I got really inspired by the user who made the money4anon website and made a website of my own. How do I go about promoting my website? How do i start affiliate programs and online ads? How do I get people to join my community? Any tips and help are appreciated.
I got really inspired by the user who made the money4anon website and made a website of my own...
Other urls found in this thread:
try killing yourself
nobody gives a fuck about your shitty product and if you can't get past those simple steps you listed, there is no fucking way you are ready to manage a community
Learn Google SEO
What disturbs me most is not your shitty attitude, but your contempt for someone who is just trying to create something himself and to sustain a living.
Thanks, will look in to it.
Hey, money4anon guy here.
I can't tell from your post if you're doing the method I laid out or if you're talking about getting affiliates for you own product.
What exactly are you looking for help with?
How much money are you trying to make from the money4anon site?
No goal. Whatever it makes it makes, man.
I didn't put it up primarily to make money, but since a site is required for the method, why not? I'm not shilling something I don't use or believe in, you can see in the namesilo screenshots I'm using siteground for most of the domains shown, and I even tell people out right it's a shekel link.
link to your website?
I bought a domain from google for like 10 bucks and I tried to make a makeshift review site/forum community. Not the best with it but I would like to know how to promote it
Forums are probably out of your league to be honest dude.
There are some ways to fake a forum community until you actually have one, but the best way to get forum going is to make the community first, then launch the forum.
Forums aren't that profitable, though. No real point in them unless you have an existing community that wants to get in touch with each other and you.
So what would you suggest? How do I get traffic?
In your guide why do you say that setting up your own website on wordpress is harder when it's not only free, but it's easier because it's user friendly?
I don't say the actual act of making the site is easier, I say it makes the method easier.
It's about perception.
We're dealing with real people when commenting to get traffic. The SEO and residual traffic down the road is a shot in the dark, the real benefit is the immediate traffic from people reading your comments and clicking on the link you offer.
buymyshit.wordpress.com looks like spam, and far fewer people will click on it vs buymyshit.com.
One looks like you're promoting your own personal shitty blog, the other looks like you're promoting a site that helped you, because people think websites = legitimate and regulated, even though they aren't.
That and this is a fairly common method.
For every one person doing it with their own site, there's 1000 plus doing it with a .blogspot or a .wordpress site. Having a .com and basic non-spammy comments that appear to genuinely recommend a site that personally helped you makes you stand out and get far more traffic.
Feel free to try it on blogspot or wordpress, though. I'm not saying it won't work period, I'm saying that you're leaving money on the table. For every 100 visits you bring to your .blogspot or .wordpress you'd have probably gotten 1000 on a .com.
i understood all of that thanks man
just another question if you don't mind. For the "mynichereview" method, does it ultimately matter what you pick so long as you're generally knowledgeable about the product? I'm actually genuinely into a certain product and I followed a few people here and there on youtube that review the numerous products. Now that I look at it, it makes sense that they're also doing it for the shekels. Anyways, my question is, does it matter if there are already a lot of people doing this sort of meta, when you're also looking to get your foot in the door? I can only imagine how many "smart phone review" sites there are, as they're all competing for their share of hits.
Should I try and pick a niche as unique as possible?
>Should I try and pick a niche as unique as possible?
No. The bigger the niche, the better.
Since we're relying on commenting to gain traffic, we have to have something to comment on. If you Google your niche and click the news tab and don't see like 10 articles posted in the past 1-2 hours, your niche is too small.
Really, 2 things should influence your niche:
1) Size. Bigger is better. People need to be talking about it, and want things related to it. Fitness, money, beauty, sleep, power, etc.
2) Payout. Does it have something with about a $50 per sale payout? It's easier to convince 1 out of 100 people to spend $100 on something than to convince 100 people to spend $1 on something.
Also, it sounds like you're thinking about starting a legit site, which is fine, but the real mechanics of this are you have 1 real page you're promoting, the positively reviewed product with the good payout ($50+). The other pages are there to make it look like a real site.
Then you go and comment and send traffic to that page. You don't have to get a foot in the door. It's just Traffic > Page > Checkout. That's our tiny little sale's funnel.
What if I want to make money on a legit website? Like writing articles and shit. Is that even possible anymore?
I already have a niche in mind.
But let's say that there already exist a lot of established and well known people/hubs out there for this certain niche. Why would someone that fancies himself a hobbyist want to go to some new and literally who's site- compared to someone who actually dedicates a lot to reviews and affiliate products etc and puts in a lot of quality into their work (as in, they're legit). How could I possibly every compete with that if I'm trying to pull a 3 on a scale of shill(1) to legit (10)?
Would I still get anybody coming to my website?
>But let's say that there already exist a lot of established and well known people/hubs out there for this certain niche.
