Anyone else here think that the new $20 bill is going to be a terrible idea? No offense to Harriet Tubman but she does not belong on US money!
Anyone else here think that the new $20 bill is going to be a terrible idea...
go back to /pol/ pls
Can't wait to write nigger and other racist things so black people have to see
Better should have put a Cowboy on it
or some famous Indian Chief.
Nothing against Tubman, but PC bullshit will be the death of america
>tfw Andrew Jackson was one of the greatest US presidents
>tfw he is no longer honored
>tfw Generations will no longer remember his face or his deeds, and he will be relegated to a minor position as another fill in president
Jackson would have been turning in his grave over modern banking and currency, so it might be more appropriate not to have him on our bills.
y tho
what did he do that makes him "one of the greatest US presidents"?
Fuckit. The dumb sons of bitches are just wasting ink wifh all of this Monopoly money.
They couldn't find a better picture of her? Lord.
If you were gonna pick someone black for the bill it should have been MLK. Tubman was a submeme at best.
Probably because it stifles pride, and the intent to conquer for yourself and your kin. These are important psychological principles of a successful nation.
America resembles very little, if anything in what the Founding Fathers envisioned. It's time America starts changing its image to more appropriately reflect what it's today.
He broke the banks of his time and kicked native americans out of the northeast, allowing the prosperity of Boston/NJ/NY to become a reality by clearing way for European immigration. He then went on to push the war against western natives to clear land for future expansions. It was racist, he fucked over a people for the benefit of his own, and it was honestly the reason the USA is great.
Literally a conqueror, plus he's famous for winning duels with political rivals (pistol duels, killed his rivals legally), and he survived an assassination attempt by BEING SHOT IN THE CHEST and simply not dying. He was already old at the time, beat the shooter with his cane before his guards got to him, and survived another decade or two with the gunshot bullet still in him.
Basically a pro-USA old badass grandpa.
The first and only US president who caved in the face of his would-be assassin.
>tfw he destroyed the central bank
>tfw they mock him by putting his face on currency
>tfw one of the fed reserve kikes has his face framed in their office out of contempt for him
i'm glad he's going to be off the currency but i agree he shouldnt be replaced by a nigger
I find that so-called new 20 dollar bill offensive and I'm not even white. Like someone said above it makes more sense if it was MLK or some famous native american at the very least. It seems like they are trying to push feminism so hard this year. I can only think it is due to the elections.
If they really wanted a female on the U.S. currency, they should put Lady Liberty on it rather than an historical person. And Lady Liberty should be a white person, not a Hispanic or black person.
That's one non-white American's opinion.
Personally, I think they should replace the art on all paper money and coins with Lady Liberty as it was in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Putting the pictures of public officials, even great ones like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, on the money reeks of banana republics. I suspect Washington and Jefferson would agree were they alive today.
Whoops. I think paper money always had the portrait of a real-life person on them. My opinion on no portrait of real-life persons still stands, though.
Ugly people shouldn't be painted on money.
>putting an ugly nigger on a bill
cashless society cant come fast enough
Yeah, it's pretty much a two for one concession to nigs and women.
I don't think I'll deface currency but I kind of like the idea of putting Jackson all over the place and trying to meme him up just to get under the skin of people celebrating the changeover.
>First time in history a bank note is worth less than its face value.
But user, that face has no value
But if Jackson was still alive today, he'd absolutely despise it....
that's the joke, although it's worded incorrectly. He's saying the note says it's worth $20, but because of the nigger on it, it's actually worth $0