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Mercy is a slut unfit for marriage edition

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Hair down plump Mercy here

its situational


so uhh... what's everyone up to nowadays?

gaining levels to open boxes is fun but it's getting painfully slow after your 30s

I kinda sucks too when you can't do very well at the game and only do fine like 1 in 10 games

>it's a "genji wastes their ultimate on a single person that isn't support" episode


>mei: im helping

>better winrate than most other heroes
>people claim she is trash
Hmm, who do I trust? Random people spouting opinions or cold, hard facts backed by statistics?


>Realising how strong Zarya is
This is fucking great

What is the best way to bully Mei players?

reminder that dva is the best girl, and should not be played as a solo tank

Are there ways to stop the people who instapicked Genji/Reaper/Widow/Hanzo from being useless all game and to work with the team to win?

Time to raise my APM!

reminder this is 100% completely and unarguably accurate

>tfw still waiting for my computer parts to build something that can run it.
I feel like such a pathetic shit. heck I don't even own the game yet.

Sometimes I wish I had friends.

Playing this game solo is suffering on a whole new level.

What if Pharah isn't an amputee but just a really advanced Omnic

What hero would D.Va main if she played Overwatch?

The EXP curve flattens out after 22. It resets when you hit Star 1.

Speaking of Star ranks, is anyone else having a glitch on their friends list where people show up as having stars when they actually don't?


Why hes good and fun to play

>actually best straight-ship

>person you can ship with everyone

>best gay ship


ask in here for people to play with
but beware that queueing in groups will also match you with groups



>tfw you'll never tell Mercy how great of a job she did when she comes home from a long day at the hospital

McCree has a below 50 winrate


>tfw finally realizing that raw damage output is one of the least important factors in the game
>tfw /owg/ is still stuck on who does more damage in 1v1 fights and think that means someone "counters" someone else
>tfw /owg/ is shit

How shit is your PC? This game can run on a fucking toaster.

putting them into D.Va's outfit

you think she calls him daddy?

>get 10 upvotes as Mercy

And you say that people don't appreciate Mercy.

>play Winston
>whole team behind me
>ult and jump in
>slap the enemy team around for 15 seconds
>all of my teammates arrows somewhere in the distance
Every time. I could wreck so many faces if my team just followed up.


most of the high winrate heroes are trash outside of low level play

>get killed right when I hit Q so I don't get a chance to actually use it
>have to recharge it over again
>mcskill gets like 50% back


She is a PRO GAYMUR after all

Why is Genji considered a Bastion counter ?
Bastion does way more dps than him and can burst him way faster, at any range

Reminder the best pairing is your brains and splattered against a wall

>2 hanzos in my team.

Useless. Absolutely useless

Genji and Reaper shouldn't be working with the team.

They should be walking around the map to get behind the enemy and be fucking up their squishies before running away.

That is literally why they exist. You shouldn't be expecting them to stand behind Reinhardts shield while taking potshots at the enemy team from across the map.

>korean girl
>allowing a black guy anywhere near her vagina

Certainly to herself.

Probably McCree

E, retard.

Yeah bro. Just main bastion. That will show them.

APM 좀 올려 볼까!

Before anyone says "hurr the other guys r dum and shot ur shield", remember that several classes will power her up completely unintentionally. A good zarya will walk right in front of a turret or step in a steel trap for a free powerup.

I'd pay good money for that skin

>nigger and corean


even as an amputee shes still best girl

dva plays to win, so lucio and mcree

that suit looks flabby as shit

shouldn't it be super tight?

what if pharah is neither

I picked up on this too user, you're not alone

What if it's anubis B and all they do is run and the point and die instantly to the 5 people standing on it?

Literally the worst ship I've seen in this thread

Lucio goes best with Winston

>Literally posting shitman

This kusoge is an exercise in masochism I can't believe I wasted $40 on it

post your shitty d.va

>press E
>bastion has more than 3 brain cells and waits 2 sec
>kills me

D.va was born to be blacked


Remember that there's more people in the low MMR than in high MMR. If you start separating those statistics in MMR brackets it would probably sing a different tale.

D.Va is pretty decent in low MMR. She deals a lot of damage, she's very tanky, her ultimate is great for clearing turret nests on capture maps...

Reminder that McCree and Tracer will canonically fuck


>fucking up their squishies
Really now?

>Tfw can only play as D.Va and Lucio.

They really need to change how matchmaking works, I want to be able to learn how to play other heroes without losing every game.

>asian chick ever going near a black person

what's life like in la la land?

ok :^)

>got to level 12 before I realized you could use ults
>tried to use it before that but I thought the Q was a 0, pressed it and it did nothing so I thought it was some passive ability

why does winston have a horse cock in sfm porn? gorilla cocks are tiny and he's not a horse he's a monkey.

>press E
>a few hits get reflected and bastion waits
>run up to him
>zip around, shuriken, melee
>he's dead

>want to be good at Zarya
>terrible tracking with m1

> tfw you realize you're better off just playing on your own otherwise you get matched against premade after premade
> that and 4chinz is made up of a bunch of obnoxiously loud kids just spouting meme every 2 seconds and complaining about everything

never again

Anubis has alternate routes they could take.

That is what he is suppose to be doing. But we all know he vanishes for 5 minutes, then runs in and ults once to get like 2-3 kills. Then he vanishes again.

...this only makes me want to ship D.Va/Mercy even harder even though I know nobody will ever draw it

how fucking retarded are you


>play of the game is a widowmaker t bagging and one shotting three of my friends right as the doors open
we were on defense

how embarrassing

That's all I do as him. He absolutely obliterates 200 hp characters when he gets close.

>gather stats from consoles
>gather stats from low skill players, which are statistically the majority of the playerbase
>contaminated data means anything

would you want to watch porn of a tiny dick gorilla fucking someone?

I also enjoy playing genji against bastion when he's afk and litteraly has no teamate around him

>tfw shitty dva art has made you like her

her character is suddenly tolerable once you image shes being ironic

No, genji, and reaper are supposed to push in tandum with tanks on payload attacks, and circle the backend of the payload on defend.

On KOTH and Flat objectives, All 4 of those characters are supposed to aid in the team pushes when attacking by flanking from mid-long range, not staying in the enemy backline doing jack shit against the stack or looking for stragglers.

Good genjis play with their team, bad genjis drop 20 kills in the backrow and wonder why they lost.

probably when he complains about he rleaving her sticky chips-fingerprints everywhere
>"Hana no! That isn't what soldiers should eat?"
>then she looks at him and stuffs her face with more doritos


>That is what he is suppose to be doing
He's supposed to take on tanks from the back.

Not the guy who posted that but I lived in Korea for 18 months for the military. You would be surprised how many of them like black guys.

No I'm not black

Pharah is cute



get cancer McCree shitters.

I hate that ugly shit under her eye

Yotsuba Dva skin when ?

Hello I like genji on the enemy team! especially when all he has to do is press Q and LMB click! haha wow so much skill involved in this hero! hahahahaahhaah!


I like the idea of Hana being a little shit and fucking shit up for the hell of it

how big are mercy's tits