>get a better job
>call up wagecuck job manager to tell her I quit without notice
>thank her for employing me
>pick up paycheck right after and never come back
Has anyone done this?
>get a better job
>call up wagecuck job manager to tell her I quit without notice
>thank her for employing me
>pick up paycheck right after and never come back
Has anyone done this?
One of life's greatest treasures is quitting a job without notice or telling anyone at work about it.
I pick up my most recent check and just don't go to work that day. I stay home playing videogames for hours, knowing I've saved up enough to enjoy the next month or two off before my job starts.
It's ecstasy when I check my phone and see something hilarious like 6 missed calls from work.
Get fucked, manager.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, my friend.
I'm thinking about pretending to be nice to my bitch manager who's passive aggressive as fuck. I would just stop going to work there but I have friends that I will miss and want to say goodbye to.
Nah, I'm kind of friends with most of my managers. Would feel like a cunt and wouldn't want to burn any bridges even if walking out felt good in the moment. Even if the job is hell, riding out the two week notice and biting your tongue is the better option.
I did once, and I regretted it just because I'm a better human being than that. Burning bridges with past employers is not my thing.
You're a degenerate. It's incredibly sad that you're bragging about your lack of manners on a Lilliputian lumberjack clothing exchange website.
I once walked out with a simple mail notice after 2 weeks on the job, because it turned out to be absolute shit and the co-workers were troglodytes.
I regret nothing, fuckers omitted all the shitty aspects during interview.
Now I have a much better job and the boss is a bro.
Not everyone works at McDonald's
>quitting on bad terms
I mean, it's one thing if it's a shitty retail job...
That's so badass. Quitting a job the way 75% of other people probably do too.
Shit wage slave positions don't give a shit if you give them a two week notice or not. It takes like an hour to train someone and they have hundreds of applications in reserve because turnover rates are so high. But good for you for sticking it to the man!
lmfao i remember so vividly i worked at mcdonalds one summer, told the manager that im giving my 2 weeks for medical reasons, she told me to just leave
>be me
>be 911 dispatcher
>bullshit babysitting gig
>the great hamb beast waddles in
>is sherrifs daughter
>says im now your boss and u need to do all this
>nope, you need to waddle your fat cow ass the uo up out of here
>wait 5 minutes
>user you are fire
>you know it bruh
>collect that unemployment
>alsontold a trucking company they had 48 hours to get me to a terminal or i would abandon thier truck. AFTER I SET IT ON FIRE.
I gave 2 weeks notice at my job I quit. They paid me 2 weeks severance and escorted my ass out the same day I gave notice. They didnt want me having access to client records after they knew I was leaving.
aren't you guys ever worried about them getting back at you????
They have all your info and SSN... aren't you scarred?
You sue them if they do anything
As if that's easy or affordable, or provable.
What if they sell your info on the darknet or whatever?
>You're a degenerate. It's incredibly sad that you're bragging about your lack of manners on a Lilliputian lumberjack clothing exchange website.
We're all degenerates here, hello newfag
Speak for yourself.
So always save all data you have access to just before you notice you will quit.
It's an anime imageboard my man
We're not exactly model citizens here. Nothing wrong with being a degenerate anyways, might I suggest
we aren't all blue collar wagecucks
Some jobs deserve it, it doesnt make him a degenerate without context
>get fired from wagecorp Target
>get hired at local steakhouse/country restaurant business
>hired as hostess
>want more hours and money? you're a busboy now
>do it for 3 weeks
>get a better job offer at amazon wagehouse that pays 13.50/hr plus lots of overtime and monthly bonuses
>having to start immediately the next day
>it's a friday
>tell manager on thursday after i clock out for my shift i wont be coming in anymore for anymore of my shifts
>why not?
>found a better job with better pay
>he's pissed "blah blah if you ever need work dont come looking here"
>just thinking this fucking asshole
>apologize anyway just say i need the money
>welp i understand but an apology doesnt do me any good now does it?
never giving notice again
Kek, I guess you don't put those jobs on your resume
what does degenerate even mean?
That word is thrown around so much by retarded /pol/ users that it seems to have lost any meaning. What, exactly, IS a degenerate?
>deliberately living off savings
Remain poor
Last two jobs I had to quit I gave months of notice that included an explanation. I made it clear to them that I was quite happy at the positions and I respected that they had their own hiring and scheduling problems so I wanted to give them excess notice. I made a pretty good effort to do quality work my last two weeks. Exit interviews went fine and I ended up with good references for future jobs.
I guess if they were jobs I really hated things might have gone differently.
Haven't done this since I was in high school. I graduated to jobs worth working after that...
What are you still doing working at Game Stop in your 20s? Cashier work is for children and geriatrics.
>Take call center job, pretty sure it was going to be shit
>One month of paid "training"
>Start taking calls for a week, callers are cool, unfortunately the job is shit and they should just replace me with a robot (troubleshooting but forced to attempt sales on customers we've fucked over, follow a list of steps, get off the call asap).
>Stop showing up
Them kind of did
Right after they answered to my resignation e-mail I got this iTunes ( I dont have that) spam that I bought a an album and if I want to cancel to order followed the link. Since then I still got 2 or 3 emails of the same type.
Anyone knows how I stop this spam? I mark it as spam but no use
I just want to point out one thing.
>fired or lay off without notice at anytime
OK and within your boss' rights
>Quit without notice
You're the worst person in the world