Is it okay to quit a shitty job by just not coming in without saying anything ? Im just not liking it and there's a better job I can start almost immediately.
Is it okay to quit a shitty job by just not coming in without saying anything...
Sure as long as you don't include it in your resume
tried that once.. you would get calls from your employer tho.. told him i didnt want the job anymore.. they mailed me a contract that i should sign to officialy resign which i signed and sent back to them.
Of course, that's a given
But should I really just stop coming in? I feel like I'm letting people down, I just really don't want to work there anymore though
yeah its fine, but atleast do them the courtesy of calling and telling them you aren't coming in
ideally a day or two before you're scheduled to work if that's possible so you aren't leaving someone there wondering when you're going to show up, that's kind of a shitty thing to do to your coworkers
I have a friend who has a horrible work history. He tends to last about 1 year at a job before he loses interest in it and starts fucking it up. Eventually he quits by just vanishing without notice, even leaving behind his last paycheck if he doesnt remember to time it so the last time he shows his face is on a payday
hes had something like 20 jobs so far (As opposed to my 7, were the same age, and including -all- "jobs" i had that i got paid for, including short term 2-3 week gigs) and has pulled this shit on all but one that I'm aware of.
He once got hired at an ATT kiosk in the mall, went in for his first day, hated having to talk to strangers and vanished during his lunch break and never came back.
in general, its a very shitty move, and stops you from being able to put it on your resume if its something related to your desired field.
at the bare minimum let the boss know you're quitting. i always try to give a 2 weeks notice and go out with some form of decency, but at LEAST let them know you quit. if nothing else it builds character in you so you're not some scared piece of shit that runs away from confrontation.
You should NOT just stop showing up. Give in at least a 1 week notice. Its a dick move to just change something like that.
In my country you need 2weeks notice
Mfw you're actually considering just disappearing.
Too much of a fucking pussy to say you quit. Have fun in life you spineless fucking rat.
You will be letting people down. Unless your boss or co-workers were absolute dicks, give a week or two's notice. Your new employer will understand and likely think higher of you for it.
If you're on good terms and it was a sort of ong term job, then yes give at the very least a 1 week notice. If they are really shitty and you dont plan to use it on a resume ever, then no. Do you think they would give you "2 weeks notice" if they decide to fire you?
Of course it's ok op. Does the boss give you two weeks notice when he wants to fire you?
You might be surprised how it can come back to bite you in the ass. Your boss and coworkers will remember you vividly as an irresponsible asshole, and it's not impossible that one of them will come back into your life/social circle later.
You're better off giving someone your two weeks and being nice about it. You could run into them in another transaction, and it will be good that you were good to them.
But if they are assholes, then fuck it. Just walk.
I've done both before, but I only walked if the manager really deserved it.
can't they use his personal info to do shitty things?
Seems like that's a great way to piss people off
That's your... face? Uhh okay then
Don't walk. Give them notice.
Look, I've had shitty jobs too, and I know how good it'd feel to "get them back" - but reputation matters. Your future employers would look poorly on you just walking out and would look favorably on someone having the maturity to not pitch a hissy fit, even if the employer was totally in the wrong.
Nigga how hard is it to just put two weeks in?
I put mine in 4 days ago, and I'm counting down bruh.
Okay how?
Other than a few angry phone calls, the worst they can do is not give you reference and possibly withhold pay. If you didn't sign anything and they're sketchy they might try short changing you with what you owe when you leave but it's not terribly likely.
If it's a really shitty job, we're talking McCuck tier, then you can just stop coming in. Chances are some new hires will come the same week/after. Source: I've quit the same walmart 4 times and they take me back every time.
Depends, is it a minimum wage service job? Sure
Is it a temp agency wagecuck factory? Sure
Anything else, probably not a good idea. Unless youre looking to get into a job that will actually care enough to inquire about your past jobs more then verifying you worked there at all (most don't), it really wont hurt you.