Completely irrelevant with this man.
Go to Google right now and type in "How to lose weight" and click on the news tab.
This is the second one, and it allows comments.
So you could say "This is complete misinformation. ALL weight lose is simply calories in, calories out. I wish people would quit making up pipe dream fantasies about such a simple concept, we'd all be so much better off. See LINK TO SITE for a no bullshit way to get lean."
Simple as that. People who read the article see it and click the link. Same on Facebook.
You're not convincing hobbyist and enthusiasts to go to your site. You convincing people that read "news" articles and facebook normies.
It's entirely possible but beyond what I'm willing to explain here. It takes a lot of time (1+ years), and a LOT of work. There's no real blackhat way of doing it legit. It takes hundreds of hours of writing, and thousands of hours of promoting.
buy an established website and improve what you see necessary
if you can't raise the funds to do so then you would've never succeed at creating one in the first place
get a job
Do you at least have any tips on promoting?
I was planning to write these articles for my tumblr anyway. I don't have enough followers there to shill effectively but I know how to play tags to make sure interested parties see whatever I post.
aaaaah, that makes a lot more sense now, it's where you shill that counts.
I can't even begin to imagine how mut munee you've made from this since you started (which I bet is also a while back). Still, I also reckon you didn't just stop at this method. It's just like you said, a good way of making casual bucks- all the other knowledge and skills come later I bet.
This isn't about building a site. It's about affiliate sales.
>Do you at least have any tips on promoting?
Be controversial. Purposfully anger groups of people.
1. Annoyance
2. Hate
3. Curiosity
4. Admiration
Look at huge stars like Justin Beiber, Kanye, Paris Hilton. or Kardashian. They all do this.
Better yet, look at Vegan Gains on youtube. Went to nearly 300k subs in less than a year by making "fitness youtuber xyz... worst of the fitness industry" vids. Those older vids had like 1 like for every 20 dislikes, now it's nearly reversed.
We're in the age of PC, it's never been easier provided you can take the heat, and actually have a real message people can identify and agree with after they stop seeing red. I'd recommend really learning some basic psychology and marketing before this, though.
Shit, you're right.
Feels dirty to look to clickbait but as long as there's substance underneath I won't feel guilty about it.
I actually know exactly what buttons to press.
Hey dude.
I have a Veeky Forums related website, too. Meme Market. It's a WIP.
We should start an elite coalition of Veeky Forums web developers.
Any link to this guide?
>elite coalition of Veeky Forums web developers
I'm not a web developer, I'm an entrepreneur/internet marketer.
Close enough. Welcome to the Club.
So what's your plan with Meme Market? How do you plan on monetizing it?
Eventually Meme Market will be a real money exchange. My plan is to charge people to IPO their own Meme. Trading will be free.
It will be like poloniex meets robinhood. What do you think?
I'm not sure I really get it. When someone invests what exactly are they investing in? Whether or not the popularity of a certain meme goes up or down?
>Whether or not the popularity of a certain meme goes up or down?
Basically. Why buy meme stocks like CERU when you can just buy memes/trends directly?
Well... One is an actual company that has some kind of tangible value, and the other isn't.
Alt-coins are fucking dumb, but retards still buy into them because they think they have, or will have value eventually because they're pitched as a form of currency. I don't know how you're going to convince people to invest in the popularity of trends, even with the majority of people being idiots.
was it autism?
Oh nice, actually just wrote my first clickbank review and found a thread. Ask me anything. I've also had a site where I did amazon affiliate and I wrote ~11 articles on vacuum cleaners (reviewed them) dropped it without sales, because it was too hard to write reviews and i was very uninterested in vacuum cleaners.
the hardest part is getting traffic.
You're a fucking retard.
The only value is the psychological value we humans put on it. Which is perfect, because the site is designed to be a resource that measures the psychological value of trends. Things that are popular are worth money in and of themselves: Think about when Harambe was the most popular thing around, you could have sold gorilla t-shirts during that time. You could have made an edgy youtube video ranting about harambe and make money that way. To make money, all you need to know is what is gaining popularity and what is on it's way out, and for that you check on Meme Market. It would be the most accurate popularity measuring instrument of all time, and real marketing companies will be able to use the market data to quantify and compare trends. But for the everyday user, Meme Market provides a way for you to cash out on trends without starting your own bumperstick company, and it's as easy as buying and selling stocks.
Imagine, you're watching the news, and you see another black man has been gunned down by our beloved police officers! You look at %BlackLivesMatters and see the price hasn't shot up yet. So you buy a few shares of %BLM, and it absolutely moons. Or imagine you're very bullish on %BLM, let's say you speculate new laws to pass concerning systematic police racism, you're political knowledge can earn you serious money.
