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Any tips for getting D.Va and Pharah's achievements? Junkrat and Mercy were so easy.

I made a new video about McShit

Pharah's achievements are really simple to get. Just play matches with ledges and knock someone to their death with the concussive blast, and rain justice on the enemy team for the aerial achievement. Don't know what D.Va's achievements are so can't help you there.

>best skin in the game is for a character I'm absolute shit at

I'm gonna gonna gut gud if it ever drops!

My first moment I kinda feel webm worthy.

In what situation is Zenyatta useful?

It feels like I never get kills with Pharah's ult.

Wait, you get your dash back if you kill an opponent?

>rip a class right out of TF2
>rip one of his lines out as well
>leave out the funny part

Why is Blizzard so bad at what they do?


You just have to get the enemy team while they're distracted, same as most of the ults really. Just pick an alternate route while your team is pushing and let the enemy team have it, and make sure their snipers and Mercy die first.

I think we can all agree on this.

>defense on Gibraltar
>our team has two fucking level their purpose is just to feed the other team


>It's a genji spams right click and shift while everyone ignores him episode


Why does Mercy have the lowest win percentage?

Why does McCree have a low win percentage?

holy fuck this is so wrong


What is hard at all about junkrat?

>I passed many an hour of my misspent youth here

what did he mean by this?

Post pics of cute friendships

Torbjorn and Symmetra have the highest win percentages because Defense has a significant advantage on every map.


You actually need decent aiming with mccree. Noobs can't do the combo all of the time.

I have a 40% win rate with mercy on pubs. With a group, it's probably 60%. I can see why.

>Mei less useful


>junkrat, tracer, and widowmaker on the harder half
switch their general positions with 76, zarya, and winston in terms of how far to the side they are

also it's kinda hard to judge where mei goes. She isn't hard to play, but she has more severe repercussions than most heroes if you play her poorly since you can really fuck your team up with bad icewalls. She's got a low skill floor, but being even slightly beneath it is a huge problem.

They get picked A LOT and by both sides, so regardless of a match's outcome they're going to be accruing tons of losses.


>Hardest hero in the game



>Bastion #1
Was there any surprise?

He fucked around in arcades a lot.

Predict potential holiday themed skins for Christmas/Halloween

Junkrat is easy. Zarya is easy. Winston is easy. McCree is near Widowmaker (his revolver is basically a quick sniper rifle that does less damage at mid range). D.Va is easy.





>"I think we can all agree on this"

Yeah, no. Especially no if it's referring to solo queue.



make a pretty sweet desktop with some color

Mercy has a low winrate because if you have her on your team, you probably don't have the turbo nigger. And the turbo nigger is a mandatory OP as fuck pick.

If you have a mercy healer and the enemy has a lucio you're fighting an uphill battle.

>Attack maps 2 or 3 snipers
>Attack map no tank
>Attack map no support
>defense map no tank
>defense map no support
>defense map no torb or defense that is not sniper
>king of the hill no support
>king of the hill no tank
I'm no longer having fun guys. Every single game today I got two of those for each game type, so it's not like I could switch and cover our deficit. We'd be short in two other places or one critical place. Every single match today but one has ended in defeat.
When will a game mode where it forces you to make a balanced team be made?

when will they add more heroes, they need to add another support or something because the current 2 same supports are boring as FUCK

One of the balance changes I think is needed desperately is global range and louder volume on Widowmaker's ult audio cue. Not knowing there are wallhacks is fucking annoying.

So when is Tracer getting her well-deserved nerfs?

Who's the best solo queue hero guys? Le balanced cowboy revolver man?


never because she actually needs buffs

>tiny spider robot

Blizzard pls

Im so fuckin done playing solo. Every time i win a couple of matches in a row i get teamed up with a bunch of retards the rest of the day.
Frustrating as hell when you try to win and you get 2 hanzos on offense or 2 bastions on defense on your team. Please kill me

Junkrat. Nobody knows how to deal with this fucker, he just shits out damage non-stop.

>Anything below but still ridiculously near 50% is a low winrate.
As far as I'm concerned anything close to 50 means close to balance. Shit at 55%+ needs to be nerfed and shit and 45%- needs to be buffed.

Ult nerf
HP nerf
Assault rifle nerf
Pick two

And 100% scoped damage nerf.

Widow is broken.

>triple blink dagger and time lapse
>needing buffs

Why is pharah the cutest?

Solo is only terrible because no matter how hard you try to communicate with your team, they will always go full retard.

