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/owg/ - Overwatch General
Symmetra is my autistic wife!
>"Traveling to Volskaya Industries"
>"Traveling to Volskaya Industries"
>"Traveling to Volskaya Industries"
>"Traveling to Volskaya Industries"
>"Traveling to Volskaya Industries"
Sigrun or Valkyrie?
best or bestest girl?
or is it mae the bae instead?
Sigrun better hair, Valkyrie has blue wings which i like better
Sigrun by far
Redheads a qt
Friendly reminder to laugh at any amputeefags.
wuts wrong with Imp?
Can't beat a good redhead.
You just can't.
Stop being alone here. Come join us in the real thread.
I got Imp for free off a loot box. It's just really, really ugly.
So is my luck stat officially 10?
so how do i get a team of people who atleast attempt to play competently as a team
redheads are cursed by the devil
blonde hair is sign of purity
>got 3 legendary skins so far
>fuckin Junkrat, McCree and Zarya
3 heroes i don't give a shit about
>The other team are all Junkrat
>They win
Junkrat is pretty borderline OP right now. If he gets going he can really slaughter a team.
>It's a you have to try to carry level 5 hanzos against level 40s in legendery skins episode
I've just started playing junkrat, he's a better flanker/disrupter than tracer and better in teamfights than most heroes
you forgot one ingredient
Also lasers
>mfw a cancermaker player tries to 1v1 me at close range
I get that she is OP and all but how delusional do you have to be to think you can beat a decent Mcree in a close range 1v1?
>attacking on Anubis 2 games in a row
>tfw a stranger called me a healslut for maining mercy
feels really good
>join a game a little late
>Hanamura defense
>Attacking team never even stands on the first point
>Even though they had a mercy shitting out revives and we had no healer at all
How can they fuck up a map so badly?
Our guy
Reddit's guy
literally prove me wrong
>tfw getting your first not complete shit box in 20 levels
>our guy
>Reddit's guy
Soldier 76
Which youtuber/streamer should I watch if I want to git gud? I know Seagull's an absolute beast but all he puts on his youtube is pretty much Genji and Hanzo and I can't play them for shit. Would like to learn about some map movements from Tracer/Pharah/Junkrat and shit.
>On defence
>2 Genjis
I seriously do not even slightly understand such retardation
>yfw best girl finally getting merch
First for unblockable ults
lucio's speed song should increase attack speed as well as reload speed. right now there's barely any reason to use it over the heal
>hating on this cheeky cunt
What setting do I need to set the voice settings to to be able to hear my team talk?
First legendary, level 13
Howd I do?
Is Tracer the most powerful hero in Overwatch?
She controls time, she'll literally never die with the time bra.
hey, what do you think of this picture of d.va i made
Fuck waifufags, post bionicles
I fucking hate these things,
It's a pure raw kind of hate.
Reaper already fucked Widowmaker
>tfw no raindancer or thunderbird merchandise
Lore wise?
No. Widowmaker literally broke her time bra in the cinematic.
Fedora skin when?
Post more of my dad please
Omnics are good for one thing.
What's your opinion on Mercy skins? Anything good?
All you have to do to get rid of her is break her chest thing.
more like getting cancer
Some of these achievements are fucking ass now that people know how to somewhat play the game
how the fuck is this guy lvl 145 ?
twitch tv/carthh_ws
Immersion ruined
ass too big
But if she blinked she wouldn't have her bra broken.
how is taimou not banned
Does anyone else ship Lucio with D.Va?
You literally can't.
>play support
>have a decent chance to win, but never get to play anything else
>don't play support
>get stomped and have to listen to my 3 Hanzos whine about there being no support
Is there any escape from this hell
>Reaper already fucked Widowmaker
>great tier
amber, cobalt
>acceptable tier
everything unlisted
>slut tier
devil, imp
Great recolors and nice legrndaries. She's one of the cases where I like all of her options.
I don't get it
Is that a fucking joke? Assuming my team uses a mic of course.
>tfw I've unboxed both of them
I don't play Mercy hardly ever though...
>tfw main lucio because he reminds of me JSR
Best supp and part time Baron of Balls
to be honest I'll probably buy pharah and 76, they're kinda cute
Is it safe to say harambe is a great counter for any defense hero?
Just played him for the first time a few games ago and he just reks torbies widowmakers bastions you name it
What now, bitch?
They're all pretty good to be honest
>breaks time bra
>gets chronal disassociation
She's still alive, technically.
No joke. I've cranked voice volume to max and all other volumes to the lowest. Still can't hear anyone's voice. Shit's broken.
I'm going to take Dr Angela Ziegler's virginity!
I get 60-70 fps on High settings with my GTX 760 and a very old i7 (sandy bridge) which still works but the thing gets really damn hot. Would I be able to, and would it be worth buying a new graphics card to be able to play on Ultra with 60-70 fps? My monitor is 24", 1920x1080.
Those eyebrows confuse me, I always see this
reminder to call swat teams on all ampufaggots houses
jfc when is blizzard going to finally nerf mcreeeeeeeeeee?
She needs buffs, not merchandise.
I look forward to her.
For something that has a lot of canonical backing there isn't a lot of people pairing them up.
Didn't say it'd kill her, but it'd get her out of your hair forever.
It'll also make her suffer again, so a bonus.
D.Va is cute
>waifubot soon
I cant fucking wait