/wfg/ - Warframe General

I have no good saved WF pics but you asses were too busy blowing Baro to make a new topic so have a kubrow edition

previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: 18.13: TennoGen, Passives, & Reworks
> forums.warframe.com/topic/652752-update-18130-tennogen-passives-reworks/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for bloom


Ye in t2 he was pretty alright
Was nice to see an Oberon for once too
Here is the rarely seen rubedo Rhino



Shit, was it Oberon night for you guys too?

I had one with that skin. You know, the butterfly skin. First Oberon I've seen in literally a month.

I kinda carried him with NotPrime Ember in an Exterminate T3 I kinda joined at random, but he looked pretty so it was 'k

I'm just too conscious to join up with people I interact with. I don't want to fuck up and disappoint.

Your screenshots look so much better than mine ;-;

Lol to what standard do you hold /wfg/?

Like attracts like
act like a shitter and you'll draw them to you

>Grind up 500k credits and a Nyx Prime helmet to FINALLY fucking rank 5 New Loka.
>Forgot Baro was in town.

Oh well, at least I have a new fancy boob-sigil. And Fracturing Crush, because seed stockpiling was a wonderful thing.

Is the only way to get the brakk really farming the grustrag three?


IGN: CptKornflake

There once was a man
who didn't give a damn
about his cipher time
or his stats

He just wanted to go
at max speed y'know
just needed to feel
super fast


Then the shitters they came
and whined and complained
that they couldn't keep up

Now the man could not spin
to go fast and to win
DE nerfed it all
not that he cared


So he worked everyday
To come up with a way
to sleek
and to go fast again

They took away his copter
and they nerfed his health lobster
"but this will not
be the end"


So without holding shift
or needing speed drift
the man found a way
to be quick

He shot through the levels
Without giving steve shekels
and yelled


The end



Yeah iktf
I don't always fast with warbros but my skin is thick enough that I'm okay with not being the fastest all the time

I've yet to see the pretty butterfly Oberon in a mission, might have to look in the relay for one

You'll get it eventually

Staticor is the best use of ypur fieldrons desu

Sonicor is my main weapon lately so I've been cautiously optimistic since I noticed the Staticor in the dojo labs

ded thread
ded game

Charge attack is useless

Multishot and corrosive

Spam that shit


Hey friends, is it possible to change the colour of Atlas' Rumblers?

>Still need 2 more Nitain for Vauban Prime




What's cookin good lookin?


>tfw have no energy to play wargrind
>tfw have been doing nothing but log in for baro and sell some some things for ducats and log out the last 2 months

I really don't want to play this game anymore but I'm at that point where it feels like I should just keep up with things and hope the game becomes better.



Where do I need to go in order to farm oxium efficiently? I just logged in to get a resource booster


I haven't researched yet but I suspect there might be a fuckton of blowjob-themed Lotus lewds, considering her headgear and whatnot. Any experts in here to confirm?

Not as much as you'd think, but there's a couple. They also vary in quality


Do most hardcore r34 pictures involve vanilla sex then? I'm surprised people haven't sexualized the only visible parts of her face.

rule 34 of becca when?

Yes, most of it is vanilla. Most of it is solo pics or paired with Excal. Craziest is a couple tentacle pics of her.
There isn't a lot of her, sadly.

Holy shit dead fucking thread where did you all go?

it's 5 am

It's fuckin day somewhere my man

Still trying for Trin P Systems. RNGesus refuses to help.
I have 3 other Prime frames that just need 1 part to finish but it's not happening.

That's your problem. Give yourself unto Lord Lootcifer. He will take the pain of your failed farms and, once he has gotten enough, give you your reward.


Be real with me here /wfg/, do you use it?

No, haven't even tried it

I left it on default. I don't use melee.

Stop trying to recruit for your favorite boards, man.

What the hell is this?

No because I use a Mouse & Keyboard and have no use for it.

One of those can be useful for conclave sleek.
Too bad you can't hotkey it.

Does prowl work on sabotage caches?

No. Why would it?

