/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Last Thread >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.03

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Out of Date):

>DFHack (Out of Date):

>Starter Pack (Out of Date):

>More DF stuff:
pastebin.com/AnsHjQ40 (embed)

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:
pastebin.com/iAduXzjn (embed)

Strike the earth!

Well, it's a damn shame this only lasts until I leave the screen, and the zombie merchants respawn.


Bumping with a reminder of the bug:

>hear of a beast attack and travel to a ruin I've passed by twice
>dig in and kill the cyclops that destroyed the fortress (how?)
>butcher him
>climb to the top of the fortress
>hurl his skull from it

Ah, it's nice to see the old fort still kicking.

I consider making a hospital area, but we only have 6 wooden logs, and no way to secure anymore for the time being, so I hold off on that.

I notice that a lot of dogs were marked for war training, but no animal training zone was ever designated, so I put it in the old stockpile room that was mined out earlier.

I hope you guys are okay with mundane updates like this. It's a decent way to keep the thread alive.

As I look around the fort, there actually IS a hospital area.


I actually had a snatcher stop by; which coincided with a goblin siege of just 6 crossbowmen, which was unusually wanting

It seems this dog was also put up for training. Poor thing.

I unmark it. It's existence is probably miserable enough already.

I think that's the use of the mini-map actually, doesn't it help you view hospitals and shit via the Rooms/Buildings menu?

Also tossing out upscaled curses for the hell of it.

I'm trying to figure out how to tame things. I've got some Elk Birds chilling out in tightly closed rooms, having been tamed up to some level of Trained. My only concern is that, now that they're out of the cages, no one is coming by to feed them and they're not grazing.

Is it because the cave moss is only sparse, or is there something I don't know about?

I want a dwarf fortress inspired mod for total war warhammer

>his right eye tooth is gone
>right eye tooth
>eye tooth
What the fuck kind of dog is that thing.

And we still have this guy to worry about. Normally I'd sic my marksdwarf squad after him, but we don't currently have one.

I queued up a couple crossbows to be made, but the problem lies in training them. I usually just have a fuckload of wooden bolts be made and let them have at it, but Girderpalace needs all the wood it can get. It seems copper is the only reasonable choice for training them, and I'm not sure if anyone had anything in mind for the usage of copper.

It seems the only two with any marksdwarf experience are the tanner and the spinner, and both pretty low with that. Two peasants are put in, to make it look slightly less pathetic.

I hope we have enough leather.

Stripped down, just HD and no effects, round dorfs.

I want a Kill Six Billion Demons mod, if it wasn't for the eventual artifact/myth/etc release I'd try to do it now, but bleh.

I know the population of turkeys is already quite high, but having more eggs isn't a bad thing. Besides, if they get too out of control they can always be systematically butchered.

Elves, eh?

Well, let's just hope they brought some animals along.

Incidentally, as I haven't done shit for fort mode in a while and may as well see if I can't fuck it up amazingly for ya'll, I'll toss my hat in the ring for a turn.


You're funny, guy.

Some of our dwarves have...interesting tastes. Must be all that medical stuff they do.

That and the apocalyptic state of their civ outside the fort.

I trade some gems for some grown wood. We aren't gonna be getting any fungiwood for a while, and we need all the wood we can get in this place.

>"rustling fabric"
that's some rare thread right there I wonder how the trading civ had control of this material, weird raw calculations (other than some crossing the streams with vaults and proximity to it)

it's random. a function of the not-yet-fully-smoothed-over instrument functions. you see it pretty regularly, actually

ah right, that explains the forgotten beast leather bellows and bagpipes and such and such

After trading away a few more gems for all their wood, I designate a leatherworking and tanner workshops. They may not get much use, but it's nice to have them anyway.

how far out of date is the starter pack

Hmm. It seems as if something's making these dwarves sick.

It's 0.42 and the game is updated to 0.43 so.

what's the minus of 42 and 43

Ngggg, skyfire bad!

one century

someone in the last thread said you can learn medicine from libraries, is that true

You can learn how to dance and write alt-history fiction from books, so why not?

The Marksdwarves are finally training for once.

