League of legends general /lolg/

Ice waifu
Best waifu

lulu a shit

i hate gays


xth for tying up your ADCs!

my nigga

What's up with Origen why are they so bad all of a sudden?

that's not an adc

Maybe the game is really dying

>kinda want to play league
>remember that I've been getting packet loss as of 6.11
lol nvm

It's not their fault they're good and everyone else isn't.
When they're so good they start shutting out competition at international tournaments because it's a given they will win, Riot needs to start amping up their international tournaments.
So we get more competitive games, before SKT just win it all.
I liked the amount of games we had at MSI but bo1 are fucking shit.
Bring an extra team from each region so we see more international competition.

So who won?

Why can't every support be as good and welldesigned as Alistar?

>Zyra picked
Well, she's getting nerfed if NRG win.

>she succ me

what does this even mean??

anyone know when riot is going to have a "bouncing axes" type event again? where buying a legendary gets you a free random skin and it can re activate if you get another legendary?

is there one going on now? that'd be swell

why is she getting more and more lewd?

i guess but its hard to see what makes them so much better than other teams in korea. ROX dominated the entire spring split up until the playoffs. the only teams to really shit on SKT were the old Samsung teams and they had some of the best players of all time

xth for Cute Vi

she knows her audience

PoE flat out sucks, and the 2 players that pretty much kept them afloat during the 2016 spring split are now gone.

And now with Forgiven and Hybrid, they are easily the most dysfunctional team in either LCS. Though NRG might give them a run for their money now.

So is Karma a pro-play powerpick now? What happened? I don't want my waifu to be gutted.

>shoulders almost twice as wide as hips
How can anyone find this attractive?

it's summer user. normal people wear less clothes during summer

she's been very strong for a while now

she makes people go fast
and slows people
and has hard CC

people like traps for a reason

It was the R-E buff a while ago that made her good

>normal people wear less clothes during summer
and god bless them

they play an extremely good reactive game and seem to know the limits of their champions and the enemy better than other teams.
when they get behind they can struggle like at MSI in some games, but they can teamfight on fumes for fucking ages.

>playing zyra in lcs
i don't know how i feel about this, i feel like she don't belong there, she can't peel much and is pretty much only damages she also need money to get mpen items.
>early dominance
>can do #LCSBIGPLAYS with her root
>aoe shields on low cd
i don't think they'll nerf her, she's not pick or ban, picked often yeah, but that's it.
im surprised they aren't making new athene on her

>best players of all time
>Imp and Marin on LGD losing to literal whos in China

>what does this even mean??

its pretty basic englando familia

>Zyra cant peel much

>Karma can do #LCSBIGPLAYS with her root

If you didnt write both of those statements in the same post I wouldve never believed this was the same person posting

She (the female in question) succ me (you)

>its Friday
>this means only 3 more days of this week rotation

Will taliyah finally be in Free week on monday? I need to decide if I want to buy her


>This fucking clown fiesta
who even are these guys, where's C9

>wanted to tryhard and try to go pro this year
>mommy decides to switch to a shit internet company so i can only play without 500 ping if no one else uses the internet
>literally only have an hour or less of playable time to play league

git gud

>santorin 5 levels ahead of seraph

If you cant get to Master on shit ping, you cant reach Challenger even with the best internet connection ever.
It also helps, if youre on the NA server, to live near Chicago. I get FANTASTIC fucking ping as long as my computer doesnt decide to dump 99% of the RAM on loading a youtube video for no reason

C9 is gone

How cancerous would this build be on Yi or Xin Zhao?
Can I make it work for any other on hit champions like jax or kayle?

What a fucking clown fiesta.

What happen, couldn't stand getting steamrolled by people who don't even speak your same tounge

A person of the female gender performs oral sex with me.

>enemy team lets their adc get kills even when they dont have to
>my team keeps flashing for kills that are 100% secured to me
>wonder why im super behind the enemy adc in items



Shit on Yi and Xin perfectly fine on Jax and Kayle

You don't want to go full damage on the former unless you've already won also Guinsoo's is a shit buy 99% of the time.


The turret secret OP Xin Zhao build is Bloodrazor > CDR boots > Nashor's > Gunblade > Guinsoo's > Spirit Visage.

You need literally 7,000 (6,795 not counting 350 starting gold not spent on potions) income to get the first TWO items. And the rest of your items are useless until you complete them
This might actually be the worst build path ever.

>this zyra skin
>all these screams
just like when i shooted all these people the other day

It's a female with a vagina.

