/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

>SMTIV Final/SMTIV Apocalypse information

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>Starter guide

>Tips and tricks

>Artbook, soundtrack, manga, and other downloads

>New OST links

>Misc. translations


>Recommended reading

>SMT If... Tips & Tricks:

>Previous thread
Back to life you guys.

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I let it die guys, I'm so sorry

I can't believe we cracked ;_;

We'll just have to make this the best SMTG thread to make up for it

the conception happned now more than ever we should choose you reason and make this thread the battlefield


I wanna chill with shota Lucy and his grandma.

How could you compqre them when they are totally different genre? It's like saying
> Riven > Mario
it doesn't make sense.

That said Ronde > Jack bros.


I'm playing Nocturne for the first time and I just beat matador, but could someone explain why there are now mobs of 5+ enemies that are more difficult to dispatch of than that boss? I'm losing mp and quickly, I don't have near enough chakra drops to compensate either. At the same time, the woman in black wants me to find a save point and go to the labyrinth of amala.

Ignore them and go straight to Ikebukuro.

Listen to user and try to avoid them, but which enemies in particular? The ones after skeletor aren't that much tougher are they? You should make it to Ikebukuro pretty quick.

This Nekomata design was actually based on tokusatsu monster but I cannot find the original pic.




This gotta be one of the best OCs that came from this general


I want to revive this general
I want to make /smtg/ great again

Never played an SMT game before. I read the starter's guide in the OP, but I was wondering; would it be worth my time to play all the main series games starting from the beginning in release order? Have the older games aged well or are their systems outdated?

I want to take Nekomata home

Those hips goddamn.

>tfw i fapped to this thinking it was male

I haven't played Megami Tensei I and II yet but SMT I and II are great.

Yes. I'd even recommend it. The old games really aren't outdated but there are people who say SH is outdated, so if you're one of those don't bother playing anything before last year.

I disagree w/ the starter's guide recommending DDS before Nocturne. Fusion is really one of the hallmarks of the series and playing a 50 hour game without it feels wrong, as great as DDS is.

Nocturne, P3FES, or Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (MT1 and MT2 packaged together) since you seem keen on the older games.


Thanks for the input guys. I enjoy getting into new series and starting all the way from the very beginning and it's always disappointing when the older games either play radically different from the other ones or just are a pain to try and play. I'll look into KMT right now.

DDS is recommended because it's a more traditional RPG and get you used to the combat and terminology.

Why is the regular battle theme for DDS2 so lame.


Why only Nekomata, what about the other demonfus?
Not that I'm complaining

>Playing first SMT
>Starting out with Strange Journey
>Getting used to Demon negotiations, answering honestly no matter the reaction
>Talk to Tengata Manu for the first time
>Despite the fact that his speech is weird as fuck he turns out to be a sage ass bro motherfucker and we end up having a conversation about the duties of soldiers and fear of the unknown
>He offers to join me even before I ask

This guy fucking rocks. Is it viable to keep a character throughout the game or will he become a benchwarmer for the rest of time after a while?

Use em and lose em unless you decide to go through the tedious process of mitama fusion, but it isn't worth it just because you liked the RNG of negotiation that one time.

What about that picture made you think she had a dick?

Do not get attached to your demons you dumb son of man. They're just tools.

From the game art, i thought it was a cute boy Q_Q

And we will crack again.

So... Kanji is gay, right?


Because the composer didn't have the same shit taste as yours.


you're retarted

Don't die.

Oh, a hunter.

Hello good hunter.

Is this thread dying?
Can't let that happen.

This thread owes me 17,000 Macca


Holy shit Megami Tensei I is fucking awesome I've got a party of demon-ass motherfuckers and Yumiko has a whip and pretty soon I'm gonna have this bomb-ass combo demon. Is this how the games are like cuz this is rad.

Where's burning motorcycle man?

oh g-gosh

I think Duel Man would be better than Matador Man.







I want lawfags to leave



>Go through SMTIV
>Beat the neutral route at level 99
>Don't get any fiends except David and Plasma
>Didn't get Red Rider
>Interested in getting some fiends, but I'm doing the Chaos route now.

...how fucked am I?

>SNES was the first run of major console releases, thanks to re-used assets allowing for hasty game making - had 2 mainline games (3 if you count If..)
>PS2 was the second - had 1 mainline game
>3DS was the third - had 2 mainline games (3 if you count SJ as part of the 3DS library and as mainline)
>PS4 is likely next

what games should get sequels using the new engine? outside the inevitable SMTV-SMTVI and possible half-mainline game?

Raidou 3.
Something entirely new but not Persona-ish.

I'm not sure I see them going to PS4 - the 3DS (and the PSP and PS2 before it) are attractive to middle market developers like atlus, because they have a big userbase and you can get away with having somewhat lackluster graphics on them.

Then again, I can't imagine them making all those new demon assets for Persona 5 and only using them in one game. Atlus doesn't roll that way.

you'll live, do the mother harlot one and then follow u with a neutral run getting the rest

follow this guide if you aren't already
gamefaqs.com/3ds/672441-shin-megami-tensei-iv/faqs/72356?single=1#The Basics of Fiend Hunting

PS4 needs less indie/shovelware games though, anything halfway decent gets attention

>and only using them in one game
Persona 5 Arena, Persona 5 Ruby, you know the deal.

Is Dormarth acceptable demonfu?














Its 2 AM shut the fuck up.

>being european



MT 2 is the greatest game of all time desu.

They are outdated. The first couple of entries have dungeon crawling that was primitive even at the time. Not only that, they're really punishing. I'd start with Nocturne on the PS2, just so you don't turn yourself off the series forever by stumbling over the old games.

I'm glad you're getting into it and sharing these same great experiences. You've found a good home here. Also, MT2 is even better.

Just made it into Bien, fighting a skeleton. I cannot wait to get to MT2. There's so much to explore and things to find, and all the music is catchy as heck.

Bien was a really cool area, actually. Playing KMT more than any other game in the franchise got me really into dungeoncrawling. Also, if you love the music in that game, MT2 will be a blast.


This belongs here

That's right Kojiro I let the demons out

Made some shitty OC for a friend. Figured I might as well share it.

lots of great cursing and nudity, gratuitous use of the word "faggot"

do you have the Nyari transparent?

Fucking post more.
Or just link me.


so we're right at home

Who's Dante and Belial with?