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thick mercy ass

First for your waifu

First for Mccree doesn't need a nerf

>non numbered
>no lesbian shit
>best dad
Thank you based OP

>Be the last man holding the line as Reinhardt
>Death is imminent
>Blindly charge, not expecting to hit anyone
>Catch the other teams Mercy right as they turn a corner

Anyone enjoying shimada bros

>I use the 'Group up with me command' on the payload
>It actually works for once

I want more stuff like this happening.

Post epic skins that are better than their respective character's legendary skins.

lets set this once and for all, best skin for each hero?

Let's kick this thread with your used heroes stats

>push the fucking cart on R66
>Mercy switches to Pharah
>We no longer can push the cart as enemy has Lucio

>tfw 49% winrate


Nth for Widowmaker is cute but nerf her please

Also why the fuck is the general being numbered that some /ksg/ bullshit

Where does your waifu rank, Veeky Forums?

> tfw Widowmaker will never look down at you like this

>you'll never sit on genjis face

Is this a joke.

TF2 is fucked up but overwatch is significantly more unbalanced

>no lag in any other games
>700ms ping in Overwatch


Reinhardt: Bloodhardt
Tracer: Sporty
Widow: Noire
Zenyatta: Sunyatta
Mccree: Riverboat
DVa: Bva
Genji: Carbon Fiber
Junkrat: Jester

>drop a D.Va ult
>aw yeah this is gonna be great
>run all the way around on the other side of a pile of crates
>there's a teeny tiny crack in between the crates where I decided to stop moving which lets me see a sliver of the mech-nuke
>kill myself


>opinion list

>On defense as Rein
>Nobody picks a healer
>Ask for healing when I'm injured
>Guy who picked 76 runs back through the map to place his heal AoE down on me
>Continues to do so on request
>Team Torb eventually starts waddling over to drop armor now and then
>Never die

Fucking Pharah buff when

how do you use the:

>X wants to defend the point
>I need armor/shields


Only facts were considered in the making of that list.

dam this game is pretty easy, i dont see how it can be an esport tho trying real hard there.

armor shields is when you do healing while looking at torbjorn or symmetra

My waifu isn't on there.

Pig Pen
Both D Va epics
Both Pharah epics
Both Soldier epics
Both Genji epics
Both Tracer epics

Most of the legendary skins are dogshit or just average desu

>playing Trashmouse on defence
>lay down both traps in front of enemy spawn
>mfw insta kill a Tracer withing the first few seconds of the match
>mfw completely wreck Tracer for the entire match like this

i don't see how hearthstone became an "e-sport" yet blizzard poured money into that and it became a thing

the power of money compels you

I think server issues honestly or sdome shit

I have ~30 ping in most games i play, and in overwatch it sometimes spikes to 100

I'll stab you.

Heard some people, a friend included, complain about OW nuking their internet speed. Seems to be a very rare issue, but it happens to some people

>Frustrating to fight

Shitter detected

does tracer need a nerf? being a skilled tracer means you are basically untouchable. Does not help that her dash has barely any cooldown

Get a competent zarya on your team, tell them you are about to ult, ult, get bubbled, fuck shit up.

Less fucked than zenyatta in pugs, but pharah is pretty obnoxious on a half decent team that covers eachother.

ur gay

ur autistic

Please don't bully Symmetra, that's not nice. She can't help it.

literally can't find a half decent team


holy chill out blizzdrone, ur got going pro anyways.

no, because any good mccree can fuck her up

Would Overwatch have been better as a FPS instead of a MOBA?

How do you Genji/Mcree
They are awkward as fuck.

>McCree will be nerfed soon


yes, but she's overshadowed by mccree and widow at the moment

Not really. Some characters can OHKO her pretty easily. As Torb, I can gutshot them

i'm not even a blizzdrone lol, nor do i even care to go pro

quit being a mouthbreather

Post D.Va and 76 moments.

and I suppose you think chocolate milk comes from brown cows too

>mfw someone spent time making this

yeah but how do you ASK for them? does the option pop up because I look at braindead torbjs and syms all day that always forget what character they've picked and their role

>tfw the opposite happened to me today
>join game
>it's 30 seconds until we win game

Only Bastion needs a nerf desu, Tracer is fine.


reminder to remove attention whores from this general

Only on her Recall skill, it should be a longer CD for what it does.

