League of Legends General - /lolg/

Ashe is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

Best Freljord Edition

Kiss my Ashecheeks.


I love Lissandra!
Lissandra a best
Ashe a shit
worst freljord


I'm Draven and I'm the best.

Whats a good runepage against AP champs? Like I want to run flat MR/scaling armor but then I take more damage from their autos, minions and also some AP/hybrid champs deal physical damage also on some of their abilities.

Mages have a lot of burst.

So scaling HP yellows and MR blues.

If it's someone like a lelbonkers you might want to run MR quints and reds on top of it.

remember when /lolg/ used images representing the general instead of pictures of their waifus to start threads?

we should return to those times. you guys are all fags

flat mr/flat armor if they auto a lot
flat mr/scaling hp because it gets harder for them to burst you

Not going to lie, that Ashe is kinda cute.

I'm thinking about just avoiding this game in general (at least until the next contest)

The balance is the worst we've seen in quite a while

Dynamic queue is more fucked than ever and it's here to stay

The new characters are either boring visually or boring to play (sometimes both, Sol and Taliyah are awful)

The cute girls are the only remaining good thing about this game, but we don't get new ones and the old ones get no development at all in the new lore they are pushing, so the only way we get to see more stuff with them is in contests

>Q is predictable, easily dodged, and limited in the area it can be used
>W literally exists to proc E as it is too clunky to use anywhere else
>E explodes after the fight is over so it is like a pitiful AoE slow
>R is just another wall that enemy team will dash over

xth for hell

cant do anything about shit ops
they just make 4 threads like retards
all we can do is deal with it

Xerath did nothing wrong

why is vayne so hairy?

xth for Cute Vi

Cute Ashe Edition

Eh, I've seen better.

You're pretty even, stop your bitching.

have you ever outplayed the enemy so hard that they could only resort to denying that any of that ever happened?
that's probably the greatest feeling

>Level 17

Like your opinion matters at all

actually i really liked her w
it has good range, you can keep safe out of most champs to close in and use it and can be used to launch people over walls and get them caught
but thats it, everything else about her feels so fucking bad
her ult should deal damage and knock people up

Fuck you, you slut.

So have I

I think it's the whole bird motif that helps


>taking a stroll through the river
>hear movement in the bushes
>see this

what do?

>The new characters are either boring visually or boring to play (sometimes both, Sol and Taliyah are awful)

user pls
A. Sol is the most I've ever had in mid lane since pre-nerfs Kassadin
Roaming around the map every 60 seconds or so is great

>The cute girls are the only remaining good thing about this game, but we don't get new ones and the old ones get no development at all in the new lore they are pushing, so the only way we get to see more stuff with them is in contests
>mfw veigarette is a trash fanfic-tier character but is still hotter and cooler than any of the new girls

no but I outplayed someone so hard that they afked

give them towels and ask nami out on a casual date and eventually make her my wife

keep walking, i've got a lane to gank


Does anyone build tear anymore? I haven't seen that item in forever after the mage update.

>Your Toplane/Jungle with a 4 man premade on your team

Is there a worse feeling then this?

>tfw big clit fetish

Which waifu is for me?

Keep crying you little shit

Every time i take mundo top and look at the matchup winrate in silver, i never understand it.

Maybe its just because people tend to give in to their annoyance and outright stop farming and try to trade hits with me, as i chuck axes both into them and the creeps.

>The give Dark Star to varus instead of talon


Ezreal, Cassiopeia, Ryze, Jayce.
It's not a popular item in general.

It dealt a the power spikes of most champs who buy it.

I'm not the one who's crying
Lissandra a best

illaoi or some gross shit

Mundo is fucking annoying

botlane pairing I guess. Varus+Thresh is nice for locking stupid fucks

7 decided which champ i become a OTP on smurf.

shen buffs when?

In the land where you are the least edgiest edge boy, you don't get skins

wanna hit silver today but keep getting supp
life is suffering

he doesn't need any buffs

Yo, my niggaz. Zilean nerfs when??

It's only bad if they all feed.

