Ashe is the Best & Cutest Freljord
Ashe is the Best & Cutest Freljord
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Best hair
Best chest
Best adc
3rd for nostalgia
xth for gutted
someone tell me why people are rushing youmuus and maw on jhin please
xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for fuck con funk
arrow literally just did it in LCK and hes better than you ever will ever be or meet anyone who ever can be as good
Anyone know where i can find Vladimir streamers?
only touched him a little after his rework and wanna pick him up.
tryna git gud here
ok but tell me why its better than any other build
>tfw want to upgrade PC
>everything is so expensive here
>don't want to stay locked with LoL for 3 more years
I barely managed to run DS2
>Pick Varus
>Make the enemy bot and mid want to kill themselves because I managed to break even
>Win game off them tilting
It's like I'm playing Jayce in season 3.
If I have banshee's veil as malz, and my passive is up...
Do they both get popped at the same time if I get hit by something???
idk but you dont have to either he did it and hes a korean pro
are you even gold
i want to say yes...but i cannot tell you user bc idk
yeah this match making is a bit... interesting
im d4 and i was hoping someone could explain but apparently youre all fucking retarded and bad at this game no wonder why none of you can actually talk about the game beceause youre all morons
if you are hit with a spell effect the veil will pop and your passive will not.
if you are hit by a non-spell it will pop your passive and leave the shield.
if you get cheezed by something like a bard meep empowered autoattack the meep slow will pop veil and the auto will pop your passive.
What region was that from? I don't remember the loader being customized ever in NA version.
>Nidalee will never transform on your dick
why life
Fill my folder with Yasuo/Ribben/Vayne/Zed and Lee Sin maynes, /lolgen/. Please?
That's his build when people tried to make him a midlaner, so idk. He has execute damage so you can build him to be an assassin
Koreans love starting new meme builds
Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.
you expect people here to know better than a d4 player?
people are actually probably building that on jhin because they saw it on lolpro or probuilds or whatever and just mindlessly build whatever they see good people are building. As far as why it's good ghostblade let's adcs be relevant earlier than other items so that's why people are building it. Maw was probably situational
You posted the wrong pic
>tfw no Lulu to tickle
How do you counter pic related as Tryndamere in laning, holy shit it's like you lose every trade just going near him even at full ragebar because of the time it takes to get any swings on him.
>tfw shit at this game
>tfw will never git gud
>tfw my dad left my mom yestrday
>tfw she is old and scared
>tfw i feel like somehow it's my fault
>tfw i will probably kill myself this week
have fun in life faggots, i am out
>jungler picks udyr
>expecting THE GATES XD LATA
>he goes tiger stance and builds warrior, ghostblade, phantom dancer
>mows down everyone
>most damage on our team
xth for Cute Vi
Saturday Night Of Doing Nothing Edition
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Don't you mean with?
How should I build Renekton?
Should I build him like Riven with Hydra, Black Cleaver, and Yommu's?
This may be a stupid question, but does the Korean adc build work on Jinx?
but nobody came
Singed has 2 tokens, Zac has 1, Wukong has 1 waiting
>Tfw got literal semen demon Vi from crafting
All good now
Not really, jinx is just awful right now and needs as more than any other adc
I want Lulu.
i want to bully Lulu with my dick
I dont play Soraka anymore but its going to be hard to replace those mastery points
need 2 more tokens for olaf
That one weird time when the spirit of trick2g manifests on a random jungler its a sight to behold
No i didn't
My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of 「In」.
I want to go swimming with Lulu.
you're a phony
Kindred will replace Illaoi once I get 6 on her. I've just been playing more top than jungle lately.
my fuckin nigga
why the fuck wont my team listen to me
everyone wants everyone else to listen to them god forbid someone gets fucking carried.
ya feel?