>Mei is overpowered, she needs a nerf
A week goes by
>Bastion is overpowered, he needs a nerf
2 weeks go by
>Mccree and Widow are overpowered, they need nerfs

Who's next? Genji? Learn to fucking counter

How in the world can you be bad at Mcskill? Genji I understand because he skill ceiling is high

This is in the hypothetical, but often seen, situation with a good tracer vs a shitty team.

Honestly she's probably in the most balanced place she can be in. Shitters can't just autowin and good players actually have to try at something.

>Hook a charging Rein
>Grab D.Va just as she pops out of her mech
>Yank Pharah and Mercy out of the sky
>Timing your grab to hook Tracer
>Pull a Bastion out of sentry mode and bring him into your vengeful teammates

This Guy's the best. No hero needs to be this fun and satisfying.

>widowmaker wont be
>tanks wont be
>tanks will be even stronger after mccree nerf and d.va buff

Hope you like your 5 tank meta you fucking cunt leaguebabies

Yeah, shotguns will absolutely eviscerate her if you get even a couple of pellets on the head.

>I right-click
>after pressing E
>you guessed right
>I main McCree

Okay /owg/

Choose two heroes

Got em?

Really got em? Okay

These two heroes now have swapped themes. Brief example: Tracer/McCree. Tracer becomes cowgirl and McCree becomes a chav.
Are they better or worse?

Remind that Zarya without training would probably look like this

How are wins/losses recorded when you switch characters? Is it put on the character you played the most in the match?

>Pick bastion on payload attack
>Everyone on my team start shitting me
>by the time the match ends everyone is sucking my dick and I get 5 commendations

Bastion on the attack
Bastion on the defense
Bastion for every single map

Bastion can do anything

if they aren't careful you can get tracer as roadhog, you have to wait for her to blink before you do it.

However a very good tracer will twitch blink or even when hooked will just go recall miliseconds before your shot goes off

>tfw no Zarya skin that doesn't look like a tumblr power fantasy

The Siberia ones are ass too


Who's top and who's bottom?

>bastion on attack

against a shitty team, sure. but he's trash otherwise.

hold c and then move your mouse

But that's the natural progression.

New players have literally no idea how to deal with Mei and Bastion

As people get better they learn how to deal with them and can accurately identify strong heroes like McCree and WM.

>playing noskillpig


Top - Pharah
Bottom - Pharah

hatting russian lgbt character because of autism despite the fact she fucks up edgelord death cosplayer, genderbent dr who, call of duty 1976, donkey kong, and clint eastwood all the time.

Found the reaper.

yurifag pls go

Jump shifting can do wonders

What's wrong with tanks?

>D.Va and Zarya
>Zarya becomes a russian gamer girl
>D.Va a racist Korean

Not much has changed I guess

I think Pharah would be fuck and Mercy would be off

is that bad or something?

>Zarya would look so much better without the pink tumblr hair

>Mad Max mercy
I don't know

sleep tite soldier

Rest well, soldier.

amber/cobalt mercy
paragon reinhardt

>being mad at the hog

Someone got hooked

>thinking any hero needs skill

>tfw no Zarya skin that doesn't look like a tumblr power fantasy
>disregards the ones that are exactly that

get some better taste I guess

You mean they read reddit articles and parrot whatever e-sports cancer says. /owg/ couldn't identify an OP character if it turned into a 1000 pound gorilla.


She is so easy compared to scout.

>no air strafing
>does not have to hit meatshots, far less punishing if you miss because its just trace

But I guess if you never played scout she might seem fast for you if you come from CS:GO or some other slow shooters.

Jamaican Mercy and Angel Lucio.

Let the old man have his nap, he needs it.