/mii/ - Miitomo General

Cool beverages edition

Nintendo released the Miitomo app for smartphones. (iOS/Android)

>Not on Google Play?

Platinum Coin Guide: pastebin.com/UM5qk5Yq
Troubleshooting Guide: pastebin.com/LEQSPbc4

Booru - miitomo.booru.org/

Mii Twitters/QR Codes:
Form - docs.google.com/forms/d/1eyPp0RDCtqSYvp1DaJMB61vUCZJe46Sm6WK8GyfS3y4/viewform
List - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ET_Id359CB90l6MIe2_TwrAJhfUp_tQjtfZWTaIIvt8/

Crash on launch? This happens to Jailbroken/Rooted devices:
>To bypass on iOS: Install xCon Beta from Cydia.
>To bypass on Android: Install Xposed. Then, install the RootCloak and MiitomoSecurityBypasser Xposed modules. In the Xposed Installer app, enable both RootCloak and MiitomoSecurityBypasser. Open the RootCloak app, tap "Add/Remove Apps", press the "+" on the top bar and select Miitomo. Reboot your phone.

Miitomo on PC: pastebin.com/kz6WJnEg

Comfy BGs: imgur.com/a/8EFLT/all
BG Templates by Domenica: imgur.com/a/pWBi1

Send a PM to @HylianShroom, @A_Sexy_Big_Guy, @miitomud, @Manimonoxide, or @Redworthy for an open invite to the community discord.

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Damn dude
It's been a good day!

I want to go out for fancy pasta. Thanks Miitomo.

I'm always down for fancy pasta! Yum!!

I want to rub that pasta on March senpai's kittens and tell her that they were like that when i first saw them

5th for i'm cute as hell

6th for MAWWIAGE

I need to get a wing fo mawwiage

Mika is best waifu.

I want Mika to abuse me with her mature body!

I know. I'm sexy as fuck

>That flower crown veil



Comfy as fuck


don't die

Happy Birthday Bryan! Too bad your miitomo doesn't work...

I want to play this and add everyone.

I added small group of people I mostly talk to, adding everyone is really tedious to take care of, though funny in theory.

Do it. Quirky questions with everyone is hilarious.

>that pink hair
gorgeous, darling

/mii/ is doomed. What would happen to /mii/mers if /mii/ died forever?

we move on with our lives while the rest stay on their containment discord until that dies.

We would probably do something usefull instead of wasting our life in a child app.

Wander over to Nintendo General

don't you die on me

If it keeps dying, just keep making more threads and posting in them.
It's not like we're the only general on life support, Nintendo and Splatoon gens keep dying all the time.





i don't think i've ever seen jackie not smug
pretty cool


Fug :D
The most exciting part of the day has finally come!

Taking a shower?
Patting a cute doggy?

What is it? Is your boipussy gonna get deflowered today?

Having dinner with a cutie?

Getting a shower then spending some time with my doggos!
Damn dude i don't swing that way
There is a flirty qt on my office but she being single and having two kids doesn't so attractive, gor senpai said smash and dash but I'm kinda scared she pulls the victim card, also it has happened 4times in the office before that girls don't like guys anymore and just go accuse them of sexual harassment taking the poor guys job with it, i personally won't fall for that ruse

That's super not cool of them, I can't stand offices like that. I'm glad that doesn't happen at my work.

the lewdest

Now that's pretty comfy. I guess I have to give mine a bath soon.

Also she's probably not worth it, man. Plenty of fish, blah blah etc.


>gor senpai said smash and dash
Do not do this! I was joking!! Didn't your parents tell you not to believe everything on the internet?

Keep yourself focused on your job and March.

>implying i would shoot myself on the foot because a friend told me to
Come on senpai, also yeah I'm focusing on my job and march senpai

Fuck Nintendo. I wasted ticket on that shit car drop and got the wrong prize. A few hours later they announce all that wedding stuff.

Even paid 500 coins to take a stab at it, but the Mii bounced like a cheap slut and fell from the platform.

That literally happen to me yesterday lmao

They take some special pleasure in making people waste coins/tickets. But I won't waste the useless mynintendo currency to try again. I know they will announce better rewards as soon as I give in.

I want to watch courage the cowardly dog and invader zim again

Miitomo needs a gift system goddamn. I got all these extra shit.
Is there even any hope for Courage to come back? Both VAs for Eustace are gone and that new one-time deal they made felt like they were trying too hard.

I need to save up some Nintendo neetbux for some clothes i saw on the shop looks very good so far I'm going to save up for that!
Download some seasons and get comfy nigga!

Yeah, gifting and trading should be a thing. There's so much stuff they could implement to make customization better. Objects for the room. Wallpapers. Option to chose the music that plays. All with their fair share of Nintendo related options.

Home customization
Damn dude that would be awesome
But Nintendo will let it die
I can almost feel it

More customization options are always good. Miitomo is in serious need of Tomodachi features.

More locations might be nice, too.

I don't know if it's just because they don't give a damn or because they are out of touch. There's a ton of things they could've done to increase it's life span. Some sort of limited use simple multiplayer minigame for prizes or coins. The just between us stuff shouldn't clutter your skipped answers tab, put a expiration date on it and improve it. It gets old fast because it's the same questions all the time. Just turn it into a personal user elaborated weekly question thing.

Yeah. Miis hanging on different scenarios would be really neat. Other parts of the house, a few outdoor options.

So /mii/
Do you have plans for this weekend?

Remember when this app was fun?
Remember when everyone was posting their Twitter usernames and threads were reaching their limits in 10-15 minutes?

Surviving the summer heat, fuck summer weather.
All add me with no content back then.

Here is autumm and is fucking cold. I'm probably going to freeze in winter

Run away from obligations even for 2 days

I love cold weather. Trade with my living conditions.

I plan on washing my doggos
Buying beer and getting drunk with my friend

Awww yeah!
Time to plan out my Saturday!

pls don't bully the march

I wouldn't dare!
March senpai it's for snuggling not bullying!

I want to hold hands with March senpai!

Gotta go fast!
The time has arrived!

>find on page
>0 results for Tian
O-Oh okay then.

Actually I consider snuggles without consent light bullying. The initial action at least. Whatever follows is perfectly fine, but it might be lewd.

but tian a cute

I wish it would stay that way desu senpai



Damn dude
I can definitely feel it Mr crabs!




look at all these cuties

Well today was pretty upsetting so I'm off to bed before I feel worse.
Goodnight, /mii/
Here's to a better tomorrow!

Good night! I hope you feel better soon!

Posting before bed!
Midnaito attakku!

Why did I create this youtu.be/7CtlvMuJjHs

Truly tragic


I uninstalled miitomo thinking it would fix my phone. But it didn't.

So here's a doodle for miiming.

Thanks gor senpai

Can't get el sleepo nocturno!





I regret these gains. No thank you, Green Hat.

Fukkin art
Ah dammit I'm lagging on the dailies


I beat Robobot a few nights ago and had a blast. Not only is the mech the best thing to happen to Kirby in years, but they brought back my favourite abilities like Mirror and Jet.
It was a fun little experience.

So what games have you guys been playing?

Shovel Knight. It's a really fun game, to be fairly honest.

Ive been cleaning today but set up my tv and wii in my room. Gonna hit up pacman world 2.





Good morning. I shouldn't have slept so late. So yeah, happy Saturday and stuff.




Vagrant Story since my piece of shit laptop can only handle most games before Half-Life 2. I like retro games so I'm pretty set, I guess.
my nigga
literally me. no memes.

thanks mick for killing the general

Today it's the day!
March senpai!!