League of Legends General - /lolg/

old eyosongive.us


I love you.

Help someone just locked Kha mid in my champ select

tfw muted for being a gay white nationalist

>B-b-bbut it keeps them relevent!


Call them the twink of the void.

anything % is unfair unless is directed to fuck up tanks

also, is Vel Koz True Damage R the answer to League of Tanks?


So, is Cait getting nerfed because shitters literally can't keep themselves from stepping on her traps?

He's Ionian. Do you suppose Yi is white too?

feels god damn good
I love this silly little rat


I literally can't stop getting S ranks on Ahri


couldnt have a white character challenging giga nigger that would be racist

>ADCs are mostly useless now
This is not true, nor will it ever be.

Truedamage gets countered by Healthstacking
it fucks up tanks, but squishies moreso

Yes, hello League of Legends? This is Overwatch calling and the cancer is trying to bleed over. Could you kindly stop it.

Isn't she getting buffed through item cost reductions?

She is getting nerfed for almost being as good as Lucian and no one else is allowed to be that power and an ADC.

No the majority of champions seeing play that are strong are still AD. The only powerful APs are like Vlad and Malz.

Zeal items are up 100G
BF items are down 100G

I don't see how that's going to do anything for any ADC.

>she's getting nerfed being as good as Lucian

wew lad

She's nowhere near Lucian levels of busted.

every day more people get burned out on Overwatch
have fun with it as long as people are still playing it

That effects all ADCs though not her specifically.
"oh yeeah we may be nerfing X's movement
speed but we are reducing the cost of boots so ya know its fine."

problem with ADC is that its too hard for em to recover. unless the otehr team straight up fucks up the team fights

I just got flamed for doing no damage and being useless by a 2 / 15 / 1 master yi.
Should Leona be topping the damage charts?

Also thought going 1 / 2 / 17 was pretty decent considering how much mid and jungle fed.

Is Irelia difficult to play?

She looks kinda cute so I've been thinking of picking her up.

Welcome to carries dependent on gold to function. You must be new to this.

I've played against that person before, I put them in the fucking dirt.

>Should Leona be topping the damage charts?

>Team stuns enemy
>Cait sets trap underneath them
that's her problem.

just make it so she can't set traps where champions are standing and she's fine.

I've found the glass canon nature of ADCs to be a very unforgiving game design. I'd happily trade away the DPS some how to make them have just a stronger kit over all to mitigate this. They could probably give them CCs that are very weak but scale off AD to the point of being average. They'd need to remove crit chance or something for this to balance out though.

Not really the biggest challenge is auto canceling and aiming your ult.

Post 'em niggas

>tfw most likely only person commited enough to get Mastery 7 Illaoi

>just make it so she can't set traps where champions are standing and she's fine.
The solution to this is to give traps an arming time. What you suggested is unnecessary.

>hard to recover
What is csing

>implying you haven't been spamming her for freelo since the buff

Is Lucian really that OP? I haven't been in a game facing an enemy Lucian and instantly thought 'We're gunna lose.' However I am a bronze lowlifer.

Is it just his dash that people have problems with?

ayy lmao

I played her way before her buff, but yes I am abusing her for freelo because I already know the champ and people are idiots

>tfw everyone calls you broken because they don't know how to position or dodge my e

hoo hoo

its the new "can still 1v1 you with 230 armor thornmail tabis and randuins" korean build people are having trouble with

Yes. He just 1v1s anybody and does an insane amount of damage that no adc can match, and really more damage than any adc should be doing

Bara fag detected.

Lucians lategame is pretty bad in comparison to Caits, that's what sucks about her. She has an incredibly safe and oppressive laning phase and really having pretty good damage throughout it only to turn into the monster that she inevitably will be once mid/late game comes.

>The solution to this is to give traps an arming time
She already has that.

>Chain CC isn't fair

Buy a QSS or take cleanse if you're so worried faggot.

I prefer the glass canon style personally.

Itemization is kinda shitty again though.

