/wtc/ - Witcher and Cyberpunk General - (/krw/, /cpg/)

Gwent Addiction Edition

Blood & Wine and patch 1.21 is released!
New Region trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.20-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm going to sleep now. I want to have seen a lot of quality ciri-posting once I woke up and checked this thread. Go hard or go home.

Fear not user!

Reminder that CDPR shunned Fringilla Vigo.

We have to agree to stop making these threads a year from now or else we will become /ksg/

so the game forced bad ending if you choose unseen elder path ?

isn't she from Nilfgaard?

They shunned more than just her. Lack of common sense surrounding several plot points as the end drew closer being the biggest elephant in the room.
Pretty much

Yeah. You can only get the good or neutral ending if you go to the Land of a Thousand Fables.

Yes, although some anons here love that ending.


Fuck Fringilla... oh wait, you can't

thank for answer. been trying for hour for good ending.

nevermind I finally hit her with the fucking dimeritium bomb

Go to Shrekland but don't get the ribbon then you're all set.

Kill what she summons, then use Aard or the crossbow when she spreads her shit. Kill the broom (to stop her from flying again), then her.

Watch out for her slam dunk, otherwise she'll start flying again if the broom is alive.


Can we all agree that this is the best song in the OST?

Whatsoever A Man Soweth is the bestest

whats the deal with saving the bitter cunt?
she will be thrown into the dungeon anyway afaik.
Dettlaff is the tragic figure here

>banana tiger

Either that, or the song that plays when Geralt fights Caranthir

>transfer the curse from the bird chick to that faggy knight
>he grows feathers on his dick
>the bird chick loves it

I did good.

>Meet Regis
>Not a single mention of Milva, Cahir or Angouleme when we chat
Guess making the DLC newfag-friendly was more important.

How do you guys feel about a Witcher thread on /qst/? I'm contemplating starting one because it's such a juicy setting with a lot of backstory to play around with.

That's why I'm telling you to not get the ribbon
If you get the ribbon, you're forced to kill Dettlaff and pretend Syanide did nothing wrong
Geralt mentions Cahir at one point in one sentence but yeah, a bummer that they didn't bring up the hansa some more

daily reminder that Skellige is top fun deck and puritans can fuck themselves

>TFW still can't believe that Witcher 3 was made in "Literally who" country

>Delt laugh
>murders chivalrous knights
>kills people because he can't control his "rage"
>throws a temper tantrum and kills half the city
>the tragic figure


Should I save the orphans and release the spirit, or Destroy it? Done both before, but was wondering if there's more to the release option. Orphans saved, but Velen gets terrorised and barons wife gets haggified, what's your guys opinion?

How do you start the quest in Blood and wine to get the new hair style? I can't seem to find where the start of it is.

Huh, there is a quest board now? Guess Veeky Forums have had enough of endless spam, and Hiro delivered.
Also, yes, do it.

yeah but that's exactly what results in the cancerous generals like katawa shoujo, where there's nothing to discuss but people just hang around anyway, it ends up being a big circlejerk of the same people and isn't even useful for people arriving to the game

I'd prefer pic related but I'm also a huge autist so my opinion is pretty much invalid

found the fag that skipped all cutscenes/dialogues

Next to Joseph Conrad, vodka and Pope John Paul II, The Witcher is Poland's proudest cultural export.

I heard that there is a mission from "A night to remember" in blood and wine
is that true?

Except for the time just after the game and each expansion came out, this general survived entirely on cancer (i.e. Ciriposting and Trissbot)

Pope John Paul II is the biggest polish meme now
Pole here

found the cooking recipes for some awesome stuff, how do I use it?
side note: do I have to use my kitchen? because I lifted the curse from the spoon spoopy and now she wont leave my fucking kitchen

Reminder that Regis and Dettlaff arc is a mockery of Lethofags.

>H-he a good boy and my bro
>He dindu nuffin!

Do Yen and Triss let Geralt fuck them in the ass? How about Shani? It's very important for my waifu to like getting it there.

>[PL] Szkielet

What did they mean by this

>t. middle school
Fuck off back to karachan.


The situation is completely different.

Detlaff had a choice. Letho did not.

Daily reminder that Roach is A GIRL!

They all like it, thanks user.

>Letho did not
He could have showed middle finger to Emhyr as soon as he crossed Yaruga.

>pam paraaam, pam paam paraaaaam

Even the guards in Toussaint are singing it

Seriously, what the fuck did they mean by this

>pretend Syanide did nothing wrong
This meme needs to end, they acknowledge she did wrong things but also realize they did wrong things as well, making her more towards prison (Hence shrekland) instead of death, which is why Henrietta didn't want to give away her sister to some Vampire.

What the fuck is this bullshit?

>battle opens with you already eating a fireball since you can't roll away yet
>they fire them like machine guns
>also the strongest fucking melee enemies ever
>there are six of these fuckers

How do I go from two shotting every enemy in the game to this?

I actually had to turn the difficulty down from DM for that. It was utter bullshit.


tfw you get killed by the three little pigs.

roll roll roll hit
roll roll roll hit
roll roll roll roll roll hit roll

its a homage to TW2

>banana tiger
God damn it user

It really fucking feels like that.

>geralt checking out annarietta's ass when she rips off the dress

Finally got around to playing it, I just finished up in Velen. I should wait to complete the main game before buying DLC, right?

Can I skip HoS and just get B&W? Can I play HoS after B&W?

