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When your trap gets triggered and you're too far away

here come dat tranquility

Tanks aren't required in pubs
D.vas are useless, roadhog isn't a tank
Most bastions just end up absorbing damage that would have missed anyway

>t. shadman

Why is Lucio so much fun to play. I love feeling the rhythm so much

i will always pick the worst possible class on every map and sabotage your team on purpose, get fucked nerds

just dodge his stun

mirror mirror on the wall who is the most autistic of them all

same, why should I constantly have to support/tank for you DPS nerds

The only truth that I could see

Mercy has come for me

He stunned your legs obviously

can't be, it's not pierced.

Post Mercy.

How do i get good with tracer?
I keep dying and her teleport shit sends me all over the place.

Is that a Shadbase asshole?

Reminder to attack the enemies whenever your tank charges into disrupt them, you have like 5-10 seconds of complete freedom to shoot and you don't even need to go near them. Please don't let your tank die in vain.

Also the Stillborn general just got autosaged to death and this thread killed it. I kind of feel bad

Im still hype about pic related


Discord up

I know his assholes, that's a shad asshole.

you know your ass holes

nah get fucked, i want my team to lose


>Playing Lucio
>Teammates getting headshot left and right, can barely push past the point
>Wall ride up and kill her
>Actually get to cap the point now
>"We would have gotten it way faster if Lucio just stayed with us"

I don't understand why you fucking scrubs are complaining about Hanzos and not having a support
Bitch I will play what a fucking want and I just so happen to wreck at Hanzo
Maybe you faggots have never seen good Hanzos at your low mmr matches.

Besides if you want healing go find a fucking med pack or pick soldier 76. Hanzo provides plenty of support utility anyway with his ult zone control and sonic arrows for vision

Stop trash talking and actually play the game better without relying on your support crutches

user please.

mercy looks pretty cute with her hair down

kinda sucks I'm playing support more than anything else

I recognize that dreadful artstyle anywhere

Threadly reminder that Phara is an amputee and no twitter posts from any PR monkeys will trump the actual model.

fuck you nigger

>gold objective time
>gold objective kills
>no medal for eliminations

what the FUCK were my team even doing before i got backfilled with 2 minutes left on point

There is nothing wrong with ilios.

>tfw finally good at Tracer


Holy shit this is so fun



Seven. I have joined seven games that have been in-progress, 10 seconds left on the clock and my team is losing. This is getting ridiculous.

Omnic waifus when?

Are you the one that blocked me with an ice wall right as I activated tactical visor?

I want to protect those smiles

The fucked up thing is that they said they're going to rework his fan damage and said nothing about flashbang, the actual fucked up part

imo they should make flashbang not an aoe (meaning he actually needs to hit people with it) and remove the reload from roll but make it like 20% longer distance and reduce the cooldown by a couple seconds

but the model shows that she has her limbs, these screencaps are hurting your cause, not helping it

>get the game expecting to only really like D.va, Phara and maybe Zenyatta
>absolutely shit at D.va and Zenyatta feels like too weak of a healer
>try out Mercy at the behest of my team

Holy SHIT she's fun why is a basic bitch healer so god damn cool


>who is zenyatta

>good at tracer

>You will never push your shit fetish so hard that you won't allow the people who made the game to defeat your retarded head canon
Stay based dude

Flank all day. You probably won't kill anything.



I always feel bad for reinhardts in these situations
they know what's coming
the hog

Those are male Omnics dressed as women.

>level 31
>match against premade 50+ group
>our team loses on last point with 4m to go
>everyone loses their shit and start throwing insults in chat

The game was pretty fun at least

>it's a "Our Reinhardt is a fucking idiot" episode again
>Quickly followed by a "so is theirs episode" as the enemy Reinhardt also charges asthe sight of a charging rival enrages him

every fucking reinhardt ever i swear to god

brown + brown is boring and yuri sucks unless it's some kind of super fucked up degenerate fetish because of gap moe

could have been a turret, another riptire or himself

Best Genji skin? No sandnigger though, am from Europe and have mild issues with them.

