
how do you feel about mass/genocidal rapes in history, Veeky Forums?

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I try not to read things about rape or murder because for some fucking reason starting January that shit started to make me horny.


Serb forces set up camps where rapes occurred, such as those at Keraterm,[37][c] Vilina Vlas, Manjača,[39] Omarska, Trnopolje, Uzamnica and Vojno.[40] In May 1992, Serb villagers from Snagovo, Zvornik, surrounded and captured the village of Liplje and turned it into a concentration camp. Four-hundred people were imprisoned in a few houses and those held there were subject to rape, torture and murder.[41]

Over a five-month period between the spring and summer of 1992, between 5,000 and 7,000 Bosniaks and Croats were held in inhumane conditions at Omarska.[42] At the concentration camp, rape, sexual assaults and torture of men and women were commonplace. One newspaper described the events there as "the location of an orgy of killing, mutilation, beating and rape".[43][44] rape murder and physical abuse were commonplace.[45] At the Trnopolje camp an unknown number of women and girls were raped by Bosnian Serb soldiers, police officers and the camp guards.[46] At the Uzamnica camp, one witness in the trial of Oliver Krsmanovic, charged with crimes relating to the Višegrad massacres, claimed that the male detainees were at one time forced to rape women.[47]


Detention camps were set up across the Serb-controlled town of Foča. While kept at one of the town's most notable rape locations, "Karaman's house", Bosniak females, including minors as young as 12, were repeatedly raped.[48] During the trial of Dragoljub Kunarac et al., the conditions of these camps were described as being "intolerably unhygienic", and the head of the police in Foča, Dragan Gagović, was identified as being one of the men who would visit these camps, where he would select women, take them outside, and then rape them.[d]

Women and girls selected by Kunarac, or by his men, were taken to the soldiers' base and raped. At other times, girls were removed from detention centers and kept in various locations for prolonged periods of time under sexual slavery.[50] Radomir Kovač, who was also convicted by the ICTY, personally kept four girls in his apartment, abusing and raping three of them many times, while also allowing acquaintances to rape one of the girls. Prior to selling three of the girls, Kovač appointed two of them to other Serb soldiers who abused them for more than three weeks.[51]


Croat forces set up concentration camps at, Čelebići, Dretelj, Gabela, Rodoč, Kaonik, Vitez, and Žepa.[40] At the Čelebići facility, Serb civilians were subjected to various forms of torture and sexual abuse, including rape.[52] At Dretelj the majority of prisoners were Serbian civilians, who were held in inhumane conditions, while female detainees were raped and told that they would be held until they gave birth to an "Ustaša".[53] Both Serbian and Bosniak civilians were held at the Heliodrom camp in Rodoc, and detainees were reported to have been sexually assaulted.[54]

In Doboj, Bosnian Serb forces separated the females from the men and then facilitated the rape of some women by their own male family members. Women were questioned as to male relatives in the city, and one woman's fourteen-year-old son was forced to rape her."[55] Some writers have expressed skepticism about men's claims to have been forced to rape in such situations, arguing that once their penises became erect, they were active participants in the rape, regardless of other circumstances.[56] These arguments are likely a direct cause of the under reporting of sexual violence by male victims.

great research material for my guro snuff lit.

depends...can't be too hard on the Russians, frankly I'm surprised they left any Germans alive.

Such a stupid fucking thread, post about half a dozen thousand slavs being raped in the 90's as if it matters while Pakistan launched a full campaign of rape against Bangladesh, some counts going to half a million

Fucking retarded ass Veeky Forums neets

t. poo

Nobody cares about brown people lmao

It's because we usually talk about humans instead of exploding shitskins.

Elaborate if you will. Was this before the split?

during the split, Paki's attempt to quell the insurrection


t. bydlo

Reminder US wants this to happen.

Reminder US almost started ww3 with Russia/India because of this.

Why did they split anyway? I know next to nothing of modern south asian history.

>Not giving a shit about muslims somehow makes me a cuck


Self determination

> Members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias from Jamaat e Islami killed an estimated 300,000[49] to 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.[89][90][44][91]

Not that I care personally but it's totally homeschooled 4channer style to... quote serbian instances but have no faint idea this even happened

Unequal treatment, long distance relationship, difference in beliefs, etc

Bangladesh is a secular Muslim country that Turkey wishes to be.

Fun to read about.

The best part is that nobody ever learns and they keep happening.

Well, hot damn. That's a lot of rape. You guys know any good books on modern Indian/pakistani/bangladeshi History? I'm currently reading on modern African History but I'll give south asia a shot afterwards.

generally has been the rule rather than the exception throughout the course of human affairs

>Croat forces set up concentration camps at, Čelebići, Dretelj, Gabela, Rodoč, Kaonik, Vitez, and Žepa.[40] At the Čelebići facility, Serb civilians were subjected to various forms of torture and sexual abuse, including rape.[52] At Dretelj the majority of prisoners were Serbian civilians, who were held in inhumane conditions, while female detainees were raped and told that they would be held until they gave birth to an "Ustaša".[53]

>In Doboj, Bosnian Serb forces separated the females from the men and then facilitated the rape of some women by their own male family members. Women were questioned as to male relatives in the city, and one woman's fourteen-year-old son was forced to rape her."[55]


Fuck these people, seriously.

what the fuck is wrong with serbs?

what happened to them after the war?

Spoken like someone who doesn't understand the concept of military reciprocity.The Germans were the first to commit such atrocities in all the lands that were encompassing the Eastern Front,the Russians have just responded in a similar fashion.


I can refer a good book for ww2 history about the british raj if you are interested.

Rape occured on all sides. Lack of discipline.

>held 4
>only raped 3
>only sold 3
Awww he fell in love