...Hm. I'm running out of even mundane updates. Perhaps I should do something interesting.

A strange mood!

...and it's possession. I wonder if he'll make anything interesting.

He claims a clothier's workshop..

...and idles in it. Uh oh.

He needs cloth, bones (!), stone, raw gems, cut gems, stone again, and wood.

I can only hope the pig tails bloom soon enough. If not, I might have to breach the caverns once again.

one sock, coming right up

It seems my only option to getting cloth would be to pierce the walls into the cavern and have them collect webs. With the military as it is, that's unacceptable. All I can do as of now is hope that he doesn't go berserk, as there's really not much room to wall him in.

I can't remember if a hospital has been set up yet or not, can you reclaim some cloth from there?

No dice.

Oh boy.

Well, did any of you bring cloth?

A new stairwell is designated, isolated from the other in case it needs to be walled off. This one is going to go far deeper than the other ones.

Let's get dangerous.

Guys w-wtf is going on? This is the third dwarf that died on me


Another one? Well, whatever.

By the way, here are the new arrivals:

-4 fucking traders
-1 siege operator
-1 architect
-1 mechanic
-1 cook
-1 butcher (as if we need another)
-1 brewer
-1 woodcrafter
-1 craftsdwarf
-1 gem setter
-1 papermaker
-1 weaponsmith
-1 miller
-1 child

We are now 108 dwarves strong.

I should make new rooms.

>werebeast appears
>dashes towards my animal pasture
>breaks one of my alpaca's legs

The queen herself decides to help dig out the tunnel.

This cancellation spam is killing me.

Who the hell destroys mugs, man?

Oh dear.

Hey /dfg/, I'm building a castle around my fort entrance, and I can't settle for a height. Here's a picture comparison of the two heights I think make the most sense.
The dark grey see-through blocks represent fortifications.
The brown blocks in the corners are up/down stairs.
Should the walls be taller? Maybe thicker?

no, that looks pretty good to me the way it is. I like that it's 2-thick to prevent anyone dodging through it (and so that soldiers can stand on it

We've managed to hit the SMR without actually hitting any more caverns or the magma sea itself. Also I hope these leather bags will shut the goddamn job cancellations up a little. Sheesh.

Every 3x3 embark is guaranteed to have at least one needle of pure cyan glory. It's a simple fact of Dwarf Fortress.

This is not a 3x3 embark. We may get none. Only time will tell.

... So 1 high or 2 high?

Ah, there it is.

Are ambushes just sieges with 5-10 invaders now?

Well, let's see if we can find our vein.

...if it spawned.

Well, he finally snapped.

At least he's not breserk

Girderpalace now has its first elite soldier! Very nice.

2 tile or higher walls prevents siegers (and adventurers) from grabbing the ledge of the fortification and climbing through it.
be aware that the higher you build it, the less LOS to the ground the dwarves (and enemies) will have. test this in arena/adventure mode.

2 tile wide walls prevents military from dodging through, in case that bug hasn't been fixed yet

BLOCK walls should be used instead of raw materials, because rock blocks come 4-to-1 and prevent climbing vertically with perfect effectiveness (but not ledge holds)

keeping the path that's behind the fortifications a single tile forces any marksdwarves to be immediately next to the fortification and thus maintain as much sight as possible through it.

using walls to seperate your fortifications isn't necessary; you can completely use fortifications only... unless you intend to accept that blocking LOS of your marksdwarves is FUN.


Whatever. I'll put it in the queue.

oh and:
1-tile wide moats are not sufficient any more. enemies will jump over gap with ease. moats must be at least 2 tiles wide.

any moat should probably extend out from your wall to the distance where your dwarves will definitely be able to see enemies and not have their LOS blocked by their elevation and position behind fortifications. For every tile of elevation i suggest at least 2 tiles of moat width, to force enemies into LOS and away from the wall.

enemies that swim through water or magma will do so. make sure all your liquid access points are properly U-bend and grate secured if you want to be safe and avoid FUN.

enemies that fly will nullify all surface seigecraft. hope that elves or goblins do not have flying mounts. put a roof on everything or just don't build a surface castle if you want to avoid this.