Is a sabotage caches a mob? Does it have health and is effected by warframe buffs?

A man can dream


I mean if it did have health and shield you could probably loot it within the first few hours after DE realize how stupid they are.

The only reason why you can't loot a data terminal is before it has no droptable. Same with cyropods.

You can predict DE's fuck ups before they even happen.

I like to learn why the sleek works before using the exploit.


A more convincing faggot than a gay goy plays

That is a beautiful poem.

So I stopped playing since they dropped the Kayla changes.
What has change and what has DE done since then?

Is it me, or did ember sets gain value AGAIN?

He's cute

That's warframe community for ya.

Would you believe that I came up with it as I was typing?

F2p newshit here.
I have 2 crafted Volt P pieces and a few prime weapon parts. How much plat would it get me if I sold the frame parts? Do people buy individual pieces or do they need the entire set? Do sets include the frame bp as well?


>I have 2 crafted Volt P pieces
You can't sell crafted parts though, only bps...

Woah. I guess that's gonna be the first prime frame I'll play with. Does that mean when people look for sets they need only bps?

She kneeds the knot.

Full sets typically go for the highest number, but you'll still find people looking for individual bps. Especially since some parts are much rarer than others.

No, people sell bps.
If you craft them you cannot trade them.

Did DE actually kill the game this time?
Shills are leaving, thead is ded, even streamers are leaving for Overwatch...

Last thread barely hit 180ips and that's including becca tripcode and tierqueer posting

It's dying jim.

and dog posting.

It's almost over.

They actually killed it. And they still act butthurt, as if they did nothing wrong and players are being whiny babies.

God damn DE needs to stop being manchildren about criticism. It's ruining EVERYTHING.

u19 will have almost nothing

fairy frame, teshin TRAITOR quest, cades, some syndicate cosmetic and I think that's it.

new starchart will fuck shit up majorly too. mod 3.0 might be coming too

1 more exp point and I would've been cleared.


do a t1 capture and get over it

Anyone notice how the Dual Zoren is just a Scindo split in halves?

That's actually a glitch.
That DE said was fixed

Those have been around since closed beta. That can be forgiven.

The fragor prime looking like a caged datamass, DE can go die.

Yeah I know that it's been around since then but I'm just now realizing it because I'm a fucking dumbass

Don't sell the zorn you need those for another build!

Do you faggots even come here more than once a month? The thread is ALWAYS this active at this time.

With the bless nerf, doesn't that mean teams must stick together during trials? I don't see how much has changed, besides it punishing stragglers.

What happened to The giant kubrows Rebecca and Megan had a while ago? I want one

I don't get the joke on this image; are all those kubrows with bad stats?

They're ugly kubrows

They're all the kubrows that have been consigned to the lotus for being ugly.

they had to put it down

If they'd let me take my Kubrow and my Sentinel on mission together, I'd forgive DE for pretty much everything. My pupper has been sleeping in a fridge for the last 2 months because she's utterly useless.

>tfw have yet to complete the kubrow quest

that's dumb

imagine what will happen. when your cade is added to this

what's next, a magical parrot to order you in missions

Never done either of the raids, and I can't get invited to groups since I've never done it. What do I do? Tell everyone I'm an old pro at it when I actually need some instruction?

Rakt Caernos one shots nullies bubbles

toxix clouds are invisible now which is great

fuckers ask for 'fix'

do they expect get space mom points stickers or what?

I got mine yesterday, you can do it!
Nova systems though.... not even close.

Is there a more reliable way to farm Mutalist Navs? I've done 2 defenses to 50 and not a single one, ive done a few suvivals to 40 too and nothing either, i just want my Tablewarframe

Derelict is absolutely fucked drop-wise. I just do it as if they're solar system missions to level frames or farm cells and neurodes and hope it'll be a pleasant surprise.

MR17 and I feel like I'll never get Nova...


they check profiles so the elitism is real

I advice check-in youtube the hosting the LoR. stay the fuck away from JV until some fucking consensus on how it's supposed to be done now that bless trin is ripipipipip

Anyone got any good female chroma lewd pics?