Fuck my shit up edition
Blitz clans
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Fuck my shit up edition
Blitz clans
>where do I look up tank info:
>How do I get platoons:
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
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First for samcyanide is sorry
calm down sam
>what tier 8 is the most desired for stronkholds and campaigns?
IS-3 and T-54lt
tank girl stuart tank when?
>this month's skirmish is 2 T8s and a T7 on mittengard
>jon made sandwiches
>dc makes sandwiches
benis confirmed yellows at life too
The X1A1 comes close to it, sans the decorations.
but Benis/Goyim is the only one to have a legal nigger killer
that is more than any other clan on Veeky Forums can say.
>just weekend things
>playing on weekends
>memeing on Veeky Forums
Wew, I'm already in love with EU. People actually work as a team!
are you memeing?
>rerolling on EU
>starts German TDs
You wot m8?
to be fair, marder II is blatantly OP if you know what you're doing
Think I'm just going to pass on that one. What a shitty format.
What? It was gutted into oblivion, only that new US TD is worse than it.
Yee. But so far the teams DO seem better than the usual NA pub crowd.
>says that
>as he posts a picture of everyone doing poorly
maybe you're just used to statpadders on NA taking all of the damage in low tier games
What line would you recommend then?
>can penetrate any tank at this level
>does pretty good damage
>has great depression
>view range isn't worst in class
>speed is okay
>good gun traverse range
whats your ping
I know, I was using that picture to show that I was just memeing and know the teams still aren't great.
Will the TOG2 ever be put back in the store?
I am deserpate for one.
Seems to sit between 130 and 160, but seems fairly smooth. Haven't noticed any huge lag or anything, at least.
You play pretty well for that ping kek
Didn't know it got removed. Don't bother, it's a meme tank but it's not even good.
What are you over there for? If you're looking to join NOFUN at some point get an IS-3 and Cromwell, then get whatever you like. If you're just fucking around then I guess play whatever you like.
>not even good
It has the most carry potential in the game
It comes up now and then like all the other 'removed' tanks. Also sometimes a major tournament prize if you're on NA.
No, a tank that slow will always have limited carry power. It is however the only tier 6 pref in the game, which is nice since tier 6 MM is usually 'go directly to tier 8'.
Why am I never the tier 5 in these? Its basically a free pools medal.
>When your team is so shit not even the glory of the egg can save them.
>Patrol Duty
I get the stupidest medals sometimes.
why are teams so scared to take hits? I took hits from 3 tanks this game so my team of 5v1 enemy will push in. Like we had all our t8 meds and tds north and they wouldn't push on a mutz and an IS3.
>only 1.2k avg dmg
lets fix that
Ladies and gentlemen; here is the most yellow statement you've seen in months. I bet he's a Jingles subscriber aswell.
When they are bad, they push at wrong times and get punished, so they learn to not push too hard. However, this also means that it takes a lot to get them to push. Also, they dont want to spend money on repairs.
Nigga it may be fun but its easy as fuck to fight because its huge and slow with low alpha.
>tank football with new physics soon
oh gosh
yea i got a steel wall on my amx 12t and a raider medal on my su100y
What is the value to the right of the slash? Camo while shooting in this state?
The stealth of the AT 15A is unparalleled.
I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do in the reward stug on most of these maps.
superunicums are shit
you are supposed to sell it
Five matches and I'm already done playing for another year or two. Why do you guys still play this game?
abe submit the skirmish 22 team
why do crack heads do crack?
why do alcoholics drink alcohol?
its an addiction that is beyond comprehension. except crack and alcohol provide relief and dulling of the senses while WoT only invites anger and frustration.
What do people think of the Toaster?
Just staring my grind towards the Gorilla now.
>watching an E-100 avoid taking ANY FUCKING FIRE despite the rest of our team being heavily damaged
I love this meme, obviously his first time playing a heavy tank.
>low tier padding
>he doesnt play wot only when blazed as fuck
I feel good when I'm playing well
Glad to see the in-game shit talk is still alive and well, can't go a single match without some shithead deciding he needs to message me after the match. This is MOBA level of cancerous community, filed a complaint with WG (not that anyone'll even fucking read it, lol) and uninstalled the client. Also charge-backed my purchases.
>you will never face down the barrel of a JagdTiger waiting for your imminent death as you fail to penetrate its armor.
>playing t10 solo
I'm not going to pay money to have retards look down on me, chat should be reserved for people who have spent at least $20USD.
Jagdtigers aren't scary
I'd be more worried for the crew being bogged down or throwing a track
Poor tankers don't deserve that
said the red fuck
How can you let a couple kids shit-talking you get you so mad? Just turn off in-game chat or close the chat window if someone messages you and it bothers you so much.
>ruining your credit over a online game
You are retarded.
An accurate picture of everybody who's anybody in wotg
>you will never ammorack a jadtiger with your M36 jackson
Bought the 45.03 yet?
Is Abe trying to pass gas?
Why is PZMOE best clan NA?
Trying to pull tourney wins out of his ass
Who is m1318 guy
because they are chill
Should have been seeker then
for everyone who doubted team abe
>expect teammate to do something correctly
>he doesnt
We would have gotten the E 25 too if either
a) we didn't have a meltdown on T9 (or maybe took T5)
b) I was wasn't stuck on a wifi for T8 day with lag spikes without a replacement because jon was out being a wagecuck
t. khalron
Meanwhile EU office doesn't think about doing this
Too much work probably
>tfw was a wagecuck
>not only was the owner of the store 3 hours late that day which caused me to miss it, but that same day he informed us that he was closing the store 4 days later
At least im no longer a wagecuck
good, now you can dedicate your entire existence for skirmish
upgraded version
>no norin
>no greg
You don't even have tanks/crews eligible for the tourneys.
m13 is rarely in them
He's not inner circle
>literal who's of /wotg/
Why is greg on the skirmish team? The only T7 he has is a stock T20 with probably a shite crew.
because the starting lineup can make it every day so it really doesn't matter who sits on the bench
Yes it does, in nearly every tournament so far something happened where someone else had to sub in, be it a case of connection dropping, glitches, AFK for an urgency, etc. He can warm the bench from mon to sun, but he needs to bring something for the table.
Plus, Sam is in and I want to believe he will show up but I have my doubts about it.
>suddenly am inner circle
I'm flattered, but I just play in tourneys sometimes. I don't even use my mic (though I will be able to soon).
>the t22 will be bad post patch
t. Greg
Well they did rollback some of the changes, but I assume there is a reason I don't see them driven by anyone but brs now
I don't think we're thinking about the same tournament, I thought you were talking about skirmish 23
No, talking about the weekday warfare.
stop complaining, everyone is going to make it
>Well they did rollback some of the changes
Fuck off, Greg.
he's got a whole weekend to grind it out
plus it's greg so he's probably free exping the modules and paying gold for a 100% crew