>You'll never crack open the skull of a Nidalee player
why even live?
Draven best male charecter
Vladimir is a dumb ass character design, both mechanically and visually, and your garbage erotic dime novel vocabulary only serves to worsen his already poor image.
>lucian ult crit reverted
well shit, an actual real nerf
>dumb ass visually
just dated as fuck, he was the first champ ever released
that's why casters can't get enough of that smooth marble
>erotic dime novel
it's called autistic husbandofagging lurk more
Your taste in anime,characters, and the way you told her off is great
>just dated as fuck, he was the first champ ever released
wasn't even in the game when it released newfag
>one trick pony karma to plat for 2 years
>get to plat 3
>lck / lcs season starts
>loose streak to plat 5
>karma becomes fotm
>picked almost every pro game
atleast no one plays karma in ranked
yes im that autist with 900 ranked games / 550k mastery
That's why I mean ever released.
He was not in the original champs, but he was the first season one champ to get a release like the ones we see today.
that's 2010? he's not even aged that badly, but a GP-like VU would be so welcome
I'd be up for that.
Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.
i watched it recently and its still awesome
>those people who shit talk about winning lane and there team being shit and losing for them
well done, you continue sitting in your lane with that 4 kill advantage and never leaving
ayo f@ms i got 4800 ip who do i buy
i have literally nobody from that tier
The shitty fan art you post isn't even accurate to his appearance. No one cares about that onion head cakeboy.
>But the casters
Are talking heads and League fake ass esports are fucking garbage anyway
I just hate Vladimir and MUH MARBLE ROD. She can grab a marble rod and drive into her spine, at least then she won't be able to type this stupid shit anymore.
Thx for Viktor, best mage in the game
Why the fuck would varus get another skin and the darkstar one instead of viktor? a black hole over his shoulder shooting black laser would be quite good
>last thread was nearly 8 hours old
>new thread was still early
Dead as fuck game.
Save up more for Aatrox.
Just make him less generic and more believable as a character and fitting the world he's in (aka noxian high society)
I don't even mind the current VO. It fits with him being a histrionic clown and also the laugh is next level hnnnnng
isn't aatrox completely shit now that zephyr is kill
>Riot blows the game up
>"wow this game is dead"
no shit sherlock
>not collecting that freelo from top
god I love those Illaoi buffs
ur shit
>no one cares
Speaking from Veeky Forums HQ here?
>garbage anyway
sure babe whatever
>I just hate Vladimir and MUH MARBLE ROD
feel welcome to filter keywords
Could you give me a general overview about Victor? I want to pick him up for ranked but i always build wrong and i don't feel I'm maxing correcting
You lack ambition, user. Not nearly creative enough.
The other two are very eldritch space horrorish, and he would have to fit. His robotic arm would be more of a tentacle, of course, and it would be holding the black hole. His stun field would be him throwing out the star, pulling people in. His ult would have a similar effect, the black hole hovering above the enemy team, tearing at them and sucking up pebbles and grass as it goes.
should i grab vlad, or is he still crap
Tell me, /lolg/ should i purchase xerath? Whats his good and bad points, whats his strenghths and weaknesses? SHOULD i get him?
>tfw duoing with a diamond smurf
Feels so good now that i am rapidly climbing to the elo i deserve to be at
do you know how to play buttons on the correct order sanic fast
do you know how to predict where your enemy is/will be and quickscope their asses
if yes to all, do it
if no to one, don't
he's literally the one-shot tanks/non-tanks and 900 mr gaylords
he also pops faster than a fucking fly
He is really fun to play but man it can be a nightmare when you get camped by a mobile champion.
now that you can fire 5 arcane shots with your ultimate at lv 16 your ult is more than a "let me pick up that one guy with 100hp" ability
>its a nidalee dies to blue buff episode
It's even better if you forget the last two movies exist
>wooooow anyone else get a huge lag spike?
Are you good with handling skillshots (with delays)? Because that's pretty much him based on my experience.
He can reward you with a shitton of damage in exchange for precision in aiming.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Thats pretty neato, i didnt know that! I thought he only had 3 but i guess that big mage update changed that! Thanks for the info!
I have pretty good prediction, and i always use smartcast because it is faster and i am more accurate now, so i might be? I dont actually knowyself whether or not i am fast enough for xerath combos
>picked or banned in most LCS games
Dunno man you tell me.
what do i build on lamb lolg
i want to be cute
>play talon
>vs brand
>mfw he uses q to lasthit cannon creep
I hear u homie dat pussy so went u wanna dive in
why do people pick vayne
no, seriously, why
fucking tristana is better
>Doubting the power of cancer
>Playing assasin
>Opposing non mobile mage uses ANY skill to CS without harrasing
Because people care more about looking good than winning games.
