if you are missing nimirum ICO right now, you are stupid.
if you are missing nimirum ICO right now, you are stupid.
>please buy my shitcoin
My opinion for anyone looking to buy into nimirum
It's OK.. it's going to get overbought when it gets big though, that's the only problem with it, I can for sure see that when people start to really pick up on it that they will heavily invest on it. It's really just in the super early stages right now.
The roadmap looks good. Watching closely.
17 bitcoins raised so far....
they only started the ico a few days ago
im pretty sure with the 3 weeks or so they have left they will raise a good amount like 250+
good looking project, but will they be able to hit deadlines? time will tell..
>forum with no moderation
Oh yes, a place with outrageous amounts of shitposting is just what I need.
Yhea there is a good team behind, I'm sure they have the knowledge to develop a decentralised forum.
>visit their terrible designed official website with garbage responsiveness.
>4 people team includes one woman and one graphic designer?
>only one post on their blog and it's about referral program!?
Typical ponzy scam
desu idgaf if their website is a ponzi, it's a paying ponzi. they paid me out 0.03 today
if looks had anything to do with being able to develop, half of the btc community would look bad.
ex: ETH
look how bad vitalik looks lol
le funny woman cant be devs meme
>tfw they wouldnt post a picture of monte or josh because they are both chads
>not realizing they are in early stages of development
>of course they are a 4 person team, they don't have millions of dollars of funding (yet) you fucking clown
>waaah my projection that women cant code :^so what?
Typical idiot who cant even spell ponzi right
btw im not even invested in nimirum, i just think you are projecting hard on stupid points.
There's so much shilling in this thread. I bet you're all the same guy who's heavily invested into this shitcoin.
""""heavily invested""""
>17btc total investments
pick one
actually forgot the avg investment of a Veeky Forums user is equillivant to a gumball
>coin about stopping censorship
>gets buttblasted at other people saying things you don't like
This shit coin is pitiful
What does the coin being about censorship have to do with anything he stated? Do you realize what censorship is exactly LOL?
Not going to post on this anymore as I feel like it would be like arguing with a rock, but by definition:
Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
If his post was DELETED that would be censorship. Him having a different opinion. That's not censorship dickwad
>0 features other coins havent yet done.
>Seedy 3rd worlder team.
>Ugly webpage.
Are you even trying m9.
heres your (You)
lol your main point you idiots can come up with is that they are ugly/3rd world.. i think trumpcoin is more your speed anyway, nimirum doesn't need low intellince people investing in it
inb4 ur epic roast on my misspelling
show me a coin that has all the features nimirum has including tor capability and ill send you $20 btc
Hi rebbit
hey OP, if only you weren't such a shot shill maybe your coin would be worth something.