All the reworked ADCs got our reworked items nerfed into oblivion.

and a close to undodge able long shot

>Buy a QSS or take cleanse if you're so worried faggot.

>cleanse first CC
>Hit by second and third CC


He has what a 54%? winrate with like a 48% pick rate.

The Armor pen meme the gooks discovered has utterly broken him.

He was still quite strong before but now he just fucks your asshole.

He's not a such a cunt in lane now that he's received a nerf but I still hate him.

Don't get CC'd then nigger.

You make a fair point but late game is not a big deal right now as games rarely last that long. I don't disagree with the nerfs, I am just pointing out how late game designed champions are just generally weak right now (and always)

Yeah the random gimping of ADC items like Silversash is really taking the fun out of playing ADCs that aren't high quality. The only ADC item I'd say needs some nerfs is Reaver and really the issue is most ADCs are balanced with low CDR and poor mana sustain in mind so when Riot released a fix for this they failed to balance champions around it.
Also wasn't PD nerfed or something? Or was the new version of it just really bad compared to hurricane.


>She already has that.
Then increase it. Being able to pile on CC is fine, just make it harder for her to do so.

>I've found the glass canon nature
its a trade. like how most PURE mages lack mobility or gap closer skills, its called balance

also to counter this ADC build health steal, kill 2 waves of minions nad rtey are back to full health

champs that are broken concidered cancer. are the jack of all trades that have many kind of skill see zed, Assassin with gap closing, slow, wave clearing, NO MANA, and a fucking blink R

or Ekko, that his fucking kit has everything except a push and a lift

>love Sona
>since the implementation of mastery points, coincidentally played Janna more
>Sona's not the biggest picture on my profile

>Then increase it.
It doesn't need to be increased.

She's fine as is.

>Not just playing Sona no matter what

You clearly don't love her enough

Also can I fuck your boipussy you little healslut?

I love you too.

So did I, it was great

I think just making her unable to deploy them on champions is a fine nerf. She just puts it behind them and it is almost as effective without being nearly as strong a CC on a ranged ADC. Right now Cait is way too safe with how much power her kit has compared to balanced ADCs. They could even reduce or remove the deploy time if they did this too.

>to counter being squishy as fuck ADCs build life steal
well no shit but that doesn't do much work when there is only 1 good life steal item and enough assassins and bruisers that can eat your face to kill you regardless.

>jinx and sona are 3rd and 5th on my masteries list
>literally haven't played them this entire season
>i only play zyra or braum depending on if we need dps or tank

seems like you don't love her at all then

Lucian is good, mf is now better though. Thanks yomuus

Is getting a level 7 mastery even worth it? I think I'd rather just use blue essence to get actual champs instead of a purple badge that's purely cosmetic.

>well no shit but that doesn't do much work when there is only 1 good life steal item and enough assassins and bruisers that can eat your face to kill you regardless.
its part of the balance, as I said the meta/ cancer champs are the unbalanced ones. champs with mroe risk/ reward you see em less like Xerath or Vel Koz I main both

Did MF get some new buff recently? All I remember is her being turbo cancer for a bit then falling out of popularity.

Level 7 mastery is all cosmetic internet dick measuring.

I haven't played the new Vel yet but before he was super safe broskii I wouldn't call him a risk/reward champion.
And it is less an issue of broken champions and more of an issue of how much damage there is in the meta currently. Like as an ADC unless you have mobility built into your kit you can't get out of a 1v1 or a bad position. You have to somehow kill them first even though they often have the advantage.


Do you guys have a good mindless game to play when you're not playing league?

>qt getting troled

In my last game, their 1/3/1 Lucian 1v1 my 4/2/1 Cait even though he was behind 50 cs and a whole level. She was full life and had a fucking red buff.

>You have to somehow kill them first even though they often have the advantage.
I ussually play Poke mage support, so I tell the ADC to concentrate on CS and not getting CCd while I do peeling/ poking and mess with their ADC so they cant CC happily...the removal of Mana Reg do hit me hard tho

u w0t m8 he pokes from half a screen away around minions. i play him too.as support.