Gosu was a thing at some point in league history and the shtick stuck
Soft In Wet
vayne doesn't even look good, what's your point
Dynamic Queue will never ever leave
I just hit plat 5!! Don't really have anyone else to tell at the moment, so I guess I just have you guys. ;____;
Who wins in a midlane fight? Zed or xerath? Alternatively Xerath vs lux? Im almost sold on him, i just need the opinion of you people on his matchups, thanks in advance!
The average idiot thinks that what she does is cool looking. What we think doesn't matter, we are just two people.
go hit plat 3 then i'll congratulate you
Is this a good game if I wanna play alone?
welcome to hell
welcome to hell
zed is 86% ban rate so don't even fucking worry about the nigger
lux will rape you as soon as she lands an Q
If Blizzard had the brain cells left to remove it from HotS, there's still hope for Riot
Not bad
Who boosted you?
zed absolutely rapes xerath
xerath vs lux should be just waveclearing, xerath has better poke though so he should be able to force her out of lane provided he's not shit at hitting it
That Thresh really living up to his name
Honestly most Threshes I've played with/against get shit on. I barely see him in the first place and I dunno why he's having such a hard time this season.
Solo Queue would never make League of Legends into the next soccer
Riot wants to become soccer
Its shit alone or with friends
>3rd easiest farm tool, next to gp barrels and yasuo MLG SKILL SHOTS
>in-built minuscule life steal allows for safe play past the early lvl 3 stages, where cheap-o one trick champs get their kills
>even then, just buy cloth, or null + pots to keep you from dying stupidly
>as long as you aren't shit and don't feed you're gonna keep farming and eventually get ahead of the now-starved oponent who hasn't even thought bout last hitting and just spent all his mana on skillshots
>then you jump
>then they ded
why would you want to play alone?
Is quite obvious what Riot is trying to do with the whole deal with ESPN and the whole "You ain't gonna get shit from soloing our game" strategy they're pulling
League of legends will never be the next soccer no matter what they do
this only works in silver and bronze by the way
i expect golds to do better than that and actually keep up
Is Zed the citizen kane of League of Legends?
You cannot say that
The game is STILL growing
it's another episode of your team picking a shit champ against a zed mid and singlehandedly losing the game
It aint fair. Zed is too fucking good. I own him mastery 5 because i cant be bothered to play him anymore because i feel cheap using him because of hiw easy things are. I almost feel sorry for people im against that arent playing yasuo or zed as well. Why does he get to be better than all the immobile mages and stuff? Assassins like zed are all bound to be stupid 2bh
Also the """""""""""nerf"""""""""" he got only buffed his waveclear and poke and only reduced shuriken AD ratio by .1
What. The. Fuck.
how does that make sense, he was an asshole champion without principles from the beginning
Yes I can
Not quite, zed (as most assassins in league) can't do shit when tanks dominate the meta and are almost never picked by anyone who doesn't main them autistically
>The game is STILL growing
If op.gg has any merit I should be there unless I go on a massive losing streak. o:
Pure solo, I starting out "support" most games, but then I got tired of setting up a bunch of plays and no one capitalizing on them. zzz
he's actually a pretty high skill floor champ, you might already know how to play him, or have a good idea how to, you just need experience and practice
>implying bandwagon shitters wont instalock zed regardless if you don't ban him
>and then proceed to win without knowing the champion because he plays the game for you
nah he's the Michael Bay of League of Legends
>Ahri's orb deals true damage on return
What the hell?
/s splat
Playing up till level 30 alone or with friends is fine either way.
Dynamic queue in raked once you hit lvl30 kinda made it weird to be the odd man out in a team but that might change eventually.
I sorta like playing alone a bit better because I don't like having friends in a call to vent when I have a bad game or someone else does. It's fun when games go well but it's not always a good time for everyone.
it's obvious riot wants to keep him good because 13 year olds love that champion so they're trying to lower the banrate without nerfing or even silently buffing him
remember when they changed the shadow on r and everyone thought he got nerfed when it turned out he was actually better than before that way? that's what they're trying to do again
Im not saying zed is bad now, but if you remember when tanks are buffed assassins are nerfed indirectly, if zed was trully the citizen kane of lol he would be the only assassin to be capable of dealing with tanks and be a god at everything, thus always requiring nerfs
why aren't you playing the best character in the game?
because i have no skins for him :(
Zed isnt even good though. Does your team have even snare among 5 characters? Zed is fucked.
>riot reworks Swain and Vlad
>think they're gonna be balanced
>lol nope, they're hyper cancer
>Swain won't die unless he tower dives one vs five
>Vlad can heal for literally 1,544 damage with only 2 AP items and spirit visage
Classic Riot
Nice post RiotGame employee, you conveniently forgot that zed can go completeley untargetsble every 40 seconds or so with hownmuch cdr henstacks, not to mention his shadow to avoid things that he cant get away from otherwise
anyone else listen to jpop while playing league
I just trolled and lost million games in a row and fell to Silver I from Gold V
I didn't know it was even possible
Time to go back to Bronze V :D
Because I'm busy memeing in normals