>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
Previous thread:
>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
Previous thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for U3.
Second for hard sex with lolis.
U3 is good too though
The dancer thread was fine, this one too.
What's with people worrying about the OPs?
Has anyone used the Veeky Forums catalog? There are 2 seperate hentai game threads AND a Veeky Forums colab hentai monster girl game thread.
At this very moment I count at least 10 lewd OP pics and I think this is a poor show for the catalog OP pics. I wouldn't save a one.
The OP was deleted once because it had Necromancer in it, and it really didn't show anything more than the current one.
I would like to recant my statement about the overworld from EOIV from last thread. While I do like the sailing better, I think the overworld is a nice addition. It's it's own little puzzle with FOEs to dodge or fight and stuff to collect. I just think that boats are more fun since they actually exist, unlike skyships (fucking blimps don't count).
I hope in U3 they do more than just copy the ship exploration part. I hope they really expand on it. More areas, more FOEs, more items.
Addendum: I think the most fun part about the sailing was painting areas you wouldn't need to go. Like actually squinting to see the 4 squares ahead of you and mapping it out and the tiles next to it, and the ones next to those. That was the nice touch about having limited movement.
EOIV oveworld was bad. Not because it wasn't charming, because it was charming. But because you never were in danger unless you put yourself in said danger.
Not being turn based it was easy just to bruteforce every "puzzle"
Yeah. I suppose I just liked how populated it was compared to the sea.
Fishing is way superior to just flying over spots and collecting things though. At the very least in their next attempt, make fish, birds, and beasts follow around the FOEs so you're at real risk if you want to collect them all.
Best way to fix it, it would have a post game food that allow you like 300-500 days in the ocean for free exploration.
Hey, there you go. It can even take up all your slots so you still have to carry the right shit if you want to get items and fish.
I've always thought it would've been neat if the sea-locations in EO3 were small dungeons with a boss at the end.
Actual FOEs on the map (instead of just pirates), and puzzles that don't boil down to "equip these three things and move in this specific pattern" would make it more engaging too.
I prefer EO4's overworld, but EO3's feels like more of an adventure. I just hope they build on that.
Right on the money, user.
My super secret EO wish is that they knock it off with the 3D dungeons. make the walls nice 2D things that aren't just copy/paste walls. So there are visual landmarks. The 3DS ones aren't terrible, but they have artists, make use of them. Put the animation team on vacation.
We can still discuss other dungeon crawlers too, right?
Has anyone else seen the Kamigokuto trailer? Could be good, plus it got my Corruption boner going.
The compile hearts garbage that was posted before?
At least the monster design was neat, everything else was shit.
No for the first and for the second it'll be shit thanks to Compile Hearts
Well I know the EO Generals used to also be the Dungeon Crawling general as well a while ago; where did those get moved to?
There was a whole shit storm and basically the other Dungeon crawlers got fend up with everyone mostly talking about EO and the EO people were getting annoyed by the other Dungeon crawler discussions. So this was made into EO general while the others went and made Dungeon Crawler general. Now guess which one died out quicker.
Also Vita general will be your best bet to discuss it.
I see. That's pretty awkward then.
I'm all explored out. Time to relax and watch someone else play videogames and then go to bed.
>and watch someone else play videogames
>basically the other Dungeon crawlers got fend up with everyone mostly talking about EO
Again, stop lying, those were falseflaggers.
There were no problems with both coexisting for a long time until the shitstorm started. Nowadays every time someone mentions other dungeon crawlers some autists start shitposting.
Also everyone who claims he likes the game play of EO but is not interested in other games of the genre is either completely retarded, a guy who only plays for artstyle or a liar. I really don't understand either one of those and am convinced that a lot people here play other games of the genre, so there's no "them" and "us".
Don't know about that one since I don't own a Vita but what about all the dungeon crawlers on other platforms?
Previously Recorded. I get a good dose of vidya and movie news by guys who ought to know.
Or sleepycast, or H3H3, or Game Grumps
Go back to your general user.
Just because you like one game it doesn't mean you have to like all the games in the same genre.
There are people like that in lots of generals for some reason. I get trolling, it makes enough sense I suppose, but real fucking shitposters. The faggots who just wait to say, "This game doesn't belong here! Get out!", fuck those guys.
Actual false flaggers. It's amazing. /gsg/ has a bad dose of it.
Fuck off back to your steamgroup, you faggot.
Still, the OP image has been deleted at least twice when it came to lolimancer.
Which general?
>Just because you like one game it doesn't mean you have to like all the games in the same genre.
You like an entire series of games and those are heavily inspired by classical dungeon crawlers, so you really can't tell me that you do not like the gameplay of others at all.
>Which general?
Dungeon Crawler General of course.... Oh wait
And to add.
>so you really can't tell me that you do not like the gameplay of others at all.
They don't. Most dungeon crawlers have a fucked up UI and everything is a fucking mess.
