Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previously on /tosg/ : Cookie cutter builds:
>Consult thread before using

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
New players are restricted :

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipedia (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
FOE (Jinsae)
Clover (Karga)
Cake (DeliciousCake) - Recruiting
CoffeeHouse (Cabyba)
NiceBoat (Tello)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

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Mia Mia

cash shop costume WHEN


Come join us! We have cute traps :3


6th for blogging!

120 scout going fletcher. Should I go for a skull bow or keep farming silver for meme dagger? barely 400k + 21 talts.

ded game
ded thread

Yes. Lv11 journal card rewards start around map level 245, I suggest you take the time to 100% both exploration and kill achievements on those.

Sorc1 is doable for bees, but to be really efficient you want to 1-shot the bees with your TS (6.1k HP on Honeybean).
At Summoning 10, lv225 and ~500 INT, my TS was doing 2.7k a shot x2.
I don't think it's possible to hit 3k a shot with just Summoning 5, so others will have an easier time stealing your mobs.
Combined with Pyro3's Fireballs it becomes decent, but when you think about it, maybe Sorc1 is a waste there.
Lv5 TS alone won't be enough to do it efficiently, and compared to high level Fireballs it won't speed things up a great deal.

Today I got more biscuits.

So if I go >Shinobi is it best to have Double Slash as my only swordsman attack with any points in it?

Or will the ai prefer to use it first anyway?

every MMO is dead according to all players playing the said MMO
name one MMO where people say it's alive


ded game

Time to answer random archer questions while I afk at bees.

Where is the one for sword

whites until 220, then buy your bis weapon/offhand.


>See you next time
>Haven't seen the majority of these people

thanks neo-/tosg/


How come when I want to a Veeky Forums meet it up it wasn't cute like that just lots of people dueling and dieing and people spouting memes

Is A2>Ranger1>Scout1>Rogue3 good for pvp?

Your best offhand is mana-mana at 170, so there's no point in buying an arde.

Your bis main weapons are 220 whites, so point in investing an overpriced 170 colored jew item.

>people complaining about bad fps

Upgrade your toasters, you shitters. How is this hard you poorfags? It must be hard not being a richfag eh?

Just because it's a korean mmorpg doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse for sub-optimal performance. Before you open your whiny mouths about low fps why don't you spend that time earning money to upgrade your pc instead? Otherwise fuck off. Laughable poorfags.

I'm sorry Karga.. I failed in the path of sorc1+..
I went full alchjew

Back then we still had hope left in us, lad.

I should remake Michiru at one point, i miss thaumaturge.


I don't get this build. That PvP Rodelero from kTOS is pretty cool, but taking 3 circles in Swordsman just for Restrain, when you could be taking Pelt utility and Hop's 1h Spear attribute instead, just seems like a complete waste.

As a Rodel, you don't have anything good to apply Restrain with.

because /tosg/ went to shit after iCBT2


Pretty sure cannon1 instead of rogue3 would be about 10x more effective for pvp.

Maybe when I wake up tomorrow there will be wugushi fixes!

you went to a reddit meet up, not a tosg meet up

I got you, may the thing you want drop soon!

>he doesn't know the korean meta shinobi build of sword 3 rod 3 and shinobi 1
fucking shitter, at least learn what you're talking about

>using momiji.jpg to post such uncute things

tfw i can't get my an eagle feather to drop so i can have my fletcher look the same way it did in the icbt2

The game has a special feature where no mater how strong your battlestation is you'll get the same FPS of a poorfag. This is for balancing purpose in GvGs and dungeons. Just because your gear is better it doesn't mean you have to get an advantage over others.
Next time play the game before you post.
And suck it richfags.

I'm playing under a different name.

and which one are you

That's fine, if you're going Alch and can only fit in Sorc1 then you're better off getting something else.

momiji you say?

Pretty sure he's going Fencer2 (sword3->rode2->fencer2). It's PvP only, I've seen some people in missions with it and while it is fucking shit there, I assume it's pretty ridiculous in PvP, esp with stat shuffling and slithering. Pelt is useless in PvP (and really, that's the only thing you want this build for, if you're going to halfass it might as well not make it at all). Hops is useless since he'll be going Fencer.

I still wonder why people are going PvP when there's no PvP.

Nothing in the Rodelero kit synergizes with Swordsman or Shinobi. How does that work?


Its too late, im already sorc1 alch1..

I just decided last minute to go alch, idk why tho.. Maybe because I didn't see the future in sorc3 or that sorc2 warlock looks very sp heavy

The one looking for Wiggy.