Hey i found it
oh also lee tried to invade yasuo at blue, diana refused to help but raka and I just walked over and collected the free kill on him so that helped the early game a lot
vlad was a menace though, when his ulti went off it would heal him completely back to full sometimes and he was zoning me out of a lot of fights for a while
>everything runs perfect
>no lag on anything
>constant 800 ms in LoL even if I had a constant 18 in the last match
I fucking hate this game.
why do autists play Singed? Unless we're talking normals it's fine but no need to torture people in Ranked with a champ that can't even be used in Diamond.
Make sure to justify your orders. No one gives a shit if you say 'Lets all push top'. If you say 'Their mid inhibitor is down, they won't be able to stop 5 of us top and the super minions, lets push top' they're more inclined to see do what you say.
normals, yeah. I dont like ranked
My two favorite champs are azir and gp, iv been gone a few months. Who should i pick up that are similar to them?
I want to go swimming for Lulu.
gp and azir
Don't try to engage on him, let him dive you not the other way around.
You're a phony
imo Viktor.
He scales into late well
Phenomenal wave clear
Good Zoning
Tons of AOE damage for team fights
How the fuck were you able to invest that much time into taliyah without killing yourself?
i did it reddit!
Why do so many people hate huni even though hes the only top laner not building tank shit?
No, because Jinx has a meh midgame (think Caitlyn with unreliable zoning and her weak midgame) and BC+Youmus don't really help with it.
>Bad Black Cleaver stacker
>AA's are a huge portion of your damage
>AA's scale way harder with AS and Crit
>Korean Build is Flat AD and ArmorPen
>You also have the longest AA range in the game for a reason
Compare her to Lucian, the prime Korean Builder
>Stacks Black Cleaver nearly instantly
>Relies on Abilities for a large chunk of damage, which scale with Flat AD and ArmorPen, but not Crit or AS (Passive and Essence Reaver aside)
>Wants to abuse midgame power before BC+Youmus fall off in scaling compared to IE+Zeal
>Still scales well into lategame like any ADC but doesn't have the same nightmare potential as the Jinx who's shitting 3 Rockets at your team from 700 range
Nice Gold III
>When people don't ward when there's a Yi on the enemy team
>luc/thresh lose to sona/bard bot
How do you even
Why is LB so sexy, god damn
Just got a pentakill as Cait in Ranked. We forced baron and they came like sheep to the slaughter, but the thing is that I have no idea what I did, I just stood there and auto's and then I suddenly hear quadra kill. Wtf is adc as cait. I literally went autopilot
is that a literal penis in his hand
Lots of people think he's too proud/selfish to play tanks and his team suffers for it *(which they definitely did). Or they're Fnatic fans who are unhappy he left.
Compare him to Darshan, who gave up his splitpush-onry pool, played tanks all the way through playoffs and MSI and #MadeNAGreatAgain.
dead game dead general
LCS lowest viewers of all time
nightblue most popular streamer
no champion in two weeks
riot will deploy their tribulinator AI soon eliminating toxic players before they ever install league
I love Lissandra!
but that's wrong
Ashe a shit
just do the typical fucking build is it that hard you retard?
is there something funny about braum's Q?
I don't know why but no matter how much experience I get with it I find myself missing it a lot
I don't have problems with any other skillshots, but braum's q I always manage to screw up somehow
just put your cursor directly over the enemy champion. don't bother trying to lead them. they won't dodge in most cases
Yes you did
natural selection at it's finest, thanks for erasing your mentally ill goods from the gene pool
youmuus duskblade is better but people love building tanky on the pokiest champs in the game
>Fizz builds two tank items
>Suddenly he is invincible while shitting out damage
Still literally no reason not to build 2-3 tank items on every champions (except ADC since they need to build all damage to do anything)
...And it's half-way through season 6.
tfw just shat on a vik has malz
feels good
ok but why
I like her. she is cute.
I want Shyvana to beat me up, then set me alight, then as I cry on the ground begging her for mercy, she then transforms into a dragon, grabs my bruised and burned body, and rip me to shreds and savour my screams, all while she turns me into a pile of burnt gore.