/khg/ - Kingdom Hearts General

Shekels for medals edition

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Android: apkpure.com/kingdom-hearts-unchained-χ/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.khuxww
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Most recent interviews:
Unchained χ: khinsider.com/news/Kingdom-Hearts-Unchained-X-releasing-April-7th-6402
HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue: khinsider.com/news/Dengeki-Interview-with-Nomura-Commemorative-600th-Issue-6090
Kingdom Hearts III: khinsider.com/news/KH3-Nomura-Interview-with-Dengeki-Mt-Olympus-Happy-Ending-Post-KH3-Direction-Undecided-5661


Lore resources: pastebin.com/tKPLZLiE

GameTrailers Kingdom Hearts Timeline:

>/khg/ fell to darkness



tfw the memes in my op image will be old by the time I don't get threadsniped

Who's the qt3.14 Xion cosplayer? I want to marry her.

Man the kh2 final boss is a mess
>beat Xehanorts keyblade armour
>suddenly reunited with mickey&Kairi at the save point with xemnas out of his armour
>beat Xehanorts keyblade armour again
>suddenly teleported to the realm of nothingness with xemnas wearing new clothes
>S&R enter a light&get teleported to the realm of darkness beach

Don't forget to add Pexnec The Destroyer next to Xabu the everlasting.

I can't beat the magic adamantite quest

you will get other chances.
When these 2 run out new ones get available

That entire final boss arc was the shit.
>beat xemnas one on one after running up a building and beating his ass
>oh shit he's throwing buildings at us
>whatever I'll just slice and dice them whilst using other buildings to jump off
>now it's time to destroy the engines and power of this machine
>holy shit dat armour
>beat his ass again
>celebrate good times come on
>it's not over yet snake
>holy fuck a flying metal dragon
>destroy that as well
>time to kick armours ass again
>the fuck is this place and what are you wearing
>time to bro up and beat this guy once and for all
>lol nope taste my mega fuck off lasers nerds
>cut sick at him after then blow him the fuck oit with LIGHT
It doesn't get any better than that mate.


impossible, what the hell is your keyblade setup?

I've got too many power medals, and I'm not sure which to use. I've got kh 1&2 cloud, leon b, goofy a, b and Captain, adult herc, mushu, Zack, beast, kh and bc Riku, valor form sora, Bambi, young herc, walks and Payne. Goofy a and wakka are guilted, while both clouds have one dot and sora has 3. Not sure who to use

Agreed, I used to repeat that fight over and over just for the S/R team up.

Least you didn't get the bug in 2.5 where the "WE WILL GO TOGETHER" attack reaction command bugs out and what was in the original game an easy to dodge move becomes an insta-kill.

I had to grind to 85 just to have enough defense to tank it. And then he does it several times in a row so I had to time Riku's heals with my own and with limit form's heal.

check my octs

How the hell did y'all let the last thread die?

Not so different from KH1, really.

>enter a door
>suddenly in a corrupt version of Destiny Islands (for some reason)
>fight Ansem
>suddenly Darkside #3
>fight Ansem again
>suddenly on the precipice of the Realm of Darkness
>Ansem turns into World of Chaos just 'cause

My only question is
Will KHIII follow this trend? And if so, how?

>enter a door
>seal it
>fight Braig
>fight Saix
>fight Vanitas
>fight Xehanort
>fight Ansem
>fight Xemnas
>have to fight Xehanort again because that's how things work now
>fight the guardian
>Dive into the heart
>fight Roxas and Xion who for some reason are trying to stop you from waking up Ventus
>team up with Ventus and Aqua who is back by this point along with Riku and Kairi to fight Xehanort's corpse's shadow that's lying on the ground and therefore freeing Terra
All of which happens consecutively with no opportunity to save or refresh your items. Brought to you by Illustrated Nomura and Pals.



Which raid boss gives the huey's? Trying to 6star the dwarfes before the end.

>just saw my first Jet Balloon
What the fuck is this nonsense? Why did it just disappear on me?

