Monster Hunter General /mhg/

More like Whore Magala edition

>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs to release July 15.
-English Patch for Monster Hunter Online is out now

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In 4U, Target: Fishing (it's 4 to the left)
In X, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)

Tags: MHGen, MHX, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread

I have request...
Cute/sexy felyne art
Please satisfy me.

Hey /mhg/ I saw monster hunter frontier g9 and g6 for sale at a store and I was wondering if these are just expansions for the original game or are they their own thing? I can't find out using google

Mehh.. Get the new special edition 3DS and X.

They need to scrap separate guild halls.

In a 3U room you could be like "oh I need like 10 high rank diablos buttholes I'll post it up after this lucy," or "my turn to post, hope you guys enjoy this gobul + g.plesioth arena quest". Then in 4U you have your low/high rank hall with an arena clerk right there, but then g-rank quests are in a completely different hall and g-rank arena quests are in an even more abandoned place. It's just stupid.

>in an even more abandoned place
Probably should have put "isolated" there. Not sure why I used "abandoned". Speaking of which, 4U really needs more 4-player arena quests.

But that doesn't answer my question though. Are these deprecate games or are they expansions to Monster Hunter Frontier G

Doing sword/shield for the first time in 4U. Am I in for fun or frustration?

equal amounts of both

sns is the most balanced weapon

Fun, until Monoblos.

>playing monster hunter
you're gonna have /Fun/stration

You're in for an easy to use weapon until you try to hit something above your head. It's generally pretty good and easy to use.

Core combo is R+X -> X -> X -> A -> A -> wait and repeat. X+A or rolling can also start the combo. If you shield bash at any point you fucked up.

Monoblos is parabait. Just wait for a dig, sonic bomb, then a combination of flashes, traps, and 20 second paralysis to keep it immobile for almost the entire hunt. Then despair when you can't jank the hp tank white monoblos the same way

Hold a torch whenever your weapon is drawn to show everyone you're an absolute madman.

IMO SnS is one of the most fun weapons in the game, but ymmv.

Thanks for the input. Just fought a low lvl boss for warmup and it was pretty cool. I usually use Great Sword or Long Sword, and this is my first MH game. Wanna try an older title and thinking about picking up Freedom Unite on psp. Worth it?

How long am I gonna have to wait for tencent to send me an activation email?

>be MH vet
>play MH4 for first time in a while
>take on a frenzied rathalos with hardly a scratch
>cart on frenzied seltas queen

I think I need to play more

SnS tip: the dash in attack (XA) gives you super armor for a brief period of time. Uncharged back-A and unsheathe also do this since they're basically the same thing. Use it if you're getting tripped up a lot and to ignore wind pressure.

FU is good if you want to experience 2nd gen, but it's going to be rough.

>Wanna try an older title and thinking about picking up Freedom Unite on psp. Worth it?
Started it recently myself, a few things feel pretty dated, and some damage numbers are retarded.
But overall it's fun. I'd say wait till you're done with 4u first.
LS feels really good in it as well.

Is the English patch for MHO usable? And is MHO even worth playing?

I just want a fucking PC monster hunter already, not this handheld pixelfest.

>IMO SnS is one of the most fun weapons in the game, but ymmv.
sns is one of the few weapons that still feels like monster hunter and not monster duelist

Thanks bunches, I just burnt out on Witcher 3 after a third play through and I've been on a handheld binge since.

>Is the English patch for MHO usable?
yeah, some things are untranslated still though

>is MHO even worth playing?
It's MH with KBM support but not an incredible amount of content yet and only chinese servers. You decide.


Why do they have huge zits on their cheeks, shoulders and tits?


skin cancer

Can large monsters die to poison?

Thank you.

More like this?



Its very slow and only does about 240 damage on average. It could potentially be the cause of death for a mostly dead monster as it flees to sleep but you could pretty much never kill something within the time limit using only poison. The only time I think could happen is a low rank seltas with feline weakener on a multiple monster quest so the hp is as low as possible.

>Male cats have barbed penises that cause the females pain
>cat girls begin craving non barbed human cock
>They breed with humans until their cat genes are so diluted that theyre no longer a distinct race.

You know it would happen. [Spoiler]The black ones still steal.

How do you sharpen a guitar?

Anyone else having problems signing up for a QQ account for MHO? "This number has reached the daily limit of verification code received. Please try a different number"

with a fret stone
am i right or am i right? xDD


who wants to carry a HH babby
i dont feel like picking quests

Anyone know how to get the Steam overlay working with MonHun Online?

