let that happen
That's not even the worst of it lolz raflmao.
Thank you.
Fuck you lmaonade roflcopter soi soi.
>Someone saved one
I'm so happy
Seriously, where's the R34?
Maybe they are waiting until she has a name to tag her
She's too pure
>She's too pure
but that isn't Mimi
99% of the r34 on digimon is for renamon and done by people that dont care about digimon, only renamon
Yiffing in hell.
Bullshit, I saw Raidramon, XVmon, and and Guilmon porn.