Why revive the thread?

Its not that bad, you wont be able to 1 shot turn anything but you have potential for Colloseum.
I suggest you grind some levels, get Cost up to 6 star the Sora and Mickey; your Donald is meh tier, you also need Defense UP pref on your Minnie.

>reroll Stitch's Guilt
>fail to beat 13% for the third time

I don't even know why I bother with this shit. Every single Guilted medal I've tried has been a nightmare.

As long there is light in the children /khg/ will always be reborn

How easy will it be to get brooms, going by the JP version, for guilting medals?

It's difficult to get Mickey & Brooms. I think the only consistent availability is the toppest-tier reward in the Coliseum.

Broom Servants themselves are more plentiful, but still kind of a rarity.

>at the part where you lose the keyblade
>stun impact doesn't even stun the heartless
Damn, they thought of everything.

I've heard before on /khg/ that I should save my jewels for the Daily Deal (the 600 jewels one). However, I decided to save up 3000. Should I get one of the special packs, or should I really wait and get 5 Daily Deals?

>I've heard before on /khg/
You're on /khg/.

Don't get the 3k pack, waited for limited.I would say only get the daily of you need new medals otherwise hoarde them

Jesus Christ Ven is short.

Doing the Daily Deal 5 times will get you 15 medals for 3000 jewels, as opposed to the 10 from the special packs, and right now there's nothing in the special packs that you can't get in the dailies, you just have better odds on a few things.

If you're really hurting for good medals in general, good buffers like Vivi, Diz or KHII Aerith or really strong attack medals, it's a good idea to pull on the dailies. Don't worry about getting 3 and 4 star medals, because everything can be upgraded with some grinding. Alternately if you don't NEED new medals right now, wait until there's a 10 pack banner that has something unique. The Sephiroth and Sora & Pals medal were only available from 10 pulls, but they're gone now. Odds are we'll get another pack with a shot at unique limited medals next week, so maybe do a few dailies until you feel like you're in a good place with your medals and start saving for the rare stuff.

Boy needs to lift

Look at how scrawny he is next to Terra. Ven probably weighs as much as Ends of the Earth.



I miss one turn trumps

Alright among how much Avatar Coins did you make from the event? I made about 250~

What is the best strategy for the Three wishes adamantite quest?

>What does the adamantite do to the keyblades?
I used one on my Treasure Trove and the other on Three Wishes.
I didn't catch what they did because I was clicking too fast like a fuck tard and I see that it gives an ^ on the 4th medal on Treasure Trove but I didn't see that big of a dmg up.

How far are you?
>5290 HP
>I have no more HP nodes in any avatar board available
What the hell level are you?
I totally forgot that was an option. Time to blow all my AP on that.
Go straight to the target encounter and kill everything you can in the first turn. Bring defense boost/and or a healer if the morning star gives you trouble.
It lets you level up the keyblade more, gives you more multipliers and can give a previous regular slot a multiplier too. You mostly want to upgrade it for that and possible reversed/upright bonuses.

What event?

This was really fun (Suddenly X and Triangle! Oh shit!)

But I wondered why they didn't just use reflect.
Although I guess it's rule of cool.

...Now I'm wondering how it would have felt if they added, say, a small reflect shield on the Square button.

Snow White you can get Avatar Coins when you sell medals with dots


>tfw the game just got harder and I'm nowhere near where the story currently is

Where are you?

Quest 120 or somewhere near it.

It's gonna be alright user. I promise.

I sure hope so, the temptation to spend money on this game is slowly getting stronger.

user, don't give in. There are several anons who haven't spent one red cent on this game yet.

>blue copters keep knocking my shit in
>use medals that heal status ailments
>defense down doesn't count as a status ailment

How the fuck?

>fighting wyverns in Hollow Bastion on the way to Riku 2: Darkness Boogaloo
>fall off because flying cunts on maps where you can fall four maps down lol
>get back into the big room
>the one defender that spawns drops his shield
MISTAKES INTO MIRACLES. Now these wizard shits need to drop the staff too.

