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Forced 50 is a meme perpetuated by bad players to explain why they lost and that it wasn't their fault.

In reality, it's just MMR at work. You CANNOT believe in MMR and Forced 50 together.

Make yours.
Post yours.
Rate others.

Mc rightclick Cree getting nerfed soon edition. The salt is gonna be so good.

What's the best wiki for overwatch?

There are so many now and all that I've seen have a lot missing.

>it's an enemy Pharah is allowed to actually fly episode

Any Hanzo hit box webms?

>Decide to try out Pharah
>going pretty well
>Reaper tries to ult the objective
>Use concussion blast to throw him off

I have never been so embarrassed in a video game

in this comic, zarya is cuter than mercy

>playing Roadhog
>Hook a junkrats wheel
Shame I didn't record it because I found it hilarous

>Pick mcree every game to trigger autists and induce rage
>Team: "We don't need another mcree, can you play a support"
>Switch to soldier

Why do you absolute cucks feel the need to support shitters? Do you actually expect these animals and clowns to carry you? all I care about is my gold damage every game and making people sperg after I outplay them with mcree and spam WOAH THERE in the chat.

If you want to have fun and git gud you need to just let go.

Source pls

megumi furuya maiden name yamano

>that pathetic whimpering noise she makes when she takes damage

makes my dick jump every time

I wish widowmaker was removed from the game.

Oh you mean like

I thought I would deal with 20 tick but now it's getting infuriating

>clearly blink out of hook range
>still get hooked
>killcam shows I was just standing there

>gibraltar on offense
>no tanks
>one of our team members is level 105
>last to pick a hero
>well at least they'll make the right choice!
>picks mei

Overwatch matchmaking is absolute dogshit though

I don't aim with hanzo just rapid fire arrows in a general direction like a junkrat.

Some tweeter post saying theyre looking at buffing D.va and nerfing McCree.
At least i think it was D.va

Who /healslut/ here?


>When people go in front of your reinhardt shield

>Attacking on payload
>Someone pick Widow on our team
>The defend team has a Reinhardt blocking all the her sniper shots
>She refuses to change characters to push the payload with us


>post yfw they nerf Fan the Hammer and McCree's playrate plummets

>does it with everyone focused on him
>no one is near him
>he still only gets a turret kill with your blast

>go behind cover because I hear widow shooting
>get bodyshotted for 150 damage when I was behind a wall
I love every second of 20 tick pleasure.

Tracer is cute!

If Mccree is so good then why don't people run 6 of them?


Refined tastes. Her MRRMMM gets me off every time.

No one. Just you. Fuck off, you give Support a bad name,

What's the deal with the user score? Is this game not that great?

I'm on the fence about buying it

>tfw miss a hook
>they teleport through a wall to me
sorry user.


>meaning that so called meme thats been around for a decade is all in your head.
I don't get why you keep repeating this.

>Demoman is considered one of the highest skill ceiling classes in TF2, and theres only a handful of godlike demoman who play in competitive.
Yea, he is. He's also got one of the lower skill floors in the game.

>You saying that all demo/junk is, is endlessly spamming in one direction just goes to prove how you dont know what theyre capable of.
Have you been reading literally anything I've been saying.

>Zarya trying to make McCree feel useful.

What a gentle humongoid.

I wish I could run this shit at max settings

Widow nerfs when.

>Got my first legendary commend
>As the Torb's
Love this game

>caring about user scores

>welcome to nepal
>welcome to nepal
>welcome to hollywood
>welcome to nepal
>welcome to hollywood
>welcome to hollywood

This guy's pages are really good if you want detail.

>mfw his playrate plummets but his winrate goes up since the only ones playing him are the ones that aren't 'm-muh pro picks' and do something other than E > M2

this makes no sense, if matchmaking exists, and works, then you would expect to be matched with players of equal skill; and that would cause you to have an equal chance of winning and losing each match

Gearbox fans
Valve fans
Le hardcore games for hardcore gamers audience

He made 76 and Tracer die too






Lack in content, poor balancing.

retards expect an easy win in every game they play

it's basically TF2 but more fresh. If you like TF2 youll like this. If not, avoid.