The second axe lord has risen.

Thanks, user. How's a 2 tile deep moat with spike traps at the bottom?

You can hang a fortification over a wall.
d #
[ ] g

Can't climb up (outside of occasional ninja magic, seen it happen, dunno, the game just goes "FUCK IT, THESE GUYS ARE GETTING UP THERE NOW" sometimes, VERY rare, like 18 years of zombie sieges outside a barrier like this and randomly got like 6 zombies climbing impossible paths) but can still shoot down (and be shot at naturally.

Put a floor over the fortification and pillbox or your dorfs will climb out like retards sooner or later.

2 wide can't be jumped over so that's good. (unless you're an adventurer moving at faster than walking)
Enemies will only climb when they really have to, and a pit that's dry can be climbed into and out of no matter how deep. (well, unless the pathfinding breaks) weapon traps with giant spikes or spears in them, on every tile of that pit/trench, could perform well in any case even with just 1 weapon in them.

upright spears/spikes however need the entire trap filled with spears/spikes to have a good chance of hitting (since the enemy only gets the chance of be "hit" once, when they fall on the upright spikes trap)

Ideally you'd want to flood the bottom level with water to drown any survivors, and give it a drain so you can recover any metallic items left behind for recycling

also, always make sure where you're digging/channeling out of, because you don't want to accidentally open a hole into your fortress.

oh, and if you really want to get autistic you can setup an automatic repeater system to constantly retract and extend the upright spikes traps, so they constantly get stabby on anyone who falls in.

just be aware that unless an enemy is being attacked, there's really no way for them to misplace a step and go tumbling in; everyone moves perfectly, unless they're dodging an attack or are going insane. (and invaders don't go insane)

Nevermind about that moat, built my barracks right under where the moat should've been.

dig deeper
not just a meme

I guess I know what (not) to do next time.

Nah, what you do is set up a dry moat withminecart tracks and a checkpoint-ramp powered repeater, and load it with silver carts.

Is that to run goblins over?

Goblins, wildlife, clumsy dorfs, pretty much anything.

Has anybody here ever seen Toady in their dreams?

i remember i had a dream once about some weird patch notes but that's about it


bon appétit

>critically endangered megafauna
>dorfs will kill the very last ones just to sate their decadent tastes


>get their shit stomped in
>do the stomping

Eye teeth/cuspids/canine teeth, they're the four fang-like teeth in a mammal's mouth.
So a normal dog.

Wish I could draw fag up a pic with literal eyeball teeth now.

"Seriously, your goddamn dog creeps me the fuck out, Urist."

/dgf/ is DEAD. i am NOT upset by this

I'm here. Please rate this small, shitty section of fort I made.


Its alright. It's very textured and has a lot of things going on but it's not very utilitarian.

>The supports are confusing... traps or?
>the layout isn't too default, I can dig it
>this section right here though is the best

>messy, non-standardised, assymetric stair designs
>messy stockpile designation(are those supports part of a collapsing roof trap? if yes, bear in mind that the trap will scatter all the items in that room)
>letting dead dorf, along with all his belongings, rot in the pond

>>letting dead dorf, along with all his belongings, rot in the pond

It's also the drinking pond.

Don't mock me too much, this is the first game I've played since 2009, I can tell it's pretty awful bt this is sort of a practice fort. Here's the main level of shitty fort.
thanks user

Hey man, I wasn't hating, it amuses the hell out of me.

You don't need supports anymore btw.

Really? But I had a cave-in earlier when I dug out a large chunk of surface, so I thought they would still be necessary

This actually came up before, literally a dog got it's eye tooth damaged and it triggered my friend's autism

>decide to head back to my glacier fortress after crossing frozen seas and mountains on a high adventure that lead to the slaying of a cyclops that destroyed a fortress
>take the long road home instead of crossing the mountains
>sleep in a hamlet
>wake up to the sheriff talking about bandits troubling them
>ask him about it
>he tells me about 4 other bandit groups before I decide these people need my help

Oh shit everyone here is elite/legendary.

Time to strangle them in their sleep.

Any horizontal support is sufficient.