Or imagine you notice an amazing hot trend that isn't on the exchange yet. "Blindfolded yoga" or something. You IPO 100,000 shares for $0.01 each (total: $1,000). People catch on and the price goes up to $0.03. You sell all 100,000 of your shares and now you have $3,000. You just made $2,000 profit.
I have a question, why use clickbank instead of an amazon affiliate?
Might be looking to far ahead here, but I like to plan things out, so please humor me. Are there any legal issues with this method? How do I report these funds to the IRS?
I am curious about this as well.
I imagine that any affiliate network that cuts you a check would also issue a 1099 form
bought a website and domain from siteground. I don't understand why I would have to do the 3rd step on the website tutorial page. What does that actually do? I got my domain name from siteground, and I can already access my website from my browser. What does linking my DNS to a NameSilo account do?
>builds a webguide on how to create review sites with tips such as: Don't use a free blog service, to help lend legitimacy. Review several products, giving some of the products bad reviews while talking up your affiliated product. Shill these on relevant sites.
>The guide itself isn't hosted on a free blog site. Included within is a mini review on web hosting services, talking up his own. Shilled right here on Veeky Forums.
I C Wut U Did Der
>What disturbs me most is not your shitty attitude, but your contempt for someone who is just trying to create something himself and to sustain a living.
Not him but if you're disturbed by someone on an imageboard calling your idea shit you have no chance whatsoever
It just means you can buy your hosting and domain name from different places.
I haven't checked but I'm guessing his way works out cheaper
Because Amazon commissions start at 4%, and are physical goods that people would rather just watch a YT review for actually showing off the item.
Clickbank in most cases is an infoproduct worth around $50 with upsales and usually around 75% omissions.
This. Clickbank is 100% legit and legally functioning business and reports all earned income, so you need to file accordingly otherwise say goodbye to your angus.
I love how people keep pointing this out to feel clever. Yes, the Siteground hosting is a shekel link, I literally point this out in the same sentence I link to it in. So smart.
>It just means you can buy your hosting and domain name from different places.
Exactly. I could have made the guide simpler doing it that way, but I genuinely like and use namesilo bc they don't upsell a bunch of shit and have free whois privacy, so I made the guide use them. I could have used a shekel link for them too, but honestly the $1 per sale isn't worth bothering.
>Clickbank is 100% legit and legally functioning business and reports all earned income, so you need to file accordingly otherwise say goodbye to your angus.
I'm guessing it's region specific or can anyone across this shithole planet do this?
Hey bud, glad you're back, I had another question. I've got my site up and running, and I've got the basic formatting down, and it's time for me to start writing reviews. In your post you say it is okay to just copy paste reviews from online. Is this not illegal in any way? My niche is fitness and I'm planning on copying some book reviews. No way to get in trouble from this?
Also, will clickbank provide me with a W2? I'm not sure how to file income from the internet.
and another question. Will I be dropped from the service if I write a somewhat negative review and then still hoplink to the product? There is no positivity clause or any dumb bullshit like that right?
I would also like to know this, I was going to leave a link on my bad reviews because, why not? And it looks more legit than just linking the good one
>Yes, the Siteground hosting is a shekel link, I literally point this out in the same sentence I link to it in. So smart.
Hey! Have you heard about the gold rush going on? Easy money! It takes a little bit of work, but once you get a dig established, the profits just come rolling in. Tell you what, here's a little pamphlet telling you what you need to do to strike it rich. Of course, you'll need a shovel and pick ax. I just so happen to sell some. I'm not going to lie, I'll make a little bit off the sale, but you'll need these things anyway, so why not buy from me?
>In your post you say it is okay to just copy paste reviews from online. Is this not illegal in any way?
No one will ever notice, the amount of plagiarism on the internet is astronomical (check out copyscape), and in the event of that actually happening, you'll just get a DMCA removal notice and you'll just need to copy/paste another. Just make sure your contact page actually works.
Always include the link just in case, no reason not to. And no, they won't flag you or anything, you can't prove a subjective opinion wrong.
>Internet marketing is Satan!
Please give me one legitimate reason you think this method doesn't work.
>No way to get in trouble from this?
Read up on duplicate content penalty.
Also, if you are monetizing from Amazon, and you copy (especially if you copy Amazon reviews), you are liable to lose your affiliate account. This usually happens just before they are about to send you a fat check.
>Read up on duplicate content penalty.
This only applies to SEO, which you shouldn't give a shit about for this method (or ever, really). And amazon is for chumps, unless you're making an entire niche site, in which case you're still kind of a chump.
The fact that he's using affiliate marketing on his website just lends more credence to the fact that affiliate marketing works in general. And if you're that paranoid about making other people money, you can just go to siteground or wherever else without using his link.