Sissel or gladiator band?

What would be the stat distribution senpai?

literally all generals i go to.
pso2g this dfog and acg
especially acg
fuck you from

What do you think Julie is up to nowadays

Not working for a shit company I guess

>Silut just died for 2 minutes

>dfog says they're alive

lol no

>these resident quarter quests

I take it that it's time to find someone to quest with now? Or is this map just exceptionally shitty?

how does Rodelero's Shield Bash work? I heard it slides all the stats to the right? Does that mean you could instagib a full CON Cleric?

fuck off hiraku


Glad band, since you already dun goof'd and went high dex on a QS3. Depends how hard you want to go into green gems though, the less funded you are the better off you will be with sissel.



you're really ugly

Why do I always run into normalfag couples in my 90dungeon run?


>tfw enough cards for next rank but map levels are way behind you

god dammit


Normalfag couples are cute!


Glad band.

Finally getting to the part where this build gets interesting. Bee grind tomorrow, I suppose.

CON is not affected. People with STR lose the STR and don't gain CON, and people with CON don't lose anything. If he's 100% into a single stat, he loses all of it and gets shuffled(full SPR becomes full DEX, full DEX become full STR, etc).

If he does not have a single-stat build, then it gets shuffled all the same, but not all of it. Not sure how it works, but since 99% of people go with a single stat, it's not very important.

>that awful feeling when you use snow rolling and begin taking massive damage and all you can do is watch as your snowball of minions ends up killing you

>be me
>could card to 145 and grind demonprison to 160+
>OCD won't allow it, must complete every quest

CON and Dex probably because you're >pvping

>ice blast

>find a chronomancer stuck in the level 170's in shout asking for a partner
>I pick her up
>I'm just a loner myself
>she has no idea where to go
>tell her where to go
>what to do
>I have multiple alts so I have literal 100% memories of all quests in the game
>she just follows me, spams haste and that's it

>she tells me she has tons of quests she hasn't done
>some of them are in low level zones
>she has Founders hat
>her only character
>she only has leveled using dungeons, that's it
>she has no idea where things are
>doesn't even know what Firewood is
>used a guide to make build, has no idea of game mechanics

>I carry her
>all the way to level 211
>she starts to ask questions all the time
>how old am I
>where am I from
>do I go to school
>finally I cave in and drop a lot of info
>she says this


anyway back the fuck off!

What's your opinion on Cryo3Sorc2? How is it compared to Wiz3Sorc2/3 ?
And what classes can fit at rank 7 for a Cryo3Sorc2? I was thinking Runecaster because Warlock is too overused. My aim is something between DPS and CCs with supportive capability.
Hypothetically if we have Mimic at rank 8, what safe class option at rank 7 would work well for Cryo3Sorc2?

Yeah, when I realized was too alte

are you suggesting laptop fags rice as well.
also with a desk top they should at least have a gtx 750 teir gpu

>level 149
>still have all klaipeda lv70+ quests
>no motivation to do quests at all after 3 missions and 3 dungeons
I'm sure i won't have to grind.

It's a underage BR boy IRL
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Time to become a man senpai.

I'm confused about what you're trying to say here.
Or are you just boasting about finding a girl chronomancer to hold hands with?

just let it go senpai, we're different people now. ICBT2 was too far enough. I'm a dirty girl (boy) now, you wouldn't like me anymore.

>wanting a dumb girl instead of a cute boy for a leveling partner

just got my 4th arde. i'm already rich from botting bees so it's junk to me. who wants it for free? klapedo server

whisper patsch

So? like half this games population are girls(male)(not). (99% BR/SEA)

You're pathetic.

You do realize you can't fuck her over the internet so the real life gender of your internet friends is entirely inconsequential right? The more pertinent question would be "Where do you live"?

Though if you're 29 and act like this I doubt there's much hope for you either way.

whisper jinsae


top fuckin kek muh m8
there is no cute in this hell.

Would I do well in PvE with a build that goes Ar2>Ra1>QS3>Mu1 or should I just follow another build?

I dated a girl I met in Wildstar for over a year. Not some online relationship either, we both lived in Toronto. Being a good healer got me laid.

Good luck user! Don't give up.

You are NOT him.
Sorry I couldn't find you at that meetup Wiggy.

whisper lolipan

Quick question: how am I supposed to stat a doppelgoon?

>literal healslut
Disgusting but inspiring

sorc or necro?

They use the same skills you do, retard.

Another Toronto user in /tosg/?

IGN? Or if you don't wan't to give it wanna meet up somewhere in game?

whisper NLJ