Whats the most Veeky Forums game?
Whats the most Veeky Forums game?
define "game"
He probably meant "videogame"
Well I like Invisible Inc, FTL: Faster than Light and Banished but I doubt the cn be considered Veeky Forums
Capitalism Lab (OP game with DLC), EVE Online, Aero/biz/
I guess any type of game goes
Wall Street Raider. I love this game.
yeah I mean specifically Veeky Forums games
GTA5 has a stock trading element as well as businesses you can buy and run missions for
Railroad Tycoon 2
>take on investment from all your competitors
>short sell your company
>massively overbuild infrastructure until your company nearly goes bankrupt
>resign, use your personal wealth to buy all industries your competitors serve
>buy bankrupt old company and put trains on all that unused track
I've enjoyed doing the stock market run of the game with the assassination missions, ended up with I think $2 billion dollars on each character
Zoo Tycoon
>build a successful zoo
>bustling with customers
>build gates in front of the entrance
>remove gates from the lion enclosure
>guests can't escape
>game over bitches
Simcity 4 has business elements
pic related r8 my industrial zone
What sort of business elements?
Mmo markets, especially eve
Their markets are much less complex than real markets though
Have to balance your budget, need surplus money or loans to expand your city. Have to invest in your city with public services like education, safety, and healthcare if you want it to be prosperous, can control tax rates to encourage or discourage poorfags/rich people, ect.
Pic related my city is broke as fuck because I built a giant nuclear power plant which has way more capacity than I'll ever need
Don't forget pro-business ordinances and subsidies, and massive publicly-funded stadiums and ports.
Bump. I like Vidya & mula
the game is so fucking ez its not even close to Veeky Forums
even with the hardest mods and whatnot its still piss easy
High Flier for the PS2
Every video game is easy except shit like this with a steep learning curve but even that's easy once you understand the mechanics
World of Warcraft
Shill your group (crypto) in chat (on biz) until you get enough suckers to join (pump).
Then you ninja all the loot (dump) and hearthstone out before they realize what is going on.
whats your highest amount of money you got.
i created a 2 trillion dollar computer company with one of the largest market caps in the agame
This is the only game for Veeky Forums. there is no substitute
playing the auction house on WoW is actually pretty fun
My usual strategy is to start a new game and wait until Feb 1st to buy up as many Microsoft options as I can without going into debt. Then wait about 2 months until they are WAY in the money. Sell off half of them and exercise the other half. Contribute them into a holding company and then using the leverage to buy into other companies I know that will be huge as time goes on.
This is my solitaire.
Patrician III
Iron goods & skins nigga
the fuck is keanu reeves doing
bump gib more
Tropico (depending on how you govern)
Rollercoaster tycoon (you can even charge guests to use the restrooms)
I liked Monopoly Tycoon better
The rich dad cash flow game isn't bad either.
>rich dad