How long does it really take to build traffic to where you would even earn one dollar? Seen big ranges that mention doing all the right seo and other links that it will still take at least 3 months. Have hosting already and about $300 for articles to set up 5 or so niche sites and willing to make the investment even if it takes a year of occasional seo and new articles but I want to know what to expect
The first day. This method has nothing to do with SEO or "micro niche sites", which haven't been worth it for at least half a decade.
So this new strategy is to have content where you are as controversial as possible? You mentioned PC being positive in that you could just start hating on SJWs for example and effectively use them to get clickbait. just name a lot of people by names and they flip the fuck out and get you thousands of backlinks?
>So this new strategy is to have content where you are as controversial as possible?
>And amazon is for chumps
Bollocks. It is one of the most profitable links on the web. You're an amateur, user.
Amazon is low commision for high traffic, anons strategy is high commision for low, directed traffic. Less work
I'm not saying this isn't bad but this is exactly what I was talking about with niche sites, the only difference posted is outright forcibly posting links on news sites.
>might as well try it all
Did you just shill your own site? meme market dot net is a real website that looks like a piece of shit someone hacked together roughly 12 hours ago
How do I pay taxes on this income? btw im an ice nigger
I am now in the spamming phase. Any extra tips for me? I feel like a coon.
I want to fuck with facebook and twitter, but I have never used social media before. How does this shit work? How do I get people to follow me?
One of the guys on the discord channel made a how-to blog too. www.bettrfastr.com
lol that's crazy... No, that .net is not my site. Here's a link if you're curious:
Hum... Is your beta a .jpeg?
That's just concept art for now. I'm going to launch the pre-beta soon. I've been coding feverishly like there's no tomorrow, and I have to say it's really coming together. And also when it finally comes out, it will have it's own domain, not weebly kek.
More info is on the site:
>Less than 43 days from now Meme Market Pre-Beta will launch. MM Pre-Beta will not use real currency, and it will be an invitation-only system. People who are invited will start out with a set amount of "cash" and will be able to trade memes with other players. Pre-Beta will be used to test out the various systems. If you want an invitation to Pre-Beta, keep an eye on the Veeky Forums and /pol/ catalogs. Invitations will NOT be sent through email, and will be first come, first serve. People playing Pre-Beta will have a large amount of input on the direction of the project and will help decide the rules & regulations.
Alright, good luck but we'll believe it when we see it bud
>I'm not saying this isn't bad but this is exactly what I was talking about with niche sites
No, it's not. It's Build Landing Page > Links for direct traffic > Landing page > Sale.
This has nothing to do with building a niche site, or SEO. Put the hammer down and you'll stop thinking everything is a nail.
See the questions section, I think that was you there as well.
This is literally the same shit that's been regurgitated for a decade and is for chumps.
"You HAVE to be passionate about it" hue
Building a niche site with a real audience is possible, but it isn't quick or easy money. And SEO/linkbuilding is laughable when you learn basic, real marketing, which makes "competition" unimportant because you aren't fighting for the #1 spot in the SERPs, you're simply fighting for attention on the same playing field.
This guide was made by someone that read some shit like smartpassiveincome and just rewrote the basic ideas of it.
He says noobs have to be passionate to not drop out, not experienced people...
That still doesn't make recycled useless advice useful.
Yeah... Commenting on news site is the innovation of the century, thanks for telling us, what would we ever have done without you
There's an inherent difference in what's being said.
Mine: a quick way to make a decent bit of money so you can use your time to learn real marketing, and develop an actual skill to offer on a legit site. Or just scale for cash.
His: how to build a legit site, but is leading into the same SEO pipe dream fantasy people have been pitching since Google Sniper. Literally the equivalent of "If you build it, they will come".
If you already have an actual skill, or knowledge to actually continually churn out content, and products, there are infinitely more time efficient traffic sources to focus on than SEO, and link building.
Not to mention the chances of success in someone's first venture in either method aren't very high.
My worst case scenario: someone wastes a few hours and doesn't find success.
His worst case scenario: someone wastes weeks, or months churning out content and building links and doesn't find success.
Gotcha. Didn't get the vibe he wants to rank legit sites though, just thought he meant "don't post retarded spammy shit cause ppl will smell it, and maybe you end up ranking well after a while".
I'm going off of the first post where he lays out the planned posts, because there isn't anything about marketing your site in there.
Just so you and everyone else knows, the act of publishing content in and by itself will get you no where. It can be the best, most researched, engaging content on the entire internet, but it won't get a single view until you start marketing it.
"Content is king" is a myth. Marketing is king. Content is a marketing tool. 90+% of your time spent to earn money online should be spent marketing what you've got to offer.