Talon will never get a skin while Zed is so popular, any skin that can be done for Talon will just be made for Zed because they have the same aesthetics

Sad but true

but i want them anyway

stop choosing support as the second option then you fucktard

thats why you always get support
nobody plays support in silver and bronze


They always feed, then they complain about you not ganking their pushed lanes


he really needs some buffs to his base stats tbqh

Sure he does, what could possibly go wrong with %HP damage?

betrayer champion when lolg?

what top lane pick for climbing


If you want ugly waifus move to Dota




learn that shit yourself

there is no 1 pick that carries you out of bronze

you learn the counters, you learn some safer farm heroes for when youre 1st or 2nd pick, and thats how you do it

riven the piece of shit

As a bonze myself, I can safely say nobody knows how to deal with singed. Like at all. Garen, yas or trynd splitpushing should also work. Pick mid for secondary and on the very rare chance you get it run something safe like morgana if you have no good mids.

>blind draft
>team is at each other's throat's
>lock in sion jungle and /mute all
>afk farm for 40 mins
>casually ult down mid and with the game

sion is so fun in normals

went top lane graves for nasus

> >.>
Fuck off underage cancer.

So is the first stream always showing the relevant teams and the second only the shitters?

Probably worst stats out of any tank.
>shitty HP per level
>shitty armor per level
>shitty AS per level

reminder that no matter how, there will never be a single more cancerous design in any videogame ever as tahm kench

I've probably never outplayed someone other than outplaying a kindred and rengar tower dive while I was Shen. But it's honestly really easy to outplay a tower dive if you're Shen

No matter what I'm playing I almost never 1v1 a champion even if I'm ahead or partially fed. It's just a waste of resources for me to attempt it and blow a lead. It tilts the enemy team so much that they call you a pussy and being too "afraid" to fight without jungle or lane help. And their anger at that just makes me want to play more like a bitch


dashes longer than flash that reset
stealth in league
no mana

Xth for "nasus wither no longer dispelled by qss or cleanse" soon, summoners

>veigarette is a trash fanfic-tier character

S-sorry user she just fills a void in the yordle cast- especially for the girls

Watch c9 and imt be a 30 minute 2 kill Eu lcs snorefest and echo fox vs literally who be a sick clown fiesta

NRG v. NV was so much fun to watch during their 2nd game.

I fucking hate no Mana except in cases like Zac where he has to do shit to get health back.

Shit like Tryndamere is fucking annoying. I don't know how I feel about Mundo because his cleaver regens a shitload

um sorry but the thing is
you can also make outplays in situations other than 1v1 and when you don't have another choice than to try it, not gambling with wasting a lead, more like surviving a really bad situation (other than an everyday tower dive) with a neat trick etc.

>Instead of 4 people I don't know it's 4 people I don't know
literally nothing has changed.

Why would they do this?

>his cleaver regens a shitload
it only is a net positive if he finished SV and kills the target with it, otherwise he loses health even if it lands.

>before premades
>not give a fuck about what 4 random shitters say and do your thing
>after premades
>not give a fuck about what 4 random shitters say and do you thing

don't forget built in spell-vamp

I've had nice experiences with 4mans before.

Leblanc is easily the most cancerous shit ever designed

Ah, alright. All I know is that he's annoying to lane against

Nasus is finally useful?

QSS was a mistake, makes certain abilities useless.

It was meant more as a hyperbole than an insult, I like her. It's just that, after being around fanbases like Homestuck's for years, I started taking every single "fan character" with a grain of salt

And she really has a pretty good personality. I'm kind of afraid about possible new yordle releases, after Poppy's remake neutering her more grumpy side, I'm scared they'll make all yordle personalities a bit more generic, so Veigarette ends up being a lot more original

>playing ranked
>do good
>team does bad
>not mad at them
>7/1 team scores are 14 (us) to 17
>what ever man just having fun
>after we lose they talk shit about me
>enemy team agrees with them that i'm shit
>if i defended myself i'd be banned
boy this game is fun.

>When your ping skyrockets mid teamfight and you or a team mate dies to some shit you could have prevented.

Xth for glorious, beautiful Vlad and his pretty smooth pale skin.

Nasus will never be useful until top lane goes back to a farm fest. He's too easy blow out of lane right now with too many popular choices

qss has been in the game for ages. nasus is cancerous piece of shit anyway, he needs to be kept down

You probably made some passive aggressive remarks.
We all do user.

And why do you stay after end screen?
Were you trying to defend yourself?


not even close

for Tahm Kench even riot had to publically admit he's so insanely cancer they will have to keep him underpowered because nobody enjoys playing against it

Tahm Kench is probably one of very fews example in League where riot should just straight up go "sorry we fucked up" and delete him

>use my mastery emote
>can't cast spells anymore
>literally had to restart my pc to fix it
nice game lolbabs.

>not akali
>not vayne
>not leblanc
>not pre change talon

that picture is fucking terrible