I know this is a joke/bait post but for people who aren't aware and might be mislead, healing/repair beams in class based team shooters had been done before TF2 and "Second opinion" jokes are as old as medicine itself

Does anyone have the comic about Mercy getting Soldier 76 to open a jar?

I though it was cute but didn't save it.

She dies in one or two hits.

>Get distracted by Screamermaker's NO ONE CAN HIDE FROM MY SIGHTS

>McCorner sees you with wallhack and full comboes you to the ground

I wish I had friends so we could play "fake TF2" with 2x Tracer, 2x Pharah, 1x Junkrat and 1x Mercy.

I wish we had custom modes anyway rather than just "random map, random role available".

if i ever join a ranked game that ends in defeat before i can pick my character i'm gonna shit up this entire general with complaints

>Every character with mobility abilities is overpowered in every game ever

Why are there so many shitters that think this?

>tfw you feel forced to play a healer and you know lucio is the best but also fucking boring but stil pick him

>tfw Super Shimada Bros is actually really fun

are you the bastion who keeps sitting in the back and gets flanked all the time?

Everything you see in overwatch maps are clues for additional comics, heroes and new maps.

For instance there are currently two unreleased heroes hidden in two maps.

One is the Eva robot in the African map, he's drinking scotch/whiskey in a billboard

The second one is the female in the arcade posters.

Heres a video

These two are all in the concept arts, unchanged. The Eva one already has a full 3D model judging by the alchohol ad.

>Mei and Tracer on the enemy team
>switch to McCree
This is the only thing I enjoy in this game. Shitting all over people playing characters I hate.

I have read that a common DPI setting for FPS games is around 400 or so. When I set my death adder to 400 I have to really push on the mouse to get it to move anywhere. Pic related.

Am I doing something wrong? Seems like the sensitivity is way to low, its a workout to just move around my desktop.

>distracted by ult callouts



I'm fuckin jelly

t. three greys and a blue for the last 7 levels

>tfw the wallhacking doesn't stop on the widow's death

Next brawl Tracer vs Winston?

>forced to play healer
>no one stops the tracer/reaper raping you from behind

Hahahaha just shoot her once bro

>playing Tracer
>jump on Bastion's head
>he's panicking and trying to figure out where he's being shot from

>think Lucio is boring when I pick him
>stupid team nobody will pick support fuck grr

>3 minutes later
>having a fucking blast zipping through enemy lines knocking them around
>some Bastion thinks he's hot shit so I just turn on the speed and we all charge at his face and punch him to death
>oh let's break it down of instantly won teamfight

Such a change a few minutes can make. Honestly if any other hero had Lucio's speed boost and wall ride they would be fun as shit to play as well.

>it's a bastion holds down left click POTG

that's normal but you probably want a higher dpi for overwatch

400 dpi is ideal for games like csgo where you aren't spinning around all the time

>playing a electric peace wizard on Lijiang
>both teams actually good for once
>game goes into overtime all three rounds
>dishing out heals and purple balls of hate like its no ones business
>finish game with golds in obj elims, obj time, heals, bronze in total elims, and silver in damage
>Bhutanese hippie-bot has no time for mercy

is this what fun feels like?

her wonderful farts she lets 'slip' thru global comms

maybe you can't hear his steps and gunshots, remember mcpoo loves ambushing

wait is that mei and tracer's kid?

>More Robot heroes

Fucking hell. We don't need shitty /m/. /m/ is worse than /mlp/

Which Overwatch male would have the best body?

>Playing Roadhog on Gibraltar defense
>On the last straightaway before the left turn and the end
>Five enemies in front of me all on low health

Bastion is built like a tank


Why is Roadhog fun and why does D.va take the WHOLE HOG?

>It's a Mercy using Q POTG
>It's a Reaper using Q POTG
>It's a Junkrat using Q POTG

Honestly I'd rather have a Bastion who has to aim at different targets than these

That's not really how you make a skill/output chart. Make each character a function rather than a single point like pic related.


I'm glad we're done with the previous thread you all have shitty music taste

Low in-game sensitivity and higher dpi on mouse is the way to go for me

I wanna know more about them. They seem to have chemistry or at least history and I wanna see them kiss

>game has a robot war
>lets ignore the robots

Where the fuck is Reinhardt?


Huh, so D.Va's boost can also push opponents

I so far used it pushing off opponents from a choke point, but which maps can I use to kill guys?


>It's a Tobyjon hammering a turret POTG



You are able to hear footsteps over shit like Junkrat, Hanzo, and Mercy call outs. There is absolutely no reason for a long lasting, global effect that benefits her entire team to not be easily heard.