Which victory pose for Valk Mercy?

yes, and i will be in every game you join and there's nothing you can do about it

At this point, Overwatch has lost some of the wind in its sails since the launch hype has died down. If I were Blizzard, this is the point where I would announce some new content in the form of maps/characters/game modes/skins/features. Or do you think they're holding out a bit longer?


you guys do realize that all this means is that you play him way more than anybody else?

It doesnt actually mean you're good

She's like a Kamen rider who has her body replaced by a powered exoskeleton.

Or like samus.

That makes it even hotter desu

>you probably won't kill anything
i've got 13 elims last match but still.

Carbon Fibre and Chrome are nice.

no genji skin is best genji skin

>be level 30
>get matched with level 90s
>literally cannot do anything because no matter how fast I jump around the enemy widowmaker, junkrat, soldier etc can all hit me with 100% accuracy and take me down within 2 seconds of entering their line of sight

I am absolutely loving this meme
it is a quality meme indeed

>Trying to matchmake in australia
>1:00:00 elapsed time

>Top 400
>of a hero nobody plays

>match against premade 50+ group
>everyone loses their shit and start throwing insults in chat

You know how I know you're lying?

how hard were you mashing that Q

this is my favorite part of the game

>>good at Tracer

wew, you want a pat on the back?

>Enemy team wins two rounds out of three
>Point is tossed around between the teams a lot, good play from everyone all around
>That one guy who yells about how bad his team is

I know losing isn't that fun but don't be that fucking guy

sub 399 scrub don't talk to me

>two duplicate sprays

How? My team was arguing with each other

>not charging the charging rein so that both of you get stunned instead of you getting pinned and murdered

it's been over 2 weeks dude. time to get off suicide watch. it was a shitty ride, and it's over.

Is mei fun to play?

I meant like soloing someone. You always have to rely on others to pick off the people you pepper.


>tfw 37% win with rein
I don't like playing him but nobody else wants to pick him so I have to
next time I'll just go winston
better pick up zarya or something

no you didn't.

>tfw there's already bunch of obvious low level alt faggots feeding blizzard for this shit game

So, McCree and Lucio are in MUST PICK tier, any others?

You're supposed to counter charge the enemy reinhardt or he will pin you. If you both collide you both get knocked down instead.

How do I git gut at shooters, /owg/? I do not have a single character it top 1000 on Master Overwatch (best is 1200 Widow) and I am scored merely rank 3.5k. I feel anxious queuing for games since I feel I will be letting my team down. I resorted to playing Reinhardt or Mercy, but it feels like I will never improve if I just play them. Level 65 now at 70 hours.

>People interrupting Reinhardt fights


Roadhog question : After hooking, should you aim straight for the midriff or up towards the head? Sometimes It's difficult since it's hard to tell where the target will end up until they're fully pulled

>Game where everyone went Reinhardt
this is the most fun I've ever had in this game

Anyone have any guides for genji on how to do the long jump?

I can't seem to get the timing right.

Her entire body? Let's not get carried away. The only thing we can really see that indicates anything missing are those ridiculous joints.

Show me Samus/the suit with joints like that and i'll believe you MOLTEN COOOOOOORE percent, famalam.

Daily reminder: "I am top 500, bitches!" translates to "I am a NEET and I don't like taking showers"

don't bother dude, they're on too much anti-depression meds to tell fiction from reality

I think you guys are misunderstanding my point here

I'm not trying to brag

I'm just saying I finally figured her out and I'm having a great time with her

>6 man riptire kill
>THANKS spray on wall
>get PotG
>spray is just the base spray in replay

why though

Titty Mercy.

Losing 50+ elim games when the next highest has less than half that makes me the saltiest cunt imaginable.

But that's how you deal with a charging Rein as a Rein.