The thing I like the most about Etrian games is that everything is pristine and also the information is easy to read.
Outright lie.
The information given to you about skills if vague.
>Damage up
>1 fucking % per point
>Most dungeon crawlers have a fucked up UI and everything is a fucking mess
How many have you played? Because that's not true at all unless you just like the colors of EO or some shit like that.
Wizardry, Elminage (these shit are an unplayable mess)
>(fucking blimps don't count)
What I liked most about EO4's overworld is that it gave an actual sense of adventure and exploration. Travel through unknown lands. Locate the special temple/jungle/village/cave. Explore the shit out of it. Keep traveling.
Whereas routinely doing down to a city-anexed a labyrinth where you do pretty much the same stuff all the time feels more like work than adventure.
Too bad said overworld also murdered labyrinth depth. If only we could have both.
You haven't played them then. Sure the old Wizardry games are extremely minimal in comparison but I really don't see why the UI of the newer ones or Elminage games should be fucked up.
What makes the UI of Elminage fucked up that the EO games don't have? Because the UI's are very similar (again dungeon crawlers) only difference is that the system of Elminage is more detailed and has more information.
The more I think about it, the more it was... fine. JUST fine. I guess it was jarring for them to be like, oh here's a free airship, that thing you get half way through every other RPG. They kept saying how special it was and you're the new guys in town, of course they have to give it to you, or there's no game.
It was just a little off for me. You could have dug it up if they had a 5 floor deep dungeon below the town or something.
But it doesn't really matter now since 5 won't have that stuff.
The basic design is cool, but the usual CH shit ruins it.
Well, the plot was that Logre's skyship crashed nearby and they copied the technology (or what they could), then the Count sponsors pretty much every guild with one. Which is a crazy investment but I could see him doing that. I guess you pay it off with animals and plants you collect and are forced to sell right away, there's just no way that an actual cow is worth so little.
Then you see the original skyships and realize what a shoddy imitation Tharsis skyships are.
They're just lucky that there seem to be gassy stones all over the place.
>people who write EOU2
>wizardry/drpg posters somehow appear less often than even 7thD posters in these threads
>when EO is wizardry with a map gimmick
depressing times
>plebs who write EO at all and not the infinitely superior (S)SQ
The thing I dislike about all the other Dungeons crawlers is that its turn order. I like taking my turn for all my characters in one go in these types of games. Most other DRPGs keep doing turn order and it shite.
It depends. When you do turn order you get more of a "Come on, come on, fucking be my turn next, I neeeeeeed this." At least if it's done right, like Darkest Dungeon, otherwise it draws out the battle since you can't choose your attacks and hold A.
>Most other DRPGs keep doing turn order and it shite.
Mind making a list? The only other dungeon crawlers that other guy mentioned have all the same "one go" order like EO.
You wanna know a good DRPG?
I'm surprised I played it at all since I shoved in Eye of the Beholder at my cousin's house and was like, "What is this shit? This is a fucking Super Nintendo. Where's Super Mario World + All Stars and Megaman X?"
>when EO is wizardry with a map gimmick
Unless every turn based first person dungeon crawler = Wizardry that's just wrong.
I bought EO4 last week, I've just gotten to the quest where you take Shop Loli to find flowers in a dungeon. Is there anything I should be aware of?
Also I hear "Medic is a subclass" a lot. Why is this and when do I unlock subclasses?
I beat it some time ago. It was kinda boring and it had a weird difficulty curve.
Hey, you wanna know something else
This is still the wrong general no matter how much you guys want to bitch about it.
You unlock subclasses before the third boss.
The first unlockable class subclassed as medic is generally considered to be better than a medic. This is because the unlockable class has things that it can do in turns when it isn't healing, and can put out respectable heals when it needs to. A medic subbed as this class will not be as effective in the turns between healing.
In terms of things to know. Don't use too many support classes, but otherwise EO4 is pretty forgiving so far as party composition goes. If you're trying to build a linkshark team, keep in mind that your whole party should be built around that to maximise effectiveness.
The ending theme is killer though.
I don't know if Veeky Forums can do the timecode thing but skip to 47 seconds.
See, where other generals have a shitposting group, you're just one guy, so it doesn't work out.
I'll use /gsg/ as an example again, there's a whole steamgroup. Memespouting, mod dicksucking faggots.
It's not like anyone's posting anything else anyway. I don't want /eog/ to die like /idle games general/ did.
Why can we never go a single thread without someone bringing up DCG or 7th Dragon? It's like people want to start shit on purpose.
>I don't want /eog/ to die like /idle games general/ did.
How noble of you. We aren't anywhere near dying nor as slow as some generals or just even how we were before. If your idea of keeping this place alive is by bringing up shit that was decided long ago, you're just shit posting
Not really. There are a little bit more common points than just FPS.
>If your idea of keeping this place alive is by bringing up shit that was decided (by me) long ago, you're just shit posting
>decided (by me)
And me. And every other single person that decided to post here instead of the /dcg/.