What are the best levels to get Netherwater and Netherflame?

just wait for monday and do the quest for it, its cheaper that way

Good luck. I had something like 5 Defender shields before I got the Wizard to drop a staff.

Normally I've beaten the Hades cup and have hit the final rest long before I get either of them to drop so this is great for me.
>Invisible Soldier almost OHKOs me multiple times
Second chance when

Snow event is ending in one day, any idea what the next event could be?

Hopefully another raid boss double lux event. I miss leveling up.

Man, Cloud's such a smug hair bouncing ponce that I'm tempted to grind up, and guilt some Cloud medals to kick his own ass with

Yeah I cant wait to level up some more to unlock 20 more Gummi Spacesuits variations.

You know deep inside you want to join a rainbow party of everyone wearing different colored Gummi Spacesuits

Paralysis is the worst skill in the game. Having a chance to paralyze the mobs is retarded. Why run Paralysis when you can use sleep ?

I just want the level 250 one.

>low chance activate
>a chance to miss when it does activate
>low chance that the paralysis will actually hold
Yeah, it's trash.

>Invisible Soldier
Worst. Enemy. Ever.

Is guard directional in KH2? Like do I need to be facing the attack for it to work, or is guard like an aura?

Trying to beat the Experiment on Critical. When his body splits, I'm finding myself getting wombo-combo'd to death.

It is directional.

But if you're locked on to your enemy, Sora will snap to guard in their direction.

>Recovering AP...

>Grind in Hollow Bastion back in KH1FM
>For some reason, I'm taking heavy amounts of damage but I can't see what.
>Finally see some hazy looking air approach me and kill me.

Whoever came up with that shit should fucking burn.

You're better off dodge rolling/air sliding for that guy.

It's even worse when you realize two things. You have to kill them to access the chests in the area, and to get their rare item drops for synthesis. Took me forever to figure out how to kill them.

Really? He's one of the easier rare heartless to kill. I never had trouble farming him for his materials. Now the others on the other hand...


Ironic, because I had the easiest time with Pink Mushroom where as that was what everyone else found the hardest.

Thanks. Now I'm finally getting him down to the last bar.

I'm more likely to screw up just trying to dodge his spinning top attack. Can't always rely on reflera since I need to cure a lot.

Fuck these things. Don't remind me that I still have to go back to my play-through and grind these shits eventually.

If you need a quick heal just change into a drive form. Instant refill of HP/MP.

Fuck these whores.

I never had too much trouble with the grinding for items. But I was also mixing it up with levelling up as well so maybe it was just tricking my mind.

I wonder if playing on my phone would make any difference than on my ipad, because one of the buttons keeps malfunctioning. (maybe it's just my account?)

But I really hate facebook.

Man I dropped the game I hope /khg/ gets it's revival during e3

>Sora can pluck hearts out of people using Ansem's keyblade
>Terra can't do that
Get fucked kid you're the worst character.

>Ansem's keyblade
This is the second time, I've seen this. Is this a thing now?
Also what context are you talking about?

>Is this a thing now?
The (more or less) official name is the Keyblade of people's hearts.

But it's also been called the dark Keyblade, Riku's Keyblade, Ansem's Keyblade, probably some other things, since the name isn't explicitly stated in the game.

>Kill first one
>Immediately summon Mushu
>Hold down shoot button and position yourself so it should home in on them.
>Immediately book it if you miss one and get noticed right near the door anyway.
It's really not that bad. Neoshadows are probably one of the most annoying ones outside of the Halloween Town one.

I think he means this thing.

I knew what he was talking about, I just hadn't ever seen it referred to that way.

It still looks like a can opener to me.

I now know... That Kingdom Hearts... IS BEER!

I knew it was prohibition propaganda all along!

I swear the ignorance on /v/ cracks me up.

What did they do now?

When is e3?

I swear I've been seeing for the last month or so, more and more of "Everything that's not KH1 or KH2 isn't canon" type of shit, which is just kek.

Conferences start on the 12th I think.