Can we talk about investment discipline for a minute? I'm tired of talking about memecoins or memeguard. I'm talking personal discipline not to cash out and buy a new car, how does Veeky Forums do it?
Can we talk about investment discipline for a minute? I'm tired of talking about memecoins or memeguard...
>Oh, my funds are up, I should cash out
>But if I stay in and continue to invest then my money will grow at a higher rate than before
Literally that easy. You can't beat the market. Do not try. You will lose.
Very simple. My rule of thumb is this: if you want to buy something, but dont have the money, you cant have it. If you want to buy something, and DO have the money, you still shouldn't have it.
Dont spend your money on superficial shit. Because the second you make a purchase, something better will come along.
Why do you want another car if you have one
idk it's not that hard. just don't touch your money. do you need a wikihow article for that?
OP unless the car is going to help you out in your career (i.e. image projection) why the fuck do you need a new one?
What OP is effectively talking about is that whole Psychological test thing where it's
>"I'll give you a Jelly Bean now, but if you wait five minutes I'll give you two jelly beans"
So OP, don't cash out your Jelly Bean now. You can always buy a car later.
>Literally that easy. You can't beat the market. Do not try. You will lose.
This, once you see your market returns, you will want to see the numbers grow and disregard petty shit.
Is it ok to spend a rather hefty 1.5k on a nice transformers collection for the sweet dollop of nostalgia that comes with it? is it worth feeling like a child every time I see the figures on my shelves? Of course it would be at a time that I'm well established with a house and a job (no kids or wife because that's a way bigger money pit and I'm too autistic)
is it worth it to feel like a child again**
Definitely a great investment in virginity protection.
what if I already lost my virginity and i keep the collection in my basement and not in my bedroom?
Does it have any resale value? If no, don't.
This, but this kind of mental fram it is developed in a very early age that is called delaying the rewards, mostly people who have grown poor are unable to do it, since they don't know if delaying the reward will be worth it, since they just have enough food, ressources for today.... this is something that is very difficult to develop as you become an adult, but a key component in the wealth creation process.
>investing in non-productive, depreciating assets like a new car
It's your money, waste it however you want to
>Dont spend your money on superficial shit.
better spend your money on getting more money to get more money bruh, but remember to never use that money to buy actual things
>not investing in a method to get your neckbeard to the store for more cheetos and chikin tendies
>reductio ad absurdum
Delayed gratification always pays.
At some point you will have reached full financial independence.
Protestant work ethic
I bought a base model new car with a very reliable manufacturer that will last me 10-15+ years.
But I can afford it easy so who cares lol eggs dee
Shit, I've been ignoring my buy-buy-buy voice for so many years, it's finally given up. I literally feel bad if I spend money on anything but investments.
My challenge is not to lose my shit when I see that I spent a couple hundred dollars on eating out in a month.
I'm not worried about buying stuff as much as i am getting sick of work, cashing out and simply being unemployed for a year
>At some point you will have reached full financial independence.
Which is meaningless if your goal was not financial independence. Also everything is absurd if you take it to absurd ends.
There are many other things I could do to better the lives of the people I care for which hold more importance to me than a chunk of cheaply made steel and plastic.