I actually called it EO2U always. For the simple logic that the game it uses as a base is EO2, not EOU.
Because people like to bring up/recommend games with similar game play and their differences while discussing a game series they love.
The 7thD is probably a combination of director and animu art style or something like that, it has been discussed here quite often.
The better question is why we can never go a single thread without autists getting extremely emotional over what other people post, be it permadeath, background stories, games of the same genre etc.
>And every other single person that decided to post here instead of the /dcg/.
So we have two idiots, congratulations, I guess.
Why do you play EO again?
I didn't think there'd be someone this buut hurt over something that happened a year ago.
It's happening right now, dude. I wouldn't care if people would just let people discuss that stuff that is strongly related but if they have a fit, I want to join.
To make meta posts and erp and sometimes dump porn
Ok, I'm am idiot. Doesn't change the fact that this is the ETRIAN ODYSSEY thread. I invite you to make the next thread, name it whatever you want, see what happens
Time to kill
Just toss her a nectar, she'll be fine
I know what happens, shitposting initiated by you guys like always since that shitstorm (was that when you started posting here?).
>Doesn't change the fact that this is the ETRIAN ODYSSEY thread.
>Because people like to bring up/recommend games with similar game play and their differences while discussing a game series they love.
Changing the name of the thread isn't necessary. The fact that there was no problem with the coexistence of discussions wasn't caused by the name "Etrian Odyssey/Dungeon Crawler general". People just tolerated it because it was never that much discussion in the first place (like 5% of a thread at most, source: my memory and ass) and, again, it's related discussion.
>Because people like to bring up/recommend games with similar game play and their differences while discussing a game series they love.
Go to the lol general and convince them to talk about Dota, since they're based off the same Warcraft mod. Go tell the Counter strike general to talk about TF2 since they're both on the source engine. Quit being a retard, and shame on me for taking the bait.
Those have their own generals, your point is moot.
Good thing we're on the level of assfaggots and all the others. Only because they aren't capable of rational discussion of mechanics they'd like to see added or talking 10 posts about very similar games instead of meaningless bump posts (like we do a lot here unless a metadiscussion is happening) doesn't mean that we aren't either.
Unless the userbase is the same which seems to be the case for you at least because I sure as hell couldn't make statements about those generals since I've never stepped my foot into one of them.
>Multiplayer game communities.
Yeah, so did /dcg/. Not my fault they don't give a shit about their own shit game and would rather piggyback off the more successful one
You're right, it isn't your fault. You have nothing to do with it.
Doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to post.
I say let them post. Who knows, might be some fun mechanics and I might buy a new game.
>tfw I just want to talk about EO and fap to the doujins
>see this character
>disgusted by the design and expect to hate her
>start playing the game
>suddenly find myself not hating her at all
>in fact she turned out to have quite likable personality and voice
What magic is this?
Loli magic.
Superior Chloe NEVER EVER
>Blue rose instead of a Jack pin.
>Yeah, so did /dcg/. Not my fault they don't give a shit about their own shit game and would rather piggyback off the more successful one
>their own shit game
>there only exists one dungeon crawler game
And for the last time, there was no reason to start a new general when the discussion never was that big in the first place. Everyone with a brain should have been able to realize this, so the people who did were either retards or falseflaggers. Same with that MeiQ recently.
Did they really choose that Regina prototype over angry Chinese loli? Oh what could have been
It's her eternel fate.
Maybe she'll show up three or four games from now. Teach had that Imperial dragon wing hairclip in some EO1/2 concept art.
Yanno, everyone says EOV is reminding them of final fantasy 14 with the races and shit, but this pic made it click in my head what it more reminds me of.
It makes you think of crystal chronicles, all the races simply working together for the sake of it, not a whole lot explained about them.
Poor angry china Loli.
I hope maybe she shows up in U3. Himukai really likes her design.
>China loli shows up in Untold 3
>She's Edie's imouto now
>Somehow manages to outjew the jew
Brownies are also people.
they have dreams and feelings like anyone else.
But I don't have dreams.
>Fafnir is broken
>Painting under doors
>Not painting under doors
>EOIV is for casuals
>EOIII is balanced
>EOIII isn't balanced
>Picnic = Casual
>T H I C C
>Story Mode
>EO1 and 2 are balanced
>calling everything a meme
>blindsides are stupid
>>he doesn't like blindsides
>using males is gay
>/meiQ/, /etrian/, etc
>back to >>>/tumblr/ or /reddit/
>dark hunters are useless
>why is hexer naked?
>Flavio bullying
>daddy fetish for Bertrand
>cute boy
>i am fang/lolimonk's wife
I'm afraid you may not be people then
>x is for casuals
>x is/isn't balanced
>x = casual
>play the hardest difficulty
>calling everything a meme
>bitching about /v/
>back to tumblr/reddit
all of these are used in several generals anyway
Last thread's word cloud.
Forgot to add
this threads are cancer