>Can I skip HoS and just get B&W?
>Can I play HoS after B&W?

You can, but you shouldn't

You can do it in any order, especially now that there's enemy upscaling. I would recommend doing HoS before B&W though, HoS was really fun.

>syanide the manipulative bitch dead w/ crossbow bolt to the throat
>emo vampire fuck who fucks up a city full of innocents dead for good
>anne henriette the posh cunt dead by openly fucking embracing her sister who hates the fuck out of her
>toussaint the high fantasy fairy tale btfo as befits the grim and dark witcherverse

first ending best ending

She's still caged, just not by the curse.

HoS is better than BaW and there is also some references to HoS in BaW.

Wait right here user, don't go anywhere.
The last time I checked there was no option to read, let alone translate or play The Game of Imagination RPG.
Did you manage to land your hands on a playable pdf?

Geraltfags = Children of single mothers
Yenfags = Called a teacher mom at some point
Trissfags = Normalfags
Cirifags = Betas
Rochefags = Wish they had a big brother
Iorvethfags = Want to join ISIS but their families won't let them
Saskiafags = Closet scalies
Philfags = Regret not calling a teacher mom at some point
TW2Radfags = Always plotting a master plan that will never come to be
TW3Radfags = Can be woken up in the middle of the night and asked to recite any random page of Mein Kampf flawlessly
Dijkstrafags = Know how to banter at high levels but have no friends to banter with
Lambertfags = Were beaten as kids and now frequent /r9k/
Lethofags = Meme connoisseurs
Irisfags = Cry easily
Olgierdfags = Lost a bet and their friends over a game of football
Gaunterfags = Overall great people
Regisfags = Accidentally once brushed hands with their friend and now fantasise about holding hands with them
Dettlafffags = Wear trenchcoats on the rare occasions they go outside and get mad easily especially when they've been pranked
Anariettafags = Francophiles who have never been to France
Syannafags = got bullied as kids and now subject people to pranks that inevitably go too far

Both DLCs are very much worth playing. Heart of Stone has an amazing quest line. I haven't completed Blood and Wine, but thew new region is certainly a welcome addition.

for some reason this nose gave me a boner and i'm not ashamed to admit it.

Geralt-, Yen-, Roche-, Iorveth-, (books)Dijkstra-, Letho-, Gaunter- & Regisfag

What does that make me? :^)

>Gaunterfags = Overall great people
My negro

I remember reading somewhere that they were gonna bring back some of the swamp monsters from Witcher 1 for Blood & Wine, but I didn't find any of the W1 monsters other than the ground worm things.

Did I just miss them or something?

I'm bored out of my mind in the fairy tale land.

How did people think this was amazing?


who is Regis and why is he such a bro?

No, Bloedzuiger for example.

Some anons from Veeky Forums were in the process of translating it about a year ago and shared their work as it went along. I snatched a copy back then just as they had finished translating all the essential material and then some not-that-essential material
The only thing it really lacks is the bestiary but I've been translating the individual entries through google translate as the need arose
The system is pretty good in my opinion

TW2Rad-, Lambert- and Rochefag here, you sir are spot on.

He's Dandelion from future

Thank you user. I was thinking of running a game about a team of Cat School witchers who Rad the Lad hires to hunt down the Lodge, and just needed a system for it.

As a Yen and Anarietta fag, I am amazed at how accurate this is.

Anyone? I just want to see what it looks like. ;-;

What about Zoltanfags, doc?

it's a fun little detour

How do people have trouble with this
Just use a freezing bomb and go after the mages first

>no DLC with Iorverth or Saskia

fuck you give me resolution

what the fuck is the Unseen Elder even? he's basically Goku.

I tried that, I'm dead before I can even throw one since Geralt stands still to throw them.

I cheesed it by running up the stairs nearby, freezing them, then going all out on the mages.

Iorveth and Saskia DLC announcement at E3. Trust me my dad works for CDPR


>Go north/kovir/zerrikania/... lay low and do nothing
>Go north, tell northern kings about lodge, receive cash, then do above
>Go north, bro up with lodge of slutceresses, receive cash and magical pussy, revive school of witchers loyal to magocratic northern empire

They had a wealth of options. Instead they attempted a string of highly dangerous assassinations leaving all except letho dead (including him if geralt feels vengeful), all for a man who had every reason to make them disappear after completion.

Can't blame Letho. Letho worked for the progressive and modern Empire, which would definitely fare better in protecting humans from monsters than chaotic and corrupt Northern Kingdoms. Supporting the dominance of Nilfgaard is the only choice a reasonable witcher can make.

What endings did you guys get? I've got everyone dies one, don't regret my choices though. Detlaff is a dangerous tantrum throwing beast, Syanna is an evil manupulative bitch and deserves no mercy, Anarietta paid for her own lack of awarenes.

There's a new hairstyle?

Saskia is dead and Iorveth is a cuck

>playing through newgame+ when all I want is to play blood and wine.

Doesn't the game strongly favor the Roche path being canon since he's so friendly when you encounter him in this game?

p sure its just slicked back to a ponytail

Iorveth is dead too, according to the scoia'tael in Velen.

Same ending, same lack of regrets. I kind of am salty over how Geralt seems to be all grieving for the dumb bitch. Regis' position seems way more fitting someone at least remotely reasonable.

Him and Geralt are on friendly terms even if you choose Iorveth though

Why can't I put my pork in Ves's roasting pan?