League of Legends General /lolg/

C9 vs IMT on right now



Other urls found in this thread:


>Huhi on Riven

I need to see this

>Victor into Liss
>Riven top
God help IMT

Need more Riven i my life

god bless low level bot games

>Playing against bots

>not playing against bots
its like u want cancer or smthn desu

>Missing out on the full LoL experience
pic related

it's over, C9 lost

what keystone on wukong

>queue slaves will never know such joys

I'll have it once I get to 30 and can finally otp

Wildturtle is behind on an immobile champion. C9 has every chance in the world to win this.





>Quas announces he's retiring and leaves TL
>Joins NRG a season later
This can't be forgiven

didn't watch the first 2 games, how is Meteos doing?


fed yasuo with trinity and 100% crit is the most disgusting thing I've played

e in, hit once, q, hit. even their tank was below half after that.

forgiven only sat out because he thought he couldnt sign with another team, according to thorin

they forced him to go for his Venezuela-related wall of text tweet

It's what I've been saying for months now and maybe you guys should just get good before doubting mommy Vladfag's theorycrafting on her OTP main or "pissing in her cheerios".


What did he say in it?

Fuck the experience.
>over 500 bot games into silver 2 first time pvp
>able to get victorious skins from gold alone
>dealing with asshats in ranked 'cause it's the only level playing field skill wise

Take me back....

I want to donate semen to the Ahri fundation

But it feels so satisfying each season when you get one rank higher than the last.

what the FUCK

what do I build on urgot and what lanes

I'll stick with a pure maiden

why would they buff runic echoes

did anyone honestly want cancer spider and le stealthy bitch back?


You go "refund" in the "store" lane.
I'm not even gonna touch that monster of a test champ until he gets reworked.

he said Hugo Chavez was an excellent leader and a very intelligent man.
he was suspended the same week


official suspension, you can google the facebook wall post

can you stop posting that cheap bait
no one ever fell for it
think of something else

hes fun tho

looks like a massive slut to me desu senpai

You think girl who dress as Ahri bang some dude they meet at the cons? Just to stick with character?


here's the translated version of the deleted post

>finish my first ever ranked placement as a below average player
>4/6 in placements, three of which my ass was carried
>"Wew lad, here comes that damn bronze..."
>silver 4

I wish they did, senpai.

>he thinks that isn't bronze

Tear into offensive item always. If you want to live when you ult, build cleaver, mura, frozenheart/chilly glove, maw, lw item.

If you want to GUARENTEE that you kill at least 2 before you die, go glass with every flat armor pen as your other 3 items.

Bruiser-got still shits damage like glass, so that build is safest.

Solo lane is better for him because he doesn't need a support getting in his way, or clown fiestas. Go full armor pen runes. Your last hitting will suffer a bit, but when you get 2 longswords, you become god in the midgame, and scale well into late.

It sure ain't bronze 5

i dont have enough pages for specialized rune pages

feels good btfo trumpbabs

If you're below the III division of any rank, you have a pretty good chance of getting ranked up with a person form the lower division. So good luck, silver man.
You have so much cancer ahead of you :^)

Then flat ad is just fine. the armor pen helps, but if you are doing well anyway, the 44% armor reduction from your e and cleaver will serve you just as well.

the ziggs and gnar are scripts. they're powerleveling accounts to sell while their away from their computer. passive income friend.

Rune pages are on sale right now. Just spam ARAM until you have 6300 IP.

ARAM is actually where I got much better at mechanics, helping me jump from Bronze V to Gold IV in season 4. I think it has something to do with the fast pace gameplay that forced you to think more in teammfights.

I know, I reported them

Alright, sounds good. Im having fun with this fat fuck. WIsh he could get a VU tho

>zyra with the burning bush

was meant for

they dress up for the sole purpose of fucking guys at cons, user.


So the way to play jungle properly when you are low elo is to just ignore every lane and don't gank at all, no matter how much they ping?

xth for Cute Vi

Rainy Days Edition