Game's a lot of fun. It's a bit barebones at the moment, but once balance patches hit I can easily see myself playing as much as or more than TF2, which I have over 3k hours in and dropped for OW. I'm not sure why it's got such a low user score, but it's a very fun game if a little aggravating due to certain heroes.

>numbani attack
>gold gold bronze silver gold
we lost, shock

Every time I see an enemy Roadhog ulting, I accidentally concussion blast him into my team instead of away from them

It's getting ridiculous how often it happens honestly

You are, except it's not players of equal MMR, just teams of equal MMR.
So you get games where there's two-three good players and 3 potatoes on your team and 6 mediocre but okay players on the other.

i completely ignore my team, and type "ggez" when we lose

It's ok.

How about you actually look at the game instead of a score, though.

No she's pretty ugly.

The game attempts to reate games where both sides have a 50 % chance of winning. This naturally leads to players gravitating towards 50% win rates. Those who claim that the game gives them shit teams and unwinnable games when their win/loss ratio goes over 50% have no idea how matchmaking works.

why are metacritic user 'reviews' so bad

Tracer in general is just awful to play

>blink behind cover
>Soldier 76's screen just shows me standing there

They don't like that fact that its online only and there's no story mode.

I wish I had a healslut. Who do you play?

>never use Junkrat's ult except maybe once every three games

If I start rolling a tire around then I have to stop chucking grenades everywhere. That can't possibly be right.

Odds are this is 90% of the negative scores

getting golds means fuck all for winning, dingus, it just is in relation to your team

just focus on that technique until you can get it right every time, in every way it's useful. i'm working the lucio bump into my play still.

Seems about right, you should basically only use it when the enemy team is at least 5 seconds away from your position


Never trust numbers. Read the reviews and decide for yourself. Keep in mind which type of writers are penning the negative reviews and how that may describe their general character or why they may be writing said reviews.

I just got done playing a pretty strange game. Was playing solo and my teammates all chose torbjorn, so I decided to just fuck around as symmetra. The other team had absolutely no idea what to do. I littered my turrets all around torb's turrets and the control point, their genji couldn't do shit. They ended up switching to a reinhardt + bastion + mercy comp but my alt fire kept forcing the bastion to get up and move. Is there any way they could have countered this? Were they just shit?

This is guaranteed for anything that's popular. You'll have some people who act like console-war kiddies and absolutely hate it and spam 0s at it because it got popular while their favorite game did not.


>they nerf fan the hammer
>literally nothing happens because he still does 300+ per burst

the map rotation fucking sucks, i've played on numbani like once in the past 3 days

lady looks like a dude

4Junkrat, Reinhardt, Mercy/Lucio.

>Travelling, to Hanamura

most of the reviews are saying every game ever released should be F2P actually

>hur dur matchmaking is skill based
yea, I'm sure this level 9 and 13 are on par

>been playing trashrat all day today
>get hanamura attack
>clear the first point in 15 seconds
>their sniper: Oh not valentines junkrat again
>get 5 gold medals

feels good to be recognized :3

Hey frog poster, fuck you

Did you not read their post or are you just stupid.

6hanzo could also be good for this, plinking at turrets from outside of range until they get their ults

McCree's M1 already does great damage, so I honestly don't care much about how they "do" to Fan.

that's dumb, mercy is my most played and this really portrays her to be more complicated than she really is


>they add a 8s cooldown to FTH
What now.

just punched an enemy's torbjorn to death as bastion

Metacritic's user review is a joke, and it always will be until they get some account linking

What are your most hated pub maps on attack?
All assault maps
Temple of Anubis
Volskaya Industries

are damn near torture because everyone is doing their own thing.

i'm not sure what point you are trying to make here

My life as Mercy is just my teammates baiting me into bad positions and using resurrection on a single ally since it regenerates so quickly.

Ain't that the goddamn truth

zarya tends to roll over turretfags as long as her team pushes with her and isnt afraid
76 can also wreck nests from a mile away while not being ineffective in dealing with the torbs themselves

That's fine, that way McCree can't get two easy kills via e, right click, and roll

Can we discuss what Overwatch might have been like if it had been created by a Japanese studio instead of an American one? Like, what would Genji, Hanzo, and Zenyatta be like?