/sthg/ - Sonic the Hedgehog General

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/sthg/ #466 - Fast Food Edition

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Isn't there already a mobile games general?

First for fucking autism.

Finally caught up. Amy going gaga for Honey the cat made me laugh, it's nice that she's not got Sonic on the brain 24/7 like she does in the games and Knuckles isn't that much of a dumbass. Marine seems just as annoying as ever tho but where's Eggman Nega?


Archie isn't allowed to use Nega because Sega has no idea what the fuck he is. Glad you're still enjoying the comic!

Except Runners is dead

Anyway, what are your hopes and expectations for E3?

>post yfw Sega announced Mario and Sonic Boom

Nega isn't allowed to show up because reasons.

I don't even know when E3 even is

>but where's Eggman Nega?

Probably not showing up for a while. SEGA wasn't letting them use him for a long time because they didn't want the comics to potentially contradict any future use of the character that probably is never going to happen anyway. Now they can use him but he's still got issues because they never kept his character straight between Rush and Rivals.

They've actually been able to use him for a while. He cameoed in the beginning of Treasure Team Tango I think.

>melty face Nicole
>huge forehead Sally
Truly this is art.

Post yfw there will be no game.

the same as always


>He cameoed in the beginning of Treasure Team Tango I think.
No he didn't. A completely unrelated character named Dr. Nega did. :^)

Awkward press conferences, Nintendo being the best by virtue of practically not showing up, and nothing big Sonic-related from SEGA since there's the other event coming up. Hoping they've got some other franchise games in the works though.


Actually, Sega confirmed a couple years back that they're running with his Rivals backstory.

I love doing stuff like that at resteraunts.

So, who's going?

>here's the other event coming up
What other event?

>going with the back story from the spin-off series nobody likes over Rush
Sounds legit.

Oh yeah, forgot that. Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere Ian saying that they can use him now, but I could be wrong.

The fact that they can't use Eggman's classic design but keep sneaking him in his hilarious though.

Makes sense, since it allows you to easily combine the two. Originally from the future, zone jumps into Blaze's dimension and tries to take over.


Who okayed this?


I hate people that drawfag in public

I hope he accidently into a knife


The one in July that was announced at the otherwise pointless SXSW panel that happened for some reason.


Plus there's the Anniversary party at Joypolis on the 23rd.

>it's real
>Ken Penders is attending .@SonicRevolt as a guest. An artist table & panel on history of Sonic comics will be held.
What the actual fuck


I hope a crazy comic fan shows up and goes crazy stabby him.

>this is happening next weekend
Well, at least it might give us a boost


So... any of us going there? Maybe we could finally confront him about his bullshit.


People have confronted him on it for years. His forum is filled with it.

He's trumpfag-tier teflon in deflecting any argument or idea that might possibly go against his inner narrative.

>/sthg/ deathsquad
/r/ing Bump with a helmet and camo clothing

But he cannot do that easily in person.

Don't bother, anything told to him that is rational he labels that person as a troll.

I don't think confronting him would go well for anyone. It certainly wouldn't be effective in any way.

I am, this is much better than the game plots. I'm actually excited for the day Jet and his buddies show up properly, not so much the deadly six. I really hate those guys. They felt like they belong on a dreamworks nick show rather than Sonic.


What else could Sega possibly do with Nega? The most he did was try to drown a fucking snow spirit in a game where all the bad guys were just being petty at thinking they were intentionally left out of the games.

I he a writer from the old comics I barely touched? Because somebody really should of told him to learn to draw and that he took this franchise's story way to seriously. I needed need to see a cover of Sonic crying over a break up with his girlfriend. Too weird.

If Penders dies then who will become the next Penders?

If his wife and son are just as retarded as he is?


>It's real

I enjoyed Rivals 2 a great deal, actually. It's a simple game, and it takes some getting used to, but once that's done with it plays better than it looks.

Controlled environment. You wouldn't have long enough to pin him between one piece of BS and the next.

Someone really needs to write a better overview than that. Hogan was excusing Penders shit way too much.

His wife is rich and the only reason he isn't starving. She has to be somewhat crazy to put up with him, but I don't think she's the same brand of crazy. I don't think his family really cares about any of this.