>all of a sudden

500 ping is far beyond the realm of unplayable, especially when its constantly fluctuating between 500 and 3000

I'd buy a Razor -> Lucids -> Blasting Wand -> Spectres into Visage personally, if a mountain drake spawned and I think I can get a turret knocked down that early.

>day 1
>day 2
>it's the same day
uhh riot hello?

What is considered unacceptable ping?
>80 ms here


>play normals after many ranked games
>Enemy has Maokai top, Kindred jungle, Azid mid and Lucian/Braum botlane
What a diverse metagame!


8 ping here, I can play comfortably at ~200 ping as long as it's consistent

This shit is fucking cancer. I'm not even kidding you. I can solo turrets that are full HP with that build and not take any damage. I can also solo baron. Both teams usually type wtf in all chat when they see me do it, too.

Anything more than 30 ping is unplayable for me.

>zed gets banned so mid throws a hissy fit and takes gp with ghost/exhaust mid with 0 games played
>yasuo gets banned so top throws a hissy fit and takes teemo top with 0 games played

why are zed and yasuo players such children?

>Aphromoo, Leader of CLG and the best bard in the world has five hundred thousand followers on twitch
>doublelift, ADC extraordinaire and mechanical genius has seven hundred thousand followers on twitch
>Trick2g The godyr and wielder of D cane has one million followers on twitch


>imp wasnt even the best player on samsung white.
>marin wasnt even on samsung
i thing you just made some shit up. what i was talking about was dandy, dade, mata, acorn, deft, and spirit. though they havent done a whole lot recently, at the time they were godlike, and only a few have matched them.

Would it be a good build if i were snowballing? What would you say is a good build for Yi/Xin?

I'll try that

I was thinking of going wits end after blood razor then building guinsoo's and then gunblade > ga
What do you suggest I build?

damn hes balding

2 of them occasionally stream, one of them streams everyday. hmmmm

the king of bronze and silvers

>why are retards retarded
gee boss I don't know.
Take a look at the champions they play for a good hint



How can you even play if you're that autistic about maining zed when he's permabanned? Either you play blind pick and have to fight for your role to play zed (against another zed), or he's gonna get banned in draft.


>Autistc Washed up Top laner has 1,002, 000

Whats your point ?

have you ever had a teammate ban a champion FROM you?

>remember when he used to have 80 viewers
>remember this one guy would always post hentai in the chat
>used to mod his chat

late xth for playful foxes

>Good build for Yi
Get bloodrazor first, then depending on their team I'd get Bork/Wit's End/Dead Man's
>Anything else
Stack dorans and get a triforce

Do what the other user said

Someone banned my shaco because they said they were coulrophobic

No, because I'm not planning to play riven or yasuo top. Or trying to play zed last pick.

Maybe if I start spamming Leona in top or jung.

>That fucking Ace in the Hole w/ Explosive Cask combination

Would've been SO fucking sleek had it come off.

>LoL players still exist on Veeky Forums


Who is the most retarded lolg poster of all time?

Why the fuck is LCS at nighttime?

how'd I do?

snow day malz is op

rioter here
you are going to want Toxic Mundo for the future if you know what i'm getting at

I think they need to reduce ekkos passive speed a bit
it starts at 50% MS and caps out at 80% MS, in addition to slowing by 60%.
I get they want to make black champions run fast but that move speed is a joke.
he overstays and gets caught, loljk doesn't matter 80% move speed increase + 60% slow in one effect.


did i do well /lolg/?

She lacks any hard CC and doesn't have dedicated damage like other mages. Thus, her win rate plummets after mid game.

Great counter pick to darius with the mad kite and shield.

I just uninstalled, I'M FREE!

For a month or so, until I come crawling back.




see you soon

Nice zeroes.
Once I tried to play vayne and she got banned.
A few times I make joke picks in jungle and get banned out.
Usually it only happens when I do something in the lobby to piss off a 12 year old. So far no ones hate-banned me for using the term triggernigger. but Im sure they will one day.

I think I asked someone to pick anybody except Riven last pick but they refused to listen so I banned her and they banned me in response. Fortunately im not a OTP and someone else dodged anyway so I couldnt care less if I get banned out


At this point,LCS is so boring I'm just hearing noise on a stream.

This is boring me with Korea too, something I hoped would never happen. I have to see SKT losing to be invested in the scene now. Not because I don't like them, I just don't want to see a team for the second time in a row, absolutely shit stomp the competition.

watching OGN was like watching adult swim from 2001-2004. Why did it come to this?

who /fuckdynamicqueue/ here

MADE IT!!!!!!!

I wonder what GBM is thinking right now