Who wants to hunt some gogmazios?



Post more porn


I already have immunity cat, but the big meme theory post would prevent me from wanting to help you anyway.

I dont even like the show

So is there some secret to Dala other than "wail on his head and don't suck?" I got him to his final phase twice now and I either die because the meteors get to be before he does a claw swipe/Lunge or I run out of time.

I'm using the Stygian Zinogre SA, but I can't really reach his head during that last part. I try to topple him and I miss most of the time and his head swaying usually messes up my swing time.

I've considered getting the Shagaru Magala IG and using the jump on that to get me up there, but I just need a Nyctgem and that's a pain in the ass to farm for.

His claws are also a weakpoint

You just need to have perfect dodge timing on the lazer. He's one giant MXC obstacle course otherwise.

Where's the Generations hype?

>g crown
>HR 175
>gemmed in fire res+15
>and handicraft
>using rouge sedition
>wearing grand mizuha
lord, save me from retards

Waiting for the demo

Did they fail the hunt?

Demo when?

>A good chunk of people played the Japanese version with an English patch
What hype? That was 7 months ago.

no, just saw their set before they left hall, never actually hunted with them.

Yeah I'm one of those people. I'm just wondering where are all the people who didn't. Will Generations be doa?

>Will Generations be doa?
We can only hope.

MHO is silly

>that camera work on the draw

The quick cuts were pretty bad, but then it looks like they dropped the camera halfway through


Its still over a month away, people will flock to it just because its the next new thing. Just give it time.

i liked it

I want to give Miss Cat a big wet adult kiss!

dont say that user!

Hello everyone!

I just started playing MH. I'm currently at MHFU (the only on i can play currently).

Is there any video out there that teaches someone how to beat Diablos (the one from the Guild's 5* HR3 called The Runaway Diablos)?

I'm using Hammer as my weapon (Iron Striker+) and Ceanataur as my armor.

Thank you in advance.

screamer sacs + gun powder = sonic bombs
screamer sacs are from kut ku

when diablos goes into the ground throw a sonic bomb at him
dont do this when hes enraged (smoke coming form mouth, eyes red)

If he's enraged just flash the shit out of him. Diablos is not meant to be fun or entertaining as he charges 2 feet before sliding 50. He is not meant to be fun when he burrows like a mole while enraged (which is always). He is meant to be flashed and otherwise handicapped to death.

When you run out of tools then you'll want to camp by a wall to keep him nearby during charges. Just don't get sliding wall charged.

Nice! Thank you.

I'm going to try this right now.

Thanks, i'll also try Flashbombs!

I want to give Kushy a big smooch on the forehead!

I give up. I can't handle this level of rng. Bad run but better than the 20 or so before this. He refuses to cooperate. I'm mad.


keep at it dude we believe in you

Anyone Hi rank want to rank up from HR5?

Dudes, i did it!
Didn't break any parts, but still, not too bad for a first try.

Thank you!


What game


Good job friend

Not like he has much to break in the first place. His tail is out of the question with hammer, and his face is one of the worst hitzones in the game so you're better off just bombing if you need horns

Wouldn't it be faster using a pierce HBG or charge blade dumping philes?

Frontier is free to download and all expansions free. What you're seeing are just the premium packages that come with subscription and premium goodies. And probably they are the JP version so you need VPN and stuff to play it.

Just download the TW version and you can straight away play up until HR99 for free at the latest expansion.

nice one
diablos is always a nuisance in every game, dont worry about breaking anything unless you want his armor

It wouldn't be an IG TA then.

Ask again in a couple weeks when I get my new file there.


A lot of us are in G-Rank, but some will probably have some high rank gear to help play at your level

Suppose I could help, post a room if you want

Well... Never mind then... Carry on...

What's the 30% affinity speed bug in X?

Passcode 5293

ID 38-5388-8111-6052
Pass 1245

>two passwords
>neither of them correct
fucking hell, mate.


Please use the usual pass and details in the OP next time

Thanks for the help. I've got some connection problems right now, sorry!

Is crit eye and weakness exploit any good in X?

That's alright, gives me time to find something less shitty than EX Rathalos armor for high rank shenanigans

With super crit.

Playing MHO makes me want to gas all the shitty chinks who coded this piece of shit game.
Also whoever decided to make this mmo style run here and talk to a billion people bullshit god I need to murder some monsters

How about super crit, crit eye +3 and the 30% affinity bug?

Anyone's up for HR3-5 hunts in MHX?

Can I play as my Nyanter?