Blade and Soul General /bnsg/

Remember your origins Edition

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Cerulean #1

alle is dumb china poster?

xth for dumb china poster

>Alle is the china poster


xth for dumb chinaposter

Eristic is china poster

calm down netopi. i think that one's taken

no, daiba is the china poster

It all makes sense. His character looks just like the anime character. Same dumb pink hair. It all fits.

but china poster likes kyoppi and im pretty sure alle rejected him

I'm pretty sure Kyoppi has just gone full Anthony Bird and IS chinaposter.

xth for miserable day.

>>tfw nobody responded when you say good night in guild chat
>5 instant replies when someone else says it

fuck this shit

I know that feel user and it really does hurt

good night user!

Pit Bulls should all be killed along with pugs. Disgusting fucking breeds.

goodnight user

>next run after get the exact same merchant drops

Time to be flamboyant as fuck

it's just not the same when you don't know who's saying it, but thank you anons


time to end my life

Sleep well, user

my name is kizuna

Good night, user.

At least it suits you :^)

It's Daiba

Gas these pets

guess china poster was alle since he hasnt posted anymore

ummm hello?


Why do they make getting Valor stones such a pain in the ass

Nope! Could easily see how one would be lead to that assumption, however.

Had I been more attentive and paying attention to the thread instead of commiserating over ArcheAge experiences with the remnants of that Cold Storage group from earlier, I would've chosen some fancy-looking in-game scenery for the OP instead. An uncommon occurrence to be sure, but I've plenty of quality 'shots to select from should the iron stay hot enough for long!

That also isn't me in the heading image either. Haven't a clue who's Lyn that might've been, but to whichever user sculpted it from the aether, you have my respect for appreciating cute characters doing cute things.

Hi, user.

The fuck is a china poster
Is this some dumb NA meme?

fuck off eu faggot



It's Summer! Edition

How new are you

Are you new.

china isnt in north america.....
you fucking stupid europoor

You're not even EU, dummy. Shut the heck up.

who care...

summer doesn't start until June 20th....

Ryuko tan tan~!

crimson #1


Don't worry. I didn't get to join her lobby. :(

If I see a screenshot with a cute character I save it. That's an oldie, you probably just forgot about it.

>3rf3rxf a summoner do death so hard that he decides to just give up the second round entirely
Is there any better feeling?

i wish courante wasn't dead


give me your latency and quick fingers

Who else?

Is there any forcing anti aliasing guide?

fuck off courante

i wish i was dead

weren't you a summoner?

Most likely race change and used their summoner's appearance.

Did someone fart? It really stinks in here.

what are you going to do with those quick fingers





use them on my keyboard

where the hell do you keep your keyboard

No, the face is different.

jeffrey is the CUTEST EU lyn

forcing works like shit, adding is the way to go

Whoever you are, please stop this meme. PLEASE

marry me jeffrey

EU Cold storage multiple runs #716224 we got the orbs

>Remu + Tey
i-i'm coming for you two

We're waiting.

i already joined

What did you join user?

>filtering screenshots
>notice that the filtered screenshot folder is missing and nowhere to be found
>Probably was checked while I ctrl+checked and deleted other screenshots
I think a part of my heart died there.
Worst day of my life.

you must have had a great life until then azu!

you will never find out who i am

I am sorry

you are yaerie

you are autistic

Yaerie samefagging again

EU old 4-man dailies


Lair->Necro->Yeti (and Asura if people want to do it)

Considering that i was the only one in the lobby besides tey and remu i guess that's pretty much true. Unless you're me.

>It's a courante forces himself on the thread even a month after quitting and then posts about it on discord episode

EU yeto4 #724822

It was too hot to sleep so I'm tired as fuck edition. LFG in 15.

Fuck off Yaerie


>10 gold drop from daily challenge two days in a row
I am slowly building up to that 1k.

are those reclaimed secret technique pages any useful after you've gotten the 300?

Good morning /bnsg/

Anyone going to be resetting heaven's mandate? Need that gem still!

Bound to account

NA Morning Dailies. Get them done now, so you can play later. #760404

Mornin' Rilo.

Q3 - other section says "Windrest". What does it mean?

Servers merging with Windrest?

>twisted grimhorn wilds

Windrest is a new region.

It's 7 am. Goodnight /bnsg/.

Cold Storage, Heaven's Mandate and then Asura6 spam for soul shields.

EU #733297

Good morning