Ashe is the shittiest and sluttiest girl on league
Worst freljord edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Does rush still play for C9?
great game with great community
He's a sub
He can't play at the same time of Jensen and Impact due to residency rules.
Get a life op
Why did Huni pick Riven?
love how even the losses are fun
Because he's an idiot.
>Riven into Trundle
Huni off the team when?
I've never seen you so jealous lissfag. Trouble in paradise?
>Mad that he doesn't get to make another OP after making 1,000,000 of them in the last month
>IMT Huni: I will change ur experience of Riven
This is a good thread, good job OP
Move To The Real Thread
Why does IMT just like to choose stupid shit all the time?
Post homeless girl of many hops
What happened to Bunnyfufu? I distinctly remember him being hyped up as C9's new support but I haven't see him in months.
>15k viewers on NA LCS2
>Not even breaking 200k when combined with na lcs1
Holy shit this game is dead.
>thread wars
Please delete your thread
>got blown the fuck out by tsm last season
>still haven't learned anything
huni needs to be benched
I have no doubt in League's current success.
Yeah, League's viewership has dipped a bit, but that's because we now have Hearthstone, CS:GO, and numerous other games. Not to mention Memewatch is absorbing casuals from PC to Console. Because if your favorite streamer plays it 5 minutes at a time between queues, it must be a good game, right? :^)
Right now DOTA has a major tournament going on, so I'm not surprised that people aren't watching the first week of LCS. Plus, its the first week of summer and pretty damn good weather where I am. I'd be outside, if it wasn't 99 in the PacNW today. That's 2hot4me.
But yes, >omfg 150k viewers league is dead. (It was actually up to 200k.) Despite the fact there are tons of people playing, queue times take less than a minute, and new content is made almost daily.
Besides, I don't really get the appeal of eSports. Yeah, they play at a level none of us will get to, and that's kind of neat to watch. I guess. I'd just rather be playing the game if I'm going to sit in front of my computer for 3 hours.
Riot wouldn't have consolidated on a new major server, expanded to Japan, built TWO NEW MAJOR STUDIOS, stream simultaneous games, shit out skins left and right, and patch the game as often as they do. (Granted, most sets are pretty bad as of late. Program was good though.)
Don't fall for e-shit thread by an idiot too slow to make an op first
Dylan their coach is too much of a pussy to take control
Okay, i never watch LCS but i wanted to take a look so, WTF is that
>enemy swaps top and bot
>3 bot and 3 top pushing towers
Is that like every game so?
Dafuq is this
Is LCS supposed to be a serious esports tournament or a sleeping aid?
I'm not even kidding, I've banned Lucian in all these games and now I'm in another queue and playing against Ezreal. Why the fuck do I still play bot
it's been like that for a long while
It's a "lane swap". LCS meta shit. Last few months it was really prominent.
Rito has taken steps to discourage it in-game but people still do it. Part of the reason why LCS views are down. It's boring.
washed up.
not my thread
The idea is that one team doesn't want to run the standard 1v1 top 2v2 bot, either because the enemy toplaner scales harder with farm or their bot is weaker early, so they laneswap. If the toplaner tries to stay 1v2 they would get dove with the jungler 1v3 so they also go to the duo lane to help the 3v0 push. Then they swap back because they expect the other team to also swap back for the same reasons.
tl;dr People have spent a lot of time trying to beat this strat and nobody has done it yet
>playing AD without scripts
>when you trap a significant number of people in your j4 ult
Why the fuck would you try to make a play that deep?
play best adc instead
Do you suck your boyfriend's cock this much too?
you're right tho. This game will never die with the amount of mentally deficient children in its playerbase. not to mention all this bad publicity will only bring in more casuals than the autists of lolg expect it will, guaranteed.
is this real
>IMT will actually win and Huni will not be benched
Please no, I don't want to see more Rivens in my ranked games.
>le thread wars xDDD this not true thread unga bunga
>Ribbon in LCS
>Ribbon is meta again
NERFS WHEN?!?!?!?!?!?
delete this
gg Impact.
Dyrus level positioning throws the game 5 minutes in.
Maan, how can people still watch that
exactly my thoughts
ey bby how about u suck mine
Real Thread
>yfw chinks had no idea about this laneswap bullshit and got btfo during last worlds
just tuned it, who is the champion that wasn''t picked/ban only once?
autism in condensed form
>putting wildshitter on an immobile carry
loving every laugh
>Damage controlling this hard for Riot
It's okay that you sunk money into this dead game it's the natural progression no game lasts forever.
Holy fucking SHIT
524 games on QUINN IN RANKED
Spotted the samefag e-shit shill
>SCBW is still going
>WOW is still going
LeL is going to stay top for a long time
I haven't spent a single cent on this game
That's not that hard if you're not a faggot with ADHD that has to play a different champion every game
the real question is why he gets 60% cdr when quinn doesn't even want cdr
Oh so you're just new to the game.
>implying being an autist that plays the same champion every game is better
Is every game this fucking boring?
been playing since beta
>tfw ravenous+triforce+bork trundle will never ever be viable
How about you rim the crusty shit coating my unshaven asshole and I'll think about it
>9 deaths
Not the guy but i've been playing since S3 and haven't spent a single cent either. It's fucking retarded to spend money on this game, especially if it doesn't give you any kind of advantage
Does anyone want to play normies with me? (EUW, im level 11)
Last game was interesting.
I mean League of Legends is just people farming 70% of the time at minimum. Gotta hold out for teamfights.
what can irelia even do vs swain top?
I'm actually amazed that this has 185k viewers right now.
Maybe I'm out of touch.
>Played since beta
>Hasn't spent a single dime
Yeah I'm going to need to see your account summary at
stun hit hit hit hit hit more hits and then some more hits, almost done just a few more hits and then Q to finish him off
hope you kill him and snowball before he reaches 6
oh jensen
>jensen didnt even ult
>No advantage in owning multiple champions and rune pages.
>Huni chasing down kills and burning all his summoners
Riven mains everyone.
some of us actually have self control user
You don't need to spend money on those.
>Doesn't include summoner name
Completely legit.
>being mad you donated to the goys at rito
what would including my summoner name even do?
It's time to post your best champions and rate others based on it!
Post specifically thick yordles
Show me that you have actually played since beta like you said.
>Enemy adc dcs
>Think oh now I don't have to worry about bot, I can focus on rest of team
>Bot duo does nothing but complain about how we all suck while they stay there, never take tower, and still fucking die since they never ward or want to do drag
I wish this game would die already
What happened to Hai? Who's the shotcaller keeping c9 working now?