What if you're depressed because you don't have a girlfriend because you don't fit in with the rest of society because you are intellectualy superior and your mind exists in a completely different dimensional level and it's like you are viewing the world like its a cage and you are outside of it?
Just a thought I had while tripping balls
Hudson Clark
But I do have a girlfriend you faggot.
Jaxon Myers
Oh come on, name calling? This isn't /pol/ you human thrash.
Joseph Morales
>intellectually superior >tripping balls
Pick one
Jacob Bennett
Exactly, this isn't /pol/ or /r9k/, people actually do have girlfriends on this board. Back to your containment zone.
If you were outside the cage you wouldn't be depressed.
Mason Foster
I used to have a girlfriend like you, but then i took a breakup to the heart. ;(
Bentley Turner
Im certainly more intelligent than most of my peers but that doesnt stop me from having a 8/10 loving gf. Quit being autistic and placing women on a pedestal.
Jacob Lopez
>tfw social anxiety stops you from reproducing The worst disease known to man.
Dylan Bell
Not OP but I'm not following you. You're implying wanting a gf is putting women on a pedestal, but you still have one yourself...?
Jordan Diaz
Sorry, I mean that a common problem men have with wooing a woman is that by idolizing women, men make themselves difficult to respect since they seek approval through women. Thats what I mean by putting on a pedestal. Generally, women enjoy being subservient. They want to be taken care of, not be the caretaker. If they perceive that a man doesnt respect himself, theres no point.
Jonathan Robinson
Oh, what's he called?
Tyler Mitchell
how do i get my bf to understand this? his clinginess is repulsive; i want to serve him but that's impossible when he's always waiting on me hand and foot.
Jason Adams
If you're genuinely depressed it's because of some chemicals going wrong in your brain. There's no other valid justification for it
Xavier Hernandez
try being a cunt to him every now and then. if he dotes on you treat him badly, if by chance he gives you the abuse that you need then reward him greatly. in relationships the key is conditioning and we obviously like to pretend it isn't happening but it's paramount to a healthy relationship. you're never going to find the perfect partner, you just have to fine tune eachother to your desire and time/effort will see results. don't be too hard on the guy, he's probably got mommy issues and genuinely thinks he's giving you what you want.
Camden Rogers
>must be bait. If serious why not just tell him? Wait, are you a woman?
Nathaniel Bailey
What if you're not superior and most people are smarter than they're treated but they're also better equipped at adapting to their circumstances than you are (but you'd be fine with a little help)?
also why is this in Veeky Forums
Josiah Baker
Philosophy is Veeky Forums
James Brown
Tell him to man the fuck up. If you want him to be a man, don't tip toe around the subject worrying about his fee fees, just be blunt and honest. Id prefer if a girl just straight up told me what was wrong instead of having me do guesswork. Then I can decide if I'm going to make a change in that regard
Xavier Howard
Why does every fuck up claim to be intelectualy superior to others? Every social wreck on /r9k/ says the same thing.
Austin Reyes
"Needing to socialize, just to exist" vs "I can exist without socializing"
Also socially aberrant individuals average out the normalfags while point out a single data (themselves) as being superior. This is very easily doable and easy to get into when in your sphere of relations, you're the only one that rises above the norms.
Owen Clark
Unless you're implying you're so intelligent you've actually ascended to the level of some sort of extra-dimensional being, I'd say that it's much more likely you're unhappy because your life sucks than anything else.
Lay off the drugs mate.
Juan Gomez
>Because >Because >Because >and >and
Jaxon Thomas
that shouldn't make you depressed. if you were viewing from the inside that would make you depressed because you have no power to do anything, but if you were outside your level of compassion would determine how happy/empowered you feel.