>Did MF get some new buff recently?
No, she just built the amor pen meme before it was cool.

Then people realized it was stupid strong on her.
Even stronger than Lucian.

Every time i see a tahm kench all i can think about is pic related.

xth for 200 farm at 40 mins and climbing out of elo hell in rainy days

who jungle here
what jungle you play

given she has 2 fucking skills that work on wave and each wave has armor penetration and crit. she is better than lucian, lucian only advantage is his dodge

Graves, Hecarim, Olaf, Rengar

I Jungle here.
I play Fiddle, Fizz, Brand and Skarner.

>Leona is still my second "strongest" champion even though I only played her twice this season
J-just go away, it's over between us ;_;

>QSS can no longer remove Fizz or Zed R cause its "unfair to em"
>Yasuo and Braum skill can still block any projectile attack even R, and is counter play outplayed|
fuck riot

>liandry's on Ahri

Huh, first I've seen that in a while.

Rengar if I'm stuck playing worst role.

>people in bronze don't upgrade their trinket

Is this a new secret meta the shitters have discovered?

You literally said that assassins would need to be rebalanced if flash was touched in any way you fuck, I never once said that it would be a magical solution to balance, but that it would be a huge improvement to the game, just like the removal of runes.

Are you being ironic or you actually think 200 farm at 40 min is somewhat good?


>Worst Role
>Not Mid
WAVECLEAR IS THE BEST FORM OF PVP or something like that.

>game 1 afk
>game 2 afk
>game 3 only positive guy on my team, every lane loses and feeds

jusd garry harder :-DDDD

wont it be better if this page also display the mastery the champs were using?

>yellow trinkets are bad

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

waveclear is still better than the slapstick matchup game that is top

will you pay 1000 gold a trinket that last forever? can be seen but cant be destroyed??/

just carry harder

You're confusing inconsistent damage with risk.
Xerath and Vel can stay at a really safe range when using abilities but their damage is inconsistent because they rely on skillshots.

I know thats what I said

jusd garry harder :-DDDD

At least it makes sense for Braum, dude is supposed to be a pure tank as he offers little to no damage. But why does Yasuo need such an overloaded skill that invalidates every ADC and and anyone with a projectile skill? Even spell shields like Sivirs or morganas are only good for 1, but Yasuo gets a skill that can say fuck you to 5 ults at once.

explain to me how laneswaps work

If the enemy team doesn't swap back, what do we do? Dive level 3 with jungler? What does our toplaner do?

If it's not a magical solution, give details. if you can't, your suggestion is retarded. 'Change X then balance all the characters, then the game will be more balanced' will always result in a more balanced game because you literally put 'make everything balanced' in there. But even if we ignore the magical solution, you've not given a single bit of evidence that league balanced around flash being shit is in any way better than league balanced around flash being mandatory. If people can't flash away from bad situations they'll just play like a bunch of pussy shits under their turret all day.

im sure worst role is Supp cause you are 100% dependent of some random guy on the internet not to sux hard

I'd rather have a bad jungler than any other role. Mid/Top with a good TP outweighs a bad jungler.

1: You can blind pick this shit always:
Luican, Ezreal

2 .Can blind pick but not quite on the level of the other blind-pickable adc:

2.5: If your comp needs the ult, top tier. Situationally good:
Sivir, Ashe

3: Range or ability range or itemization makes them good:
Varus, Twitch, MF, Jinx, Draven, Kog, Jhin

4: Good but not great, scales with player skill:

4.5: Still overloaded kit, but low range and recent reduction of some numbers makes her a lot weaker:

5: Bottom tier:
Trist, Corki

>tfw fell for the just switch roles meme

watching the develop process of Yasuo, a parry skill was a good idea (samurai parry and shit) but they made the skill broken.

something more balance would have been a toogle skill. that activated yasuo parry any projectile skill, but he gets rooted on place while the skill is ON

If they leave their toplaner alone 1v3 you dive with the jungler, yes. Your toplaner should probably be with the botlane doing the dive so he doesn't get counterdove