We'd have to be subtle. Like 10 guys in a row ask him to sign the same post-reboot comic.

I know he hates that shit.

Why does Eggman Nega call the world he and Blaze came from "our world" in Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure, if he's a descendant of Eggman from the future?

I've written some summaries in threads a while ago, but when I don't feel like writing it all up I link to that. Maybe I'll write up a pastebin. We can put it up in the OP where no one will ever see it.

There's one that I've written that I gave to TC a long while back.

He pastebinned it but I have no idea where it went.

Because he doesn't want to blow his cover and cause potential time issues when he's in the middle of trying to cause an interdimensional crash.


Amy's the cutest of cute!

That's a strange way to spell Tikal.

So now that the characters from the comic look way more like Sonic characters than the games (looking at the deadly six in particular) it's high time we get a cameo or two.

I hear there are legal issues, but surely there's no problem if Archie just agrees to not sue?

Not sure what legal issues you're talking about. SEGA owns everything in the comic and always has, even more so with anything that's still around.

I find the Deadly Six to be disturbingly similar to Dark Ages characters. Their visual style is off, their characterization is shallow and half-hearted, and their presence invites edgelording greater than even that of Shadow's game. (See: 'I'll get fat eating your black hearts!')

So I agree completely. The Babylon Rogues were simple but straightforward rivals. These... things are wasted potential, and I don't bet anyone's going to put in the TLC to get us even one Lien-da out of the group.

It's never gonna.happen man. Sega doesn't care about the comic characters at all. In fact, Ian and the creative team had to fight to keep the SatAM Freedom Fighters in the book.

>and their presence invites edgelording greater than even that of Shadow's game. (See: 'I'll get fat eating your black hearts!')

That scene was great though.

You could say that, or you could say that or you could say that Sega gave no fucks and they hadn't bothered about Sonic Rival's story at all. After all, These are the same people who thought Tails having a bitchfit about have to team with Eggman despite doing it several times before was a good narrative choice. Man, what were they thinking with Lost world? The whole thing reeked of zero effort.

They should just fucking make a spin-off Archie game.

>suing for things they don't actually own
Pretty sure any characters created in the comic are owned by SEGA.

Wow, Maria's as sick of this shit as we are.

I like Super Blaze though,

Say it with me now


Of all the millions of romhacks, mods and fangames you'd think we'd get something a bit more worthwhile than Sally in Sonic 1.

The sad part is that all the original autists are grown now, they don't have time for games. We missed the opportunity.

>You could say that, or you could say that or you could say that Sega gave no fucks and they hadn't bothered about Sonic Rival's story at all.

Well that's obvious, but it doesn't mean I can't come up with reasons for characters actions that are simply and make sense even if not stated in game.

>After all, These are the same people who thought Tails having a bitchfit about have to team with Eggman despite doing it several times before was a good narrative choice. Man, what were they thinking with Lost world? The whole thing reeked of zero effort.

Actually it was different people. It's the first time that Tails has teamed up with Eggman in a Pontaff game. Of course, if Sonic Team told them to actually research the previous games then they would have known this has happened before, but they didn't.

>The sad part is that all the original autists are grown now, they don't have time for games.

Nah, they're grown now, and have tons of disposable income.

I want Mina back, someone needs to get off their ass and get Bollers to sign it over.

>if Sonic Team told them to actually research the previous games then they would have known this has happened before, but they didn't.
Way too much work for either of them.

They have different writers for the games? I always assumed it was just Iizuka writing as he's told. That seems like a very disorganized practice, then again, everything about the games feels like there's barely any communication going on at Sega.

Huh, maybe they really do have a "We don't give a fuck, just have it out by the holiday season" mentality over there. Because they clearly learned nothing from sonic 06, the game they hyped as the next big step for Sonic and having all of that interesting shit being teased.

>Archie spin-off game

>outsourced to literally who
>written not by Ian, but Pontac and Graff
>only comic characters that show up are the FF and maybe one or two of the Egg Bosses
>literally who inc. decides to make it a brawler even though it hasn't worked the past several times it's been tried
>dev time of a year
>gets panned critically
>"lol who are these characters, wow sonic has so many friends they really need to stop XD who reads comics lmao"

No thank you, she was shit and every scene she was in was shit.

Pretty sure there's a legal embargo. That's why there were Archie characters in Sonic Spinball - It was made in America.

>maybe one or two of the Egg Bosses
>implying I wouldn't play it just to hear their theme song

Or, they can put in some effort.

Let me dream user

>During Sonic's absence, she became a famous pop singer who performs for the Acorn Royal Guard in order to boost their spirits in the war against Robotnik; Mina lives in Knothole City with her mother, Isabel, but is currently on tour; Ash the mongoose is her boyfriend and manager; Mina still holds deep feelings for Sonic, but her heart belongs to Ash; in the upcoming "Song Sung Blue" 2-parter, Robotnik dispatches updated versions of Heavy and Bomb to assassinate Mina because he allegedly hates her singing (the truth of the matter is that he can't stand being a closet Mina fan); Sally assigns Sonic to act as Mina's bodyguard, which Ash doesn't like at all; adding tension to the situation, is the fact that all of Mina's song lyrics appear to be (subconsciously) directed toward Sonic (hence the title)

How about never ever?

He'd do it to. He didn't even know about any of the character rights issues until fans told him, he's actually still working, and he really doesn't care about the Sonic comics. Also he hates Penders.

>tfw the writer for the movie that will either never get made or have the script gutted has done more research than the game writers.

Iizuka only wrote the story for one game, Shadow. Most games have a writer from Sonic Team, but since Sonic Colors there have been two American writers doing the scripts.


Of course. Eggman makes even weak villains seem grand by his involvement. His personality is just that great. I just wish they were that entertaining when Mike Pollock wasn't in the room, is all.

It's not that they don't care.

Its sort of like how Disney is autistic and won't let Disney television characters interact with movie characters, or let any of the princess acknowledge each other, or have Disney and Marvel and Star War mix up in Infinity.

SEGA is autistic.

>Iizuka writing for a game
Is he actually credited as the writer?

Eggman needs to rethink his whole game shtick. Take Thunderbolt - She's weak, she's not too bright but the simple fact that she didn't hate Eggman led her to take two chaos emeralds and master shards with the resources at her disposal alone.

If half the egg bosses didn't want his head on a pike he could never lose.

>decides to make it a brawler even though it hasn't worked the past several times
I stand by my belief that Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog would've been wonderful had they been developed as beat-em-ups.

Well, Silver's personality changed in between 06 and Rivals because the future changed after 06. It's possible that Nega's backstory changed because of the circumstances surrounding the ending of 06.

Would it kill you to take two minutes and look at the production credits for the games, which are publicly available on various sites? Iizuka is the current producer of the games since Colors and former director from Adventure to Shadow. The only game he actually wrote was Shadow. Pontac and Graff have been writing for the games since Colors. Iizuka is overall in charge of the games themselves while Pontac and Graff take the basic story he gives them and turns it into a script.


Proud minafag.

He's a descendant who fell into an alternate dimension.

>Iizuka only wrote the story for one game, Shadow. Most games have a writer from Sonic Team, but since Sonic Colors there have been two American writers doing the scripts.

Let me guess, the American writers are the types who haven't touched a single game in the series and probably came from failed cartoon shows or live television I'd find on CW. I can almost imagine a whip noise being heard every time Sonic cracks a joke. If I hear Baldy mcnosehair one more time I'm muting the entire game.

They're not 'Archie' characters, they're not owned by Archie in any capacity.

Yup. They also wrote Happy Tree Friends. So naturally they fit Sonic

>the American writers are the types who haven't touched a single game in the series and probably came from failed cartoon shows or live television I'd find on CW

Close: they never touched a single game in the series and wrote for Happy Tree Friends.

Why would they bother making a spin-off game of a niche comic book they have little creative participation in and is only read by a very small fraction of the fanbase?

More people are watching and loving Boom than will ever touch an Archie Sonic comic book.

Couldn't you say the same for say Ant-Man?

>someone finally started porting the Sochi models to Gens and LW
>but with Rio coming out its kinda pointless
Fuck me man.

>After 2000

I agree.

The problem isn't the beat'em-up formula. That's worked for tons of games. The problem is sticking that formula in a game that also has speed parts.

This has been sonic's problem for years. Sega just needs to pick a fucking street and take it. If you want to make